How I Feel

Right Now

Here we are down to the last wire. This hate peirces through my heart and soul. They don't understand why I do the things I do, say the shit I say. They can all go to hell. Yeah, I got my friend who "love me so", but hell, they can all shove it too. I got a man who knows me, but how much can he get out of me. I'm tired of the pain that lingers inside. After the shit that I've put up with for so long, I need to get out of this place, where no knows my name. I'd start a new life. But tonight, that's not going to happen. It will never happen. Tonight, I'll think about the love I once had for you all, while my blood drips to the floor in another frenzied attempt.

Plenty of people are thinking about this exact think right now. Plenty more of you are thinking, "What is the matter with you pathetic people". When you feel like this, don't listen to the people around you You can do better than other people. I feel like this alot. But in the end it will always be ok.

I was a cutter. I have scars all over me. I wish now that I hadn't have done that. But we all have our reasons. I had mine, you had yours. Or, you HAVE yours. It's ok. People tell you it's wrong, it's disgusting. It's not. In reality, chemicals called endorphines are released from the blood rushing towards the wound. The endorphines make the body feel better. It's not your fault. Trust me. My parents lost their minds. Trust me. It's ok.