On The Other Side Of The Mirror

On the Other Side of the Mirror

“Michael!” I screamed.

I ran over to him and crouched down to push him over.

“Oh my God.”

His shirt was already stained with his own blood.

“Get the girl!” somebody yelled.

I looked up sharply, but no one was coming, yet.

“Alexis... go on and get out of here!”

“What? I can’t leave you!”

“Listen to me--”

Then, the doors slam open and two men where in the room with us.

“Alexis, go!”


Then I acted on impulse. I ran over to the other wounded man who had shoot Michael and grabbed his gun.

“Stop!” I yelled, “don’t anybody move or I’ll s-sh-shoot!”

I backed up towards Michael and crouched down again.

“What the hell are you doing?” he hissed at me.

“Shut up and keep pressure on your shoulder,” I muttered never taking my eyes off of the two men.

I tried to help Michael up but he ended up doing it mostly by himself.

That’s when I noticed my hand was shaking, but I wasn’t the only who had noticed. The two men grew a smirk on their faces, and my body stiffen a little.

“Go!” I yelled to Michael.

We both started toward the back door, so I thought.

“C’mon, what are you doing?”
“I can’t I hurt my leg t--”

“You hurt your what?! You got shot in the damn shoulder, not the fucking leg!” I yelled already nervous as fuck.

“Just help me!”

I ran back to him and he cringed as he swung his bad arm over my shoulder. Then we started to half walk, half run backwards. When the two men started to shoot at us. I screamed and pushed Michael to the side behind a flipped table. Then I jumped the opposite way behind a large pole that helped support the building.

“What are you thinking?!”

“I don’t know! But you're covered get out of here!”

“Shit,” I heard Michael mumble.

“What? What is it?!”

Michael then threw his jacket in the middle of the air. The two men mistook it for him and began to shoot. When they realized it wasn’t him, they had to reload. Michael took this chance to run across towards me.

“What are y--”

I was cut off. Michael pushed me behind him and then with his good arm took the gun away from me. Then he pushed us both out into the opening and began to fire at the two man. As he limped backwards. He steadily pushed me backwards too, with his force. When we made it out the back way into an alley there was a car waiting for us. That pulled us in.


“Are you two okay?”

I looked at Michael who was now passed out.
♠ ♠ ♠
OK... to anyone who would like to help me: I need to find a picture to represent Michael so if you have a picture of what you'd like him to look like, send it to me please. =]

Sophia looks like this: