This was Supposed to be the Best Summer of my Life

Part One: Life Unexpected

It's seven AM and my alarm goes off. Graduation day, I walk downstairs to see a huge breakfast on the table. Pancakes, bacon, eggs, and homemade syrup with fresh strawberry topping fixed up. My mom is completely making such a big deal out of nothing. As I reach the table I see across the room a small girl with the prettiest blue eyes, and long curtly brown hair standing in the corner of the room still in her pj’s looking out the window hoping it starts to rain. That little girl is my sister, Cam she thinks when I walk across that stage that I’m walking out of her life. But, I’m not leaving well at least not for a few more months and then I’m only going to be thirty minutes away.
“Cam , you have the summer with me. Trust me; your big sister has huge plans for us. We’ll be going on lots of adventures. Now come over here and eat breakfast with me and we’ll go get ready? Okay?” I kind of told asked my little sister. She just turned to me and pouted and sat on my lap. I couldn’t stand to see her upset, the truth is I could never leave her, ever. I gave her a kiss on the top of her head. She turned to me and gave me the slightest grin and kissed me on the cheek. I asked her if she wanted to go to do all the pre-grad stuff with me. Then she was really excited. “Yes, please Kade? Especially if this is one of my last days with you. I want to go.” I chuckled at her response and we finished our breakfast.
My dad, he hasn’t said a word to me since I came down. He’s so distant with me, so I just gave him a kiss on the cheek. He may be quiet but he can give the best inspirational speeches ever. Which I really needed right now. I wasn’t sure if college was the right thing for me, if it was really worth my time. I was so unsure of everything. My life was difficult as it is, even though if I asked for it I could get anything I wanted. My mom and dad fight a lot. I think that’s the reason Cam and I are so close. We’re all each other have. I didn’t want to leave and then have my parents split, that wouldn’t be right for Cam. But, my parent’s seem to be doing better like they’ve become something more. Even though they still don’t talk much to each other.
I went into cams room to see how she was doing, she was struggling getting her shirt on. She was only four but at the point where she wanted to do things on her own. I laughed at the sight and she just glared at me with a tiny crooked grin. I sat on her twin bed with all her stuff animals and started doing my make up as she was rambling on what we could do this summer. I just sat there and listened to Cam until I heard foot steps coming up the stairs and down the hall heading towards us. My dad appeared at the door way and looked at me like he wanted to say something. He just huffed out “Come with me, I have something for you.” I looked at him confused and Cam looked at me and grabbed my hand and said with all the excitement in the world “Come on Kade, what if you got a pony?!” My dad and I both busted out laughing as I was being pulled own the stairs. I looked out side and saw a car! I jumped up and down and put Cam in my arms and we ran outside. I hugged and kissed my parents and said thank you. Then it happened, I felt a rain drop hit. All I could think was ‘Great, now I have to drive in this shit’. We all walked back into the house, then it started to rain harder it sounded like someone was shooting at us. I heard my dad mumble but I couldn’t hear what he said but he sounded mad.
“Kade, can you get the umbrellas out. We’re going to need them.” I heard my mom yell, but she wasn’t mad she sounded sad. I shrugged it off and walked over to the closet next to the door where there was a clay flower pot that held four umbrellas. I picked out three, one for my mom, on for my dad, and on for Cam and I to use.
Lovely, I didn’t think today could get worse, well it did, thunder boomed in the sky and the sight of the lighting was beautiful but horrifying at the same time. As the weather went bad so didn’t something with my parents. They weren’t acting right. Then another huge boom of thunder. “GREAT! Mom, what am I going to do?” I yelled towards my mom as I jumped in the car with my little sister.
My mom had a hurt and concerned look on her face and sadly said “Just be careful, get there saftely and call me when you arrive.” I shook my head a pulled out of the drive way. I drove slower then normal so I wouldn’t scare Cam, It was so bad out you could feel the water on the bottom of the car brushing up, and it started to down pour. You know like a blizzard but with rain.
Cam started talking to me, well more like questioning. She could tell I was tense so she was trying to relax me. “Are we there yet Kade?” She asked meekly. I smiled and answered, “ Yes babe, we’re almost there.” I sighed with relief, thinking ‘ I just want to get out of this car, the rain is horrible!’ Cam giggled and looked at me with cute little puppy eyes “Kade, when we get there can I play in the puddles?” I laughed and told her no “Mom and dad wouldn’t like that sweetie, just stick me okay?” She looked disappointed but shook her head. “ Okay, you always know best, I want to be just like you when I grow up.” She said kissing up to me thinking I would give in. “Thank you sweetie, but you still can’t play in the puddles.” I said sternly. She gave in and just gave me that whatever look.
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Sorry for such the long chapter!