And It's Beginning To Snow

Only Chapter

Ray grinned in giddy delight as he looked out the window at the scenery. He could almost cry right now because fuck, it's snowing. Snowing in the middle of February in the large venue in Jersey and it wouldn't stop.

He got up from his spot on the sofa in the lounge and nearly pranced back to the bunks, jumping in to Frank's and shaking him awake un-necessarily.

"Frankie, wake up!" he whispered excitedly, bouncing up and down. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!"

"Ngh..." Frank muttered, trying to shove his fellow band member off of him. "Wazzappnin'?"

"It's snowing!" Ray whispered. "It's snowing, it's snowing! Wake up you have to come outside with me! Up, up, up!"

"But it's only..." there was a pause as Frank looked at the clock on the table next to him. "9:00 in the morning."

"But it's snowing!" Ray insisted, as if that was reason enough for his insanity.

Frank yawned and shoved at Ray to get him out of his bunk. Ray obliged and got out of the bunk, proceeding to bounce up and down on his feet. Frank hardly ever saw Ray like this. He only ever acted like it on a rare occasion. His hair bounced up and down in time with the rest of him.

"Come on, come outside with me!" Ray said, tugging on Frank's hand.

"No way." Frank said. Ray's face fell and he crossed his arms, straddling Frank's waist and bent down, putting his forehead against Frank's.

"But we have a whole ten hours before our performance." he whispered. He smiled as a thought slipped into his head and he sang quietly against his lover's mouth. "And it's beginning to snow..."

"Fine, fine." Frank said, sighing and giving up. "But we have to put on warm clothes on first."

Ray's face broke into a grin. The pair dug out jeans, long-sleeved shirts, sweatshirts, gloves, and in Frank's case, a beanie hat. They put on their Converse (which they would later discover to be a stupid idea) and made their way outside, Frank still half asleep.

As soon as the door to the bus opened, Ray went out and grinned, possibly wider than before.

"Frank, it's snowing!" Ray said.

"I noticed." Frank grumbled, looking around.

"Aren't you happy?" Ray said. "Isn't it amazing?"

"It's white shit floating down to the ground." Frank said, yawning.

Ray scowled and walked over to Frank, putting his arms around his waist.

"It is not." Ray insisted. "It's snow, and it's the most amazing weather in the entire world."

Frank sighed and looked up at Ray. Ray's face was alight with excitement and happiness, his eyes shining with a light that Frank hadn't seen since he bought Ray a PS2 for his bunk, his mouth formed into such a stupid grin that Frank almost laughed. He smiled himself and stood on his tip toes, moving to give Ray a warm kiss on the lips. He was cut off, however, by a gloved hand covering his mouth.

"Not until you admit how amazing snow is." Ray said. Frank looked at Ray helplessly and removed his hand from his mouth.

"That's not fair." Frank said.

"Yes it is." Ray said, smiling. "Just say 'snow is the most amazing thing in the world'."

"No." Frank said defiantly, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Fine." Ray said. "No kisses for you then."

Ray let go of Frank and turned, walking away from Frank slowly, secretly smiling to himself. He counted down in his head.




"Ray, wait up!" Frank said, hurrying over to Ray.

Ray smiled and turned around, an eyebrow quirked up.

"Yes?" he said, drawing out the syllable.

Frank sighed in a defeated manner and looked up at Ray.

"Snow is the most amazing thing in the world." he said quietly.

"Yes." Ray said. "But you beat it out by a long shot."

Ray wrapped his arms around Frank's waist and held him close, bending down and kissing Frank fully and lovingly. As the two pulled away from each other, Ray smiled.

"See?" he said. "It was worth it, wasn't it?"

"No." Frank said, smiling deviously and stepping away from Ray, turning and walking away. Ray's face fell as he followed him.

Frank bent down and swiftly made a snowball, turning and chucking it at Ray, hitting him straight in the head.

"But that might be." Frank said, his face splitting into a grin and letting out an uncharacteristically-Frank type giggle before running in the other direction.
♠ ♠ ♠
This was inspired by the snow that was falling when I was writing this...but it stopped snowing. =(

For those of you who have been waiting for an update of Pyro and AA XXX, I'm sorry, I haven't been able to think of what to do for those. I'm pretty much stuck on them for the moment.