Status: done debating on a second one or not.... tell my what you think.

To Hell and Back, Literally


A searing pain on my side distracted me from the feeling of something crushing me. Suddenly the lights cleared and I was standing outside my house.

“Tammy!” I hollered. She came running. “Anxiety! You’re bleeding!” I ignored her. “Get me a phone! Someone attacked e and Nalani! You have to-“ I cut off, realizing how crazy I would sound reporting this story.

“What happened, Anxiety!? Let me see your side.” She lifted my shirt.

“Anxiety!” she cried. I glanced down. “What the…” I murmured. A hand print, burned all the way around my bottom ribs, the fingers unnaturally long.

“Anxiety, we’re going to the hospital.” Tammy pulled me towards her car.

“But Tammy-“

“Anxiety, don’t argue with me! We are going to go to the hospital, and you aren’t going to argue.” I glanced back as she tugged me to the car, andI could have swore the portal was just now closing.

Next day

After the doctors puzzlement over my burn, I stayed the night. It was a third degree burn, and it hurt like hell.

I grimaced at my wording. What had happened to Nalani? He’d shoved me to get out of the way of Ronobe, I figured out that much. Had he died? For me?

“Tammy, can you call Ashlynn Rose and see if she can meet me with everyone else at Nalani’s old place?” she gave me a sharp look.

“His old place!? What’s going on, Anxiety!”

“Nalani’s in trouble, ok? Just freaking call her!” she flinched back. I never raised my voice at her. She grumbled a moment, but did as I asked.

“Tammy, really, leave.”

“NO! I want to know what’s going-“

“Tammy lynn, leave! I’ll tell you later. she looked at me, dumbfounded. I had never talked to her like I had been today before.

“Tammy, I-“ I began to apologize, but she cut me off.

“Ashlynn Rose said that no one else was going to be able to come, but she would. Be nice to her, she sounded upset on the phone.” She said before storming off. I paced into Nalani’s room, going to stretch and raise my arms above my head, to stretch before wincing. My side hurt.

A knock came suddenly from the door. I hurried to open it to find an distracted looking Ashlynn rose.

“What was it you wanted to talk about, Anxiety?” she asked, walking past me. I rolled my eyes.

“ I know Nalani took me to hell this weekend.” She spun to me, mouth agape.

“You know what!? is that why Ronobe-“

“I think so.” I cut her off, reaching out to squeeze her hands tightly in mine.

“How is he?” I asked softly. She grimaced.

“Not good. I’m not gonna lie, no one knows if he’s going to make it. Ronobe didn’t rip his heart out, he balled it in his fist and squished it, the sadistic bastard. He sent a note sainig if Nalani lived, he’d leave the two of you alone.” I sighed.

“Can you take me to him?” she grimaced again. “No, I can’t. are you ok?” it ws my turn to grimace, pulling my shirt up. She stared, and I cleared my throat. It took another two times of that for her to look up.

“Anxiety, how much did you hate hell?”

“It wasn’t so bad, besides 3 people trying to kill me. But what does that have to do with-“

“A Fallen Angel touched you. burned you. That in itself can be bad. But he was in a vengeful fit, or a jealous rage, because Nalani found someone new he wanted permenantly, and he was human. his letter makes so much sense now.” I groaned.

“Stop the riddles, Ashlynn Rose! Why are you freaked?” she grinned.

“Freaked? No! I’m so happy right now, Anxiety!” she ran foreward, as if to hug me, then stopped short when I cringed. “Right, right, right, sorry!” she pulled her phone out, talking so fast I couuldn’t keep up even if I tried. I sat heavily on the couch, sighing.

“OK! Lets go. We’re meeting Jester, Amy, and Chairlos at Nalani’s house.”

“My sister-“

“Thinks we’re going shopping because you’re pouting. Let’s go.”

15 minutes later- by my watch, anyway- I was at a table in a breakfast nook in Nalani’s kitchen, drinking some kind of soda.

“so lemme see.” Amy exclaimed, ripping my shirt over my head. She laughed.

amazing! oh, you’re going to love being half demon, Anxiety!”

“Would you- wait, what!?” I said, surprised. She grinned.

“When a fallen Angel touches a human in a jealous rage, on accident or on purpose, either way, they’re turned into half demons. Not quite as strong, or fast, or as moody, but half of a regular demon.” I sat back, shocked.

Just great.
♠ ♠ ♠
HEHEHE hello my little readers! I have something to tell you! I have..........two or three chapters left, then I"M DONE!!!!! :D