On The Other Side Of The Mirror

On the Other Side of the Mirror

“Alexis, are you okay? Can you hear me? Say something.”

“Stop shouting, you're making a scene," I muttered.

Then, I snap my eyes open. Michael was hugging me.

“You scared the living shit out of me. If you EVER do that again try not to be so casual about it.”

“Sorry. Jeez, I didn't mean anything by it, sometimes I just get a
lil' weak. No, not for you either,” I add answering his unspoken question."

“Fine," he said cracking a smile.

“Let's go, we gotta get into some dry clothes...”

At home.

I had just finished changing clothes when I heard a thud. I stop myself from calling out and silently creep out of the room. The next thing I knew there was somebody’s arm around my waist and they shoved a tissue in my face. I inhaled it and met darkness for the second time that day.

Michael’s POV.

I heard I crash come from the bathroom, and go to check it out.

“Alexis? Are you okay in there?”

When she didn’t answer, so I came in. The flower vase that once stood on the sill was now shattered on the ground. I quickly move to the window where I see a man putting Alexis into a car. I jump out of the window and run towards the car, but it speeds off.

“Hey, ALEXIS!”

The car shrieks off and turns sharply before disappearing.

“Shit,” I muttered, "JX7SDE2."

Alexis’s POV.

“Ugh, what?”

As my eyes focus in, I look around.

“Where the hell am I?”

That's when I noticed I was tied to a chair.

“What’s da?”

Then, someone ties a blindfold over my eyes

“Hey! No stop! Somebody help!”

“Nobody is coming, doll.”

“That’s what YOU think, wait 'til Michael gets here! What do you want with me? ”

“We want to know where you came from ”

“My mom's--”

“Not like that. How’d you get here?”

“This guy's bedroom? Wooo... that sounded so wrong.”

“Tell us what we want to know. We will force it out of you.”

“I don’t know what your talking about.”

“What will it take? Mental abuse? Physical? Both?”


“Maybe, we'll take you to the well in the back...”

“Don’t you dare threaten me. If you kill me you can't get your information!”

The person untied me and walked me towards what I thought was the back.

Then, that's when I heard Michael calling my name.


“I'm in the back, hurry up and save me!”

“Don’t tell me how to save you, or rush me!”

“Excuse me? What exactly did you come here for then? To take your time and watch them torture me to death?”

“Did I say that? You're always putting words in my mouth!”

“Just get me out of here already!”

It got quiet then I got jerked backwards and hit the wall. Then I heard punches and kicks with a lot of "ouch"'s and "ow"'s.

“Did you get 'em all--”

I was cut off my gunshots. I let out a high pitched scream.

“What the hell is going on?!”

I said feeling around for the exit.

“Wait? What the hell am I doing?”

I take the blindfold off when I hear another gunshot and Michael’s cold-blooded scream.