Status: AWESOMES!!!!

Mismos Demonios


“Wow someone was high yesterday,” my best friend Regina aka Gina squealed.
6:00AM in the morning, walking towards the school. Only getting 2 ½ hours of sleep last night and I can barely walk. “Grrrr…” I growled, looking at her angrily.
“I bet that you didn’t get enough sleep.” She comprehended, slowing her pace down for me.
I rolled my eyes and replied sarcastically back, “No, I slept perfectly fine and I never had a nightmare. Not only 2 ½ hours of sleep at all!”
Gina looked at me concerned, for she knew about my dreams or nightmares, but she continued to walk. Silence. “So, could you see it better?” She whispered
“Slightly, but better I guess.”
“Where were you at?”
“Someplace abandoned, maybe an alley or something similar to that.”
Another pause, which I guess is good. I didn’t want to talk about it anymore anyway. Mainly about the eyes, they creep me out.


“Alright, class today we will work on lesson number…”1st hour of the day and I’m already bored. I sighed, filled with hatred of Economics class. “The law of supply is…” the teacher bored on.
I looked around hoping to see a new face in the class. But I didn’t. All I saw was my arch nemesis, Maya O’Conner staring at me with her evil eyes. I stare at her back, she looked away. I won that round but it’s not over.
“Agh!” I shrieked, something just hit me on my eyeball.
“Rina, I hope that wasn’t an interruption.” Mr. Van-Feller implied. I blushed and looked down, noticing a paper ball on the floor. Uncrumbling it, I groaned. It was from my ex-boyfriend, JayBay or JB for short. It read:
I’m sorry for the break up but you know how my momma is. Why don’t we keep it a secret? Why don’t we go someplace to make it up? – JB”
Yes I thought, but I was about to write down, No fuck you. When there was a knock on the door. The secretary came in and said to Mr. Van – Feller, “The new student is here.”
“Sweet, bring him in.” He said, sarcastically.
Well at least we know the student is a boy. “Sweetheart, you can come in now.” The secretary replied into the hallway. I looked down. I didn’t care for new students. I hear footsteps coming into the classroom.
“Well, hello gorgeous!” I heard Maya whispered. I still didn’t look even though I was curious.
“WOW! He’s cute!”
“I want to dump my boyfriend now!”
“Does he look single?”
I couldn’t take this anymore, I looked up and almost fell out of my chair.
“Oh my God!”
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