Status: My NaNo novel, expect long chapters of gibberish. -A

Taste of Youth

we will not grow old.

Over the three years that my brother had been part of the wizarding world, many dark things had happened. One of these things was Voldemort’s gaining of followers and the rest were what followed after. People going missing and people dying. Dumbledore assured me there were no basis of their accusations and everything would be returned. He offered his help with the funeral by setting me up with a planner to which I agreed. I was then warned against my late night trips to my brother’s rooms and sent back to the dorms.

“Luce!” Lily hurried over to me when I walked through the door, “You didn’t get in trouble did you? Hilly was right awful, nearly lead me straight into Filch.”

“No harm done, Lily and Hilly’s normally like that. Dumbledore just wanted to have a chat about my brother, a bit of a warning really.”

“Are you two back to talking now?” Alice cut in quickly from the couches.

“So it would appear.” We said to her grinning.

“Finally, I’m tired of avoiding you two.” She bounded up and hugged us together, “Now what’s this you two are being all secretive about?”

“Alright you three, we’ve had enough of Luciana being hogged up!” Sirius called from the couches, “We’re not letting you run off this time!”

“I’ll tell you upstairs.” I whispered to Alice as we were ushered to the congregation.

I don’t think I’d ever spent a night quite like this one before. The laughter was so loud it made my ear drums ring and my own laughter left me breathless and warm. James and Sirius were preforming wild tricks with their magic, turning one poor seventh year into a chicken for a minute. Lily yelled at James for that one and they got into it about the Quiditch match. Remus was attempting to turn the poor girl back and Sirius had collapsed from laughter next to my legs shaking about the floor. Fabian was in his chair next to the fire making figures out of the flames for the enjoyment of all except another boy who’s robes caught fire. Alice was messing with my hair making it change into wild colors and I threatened to chop what was left of hers when she said she would leave it a brilliant shade of magenta.

We were children again. No funeral planning to worry about, no neglectful mothers, no hateful sisters, no trials for my brother. None of that, just the pure magic that came with friends like this.

It was getting late, Alice having already passed out mumbling in her sleep from the Butterbeer's she'd consumed. Lily was dozing on one of the couches and James curled up into a ball at her feet. It was getting late, Alice having already passed out mumbling in her sleep from the Butterbeer's she'd consumed. Lily was dozing on one of the couches and James curled up into a ball at her feet. Few of the seventh years had meandered upstairs to their dorms along with a droopy looking Remus. Fabian had disappeared into the girls dormitory with Sam. Dorcas and Gigi had snuck off to the Ravenclaw tower leaving Sirius and me the only two awake and that was just barely.

"So what is up with the three of you?" Sirius asked flopping down on the couch next to me.


"You, Alice, and Lily. What's up with you three? Best friends after less than a week, it's weird."

"Oh yeah? And how long did it take you to become friends with the boys?"

Sirius pulled a face, "A train ride."

"Uh-huh and you have a problem with a week?"I elbowed him when he didn't answer, "Hmm?"

"Alright, alright. It's just weird to see Lily like that. It's been a while since she's been amazing friends with someone since Snivellus."


"Snape." He clarified leaning back against the couch shaking his head, "He-”

"Called her a mudblood. I know."

"She tell you?"

"She told me part of it, I figured out the rest."

He nodded yawning widely looking a bit dazed. Alice mumbled in her sleep flopping with her mouth wide open and looking distinctly uncomfortable in the position she was in. James rolled out of his ball sprawled on his back his arms and legs spread wide. Sirius snorted and got up wielding his wand towards James face painting it with an inky substance. I bit back a laugh and gave him a look when he shuffled back to the couch.

"Now that's not very nice of you." I teased.

"I never was known for being nice." He poked my side gently.

I shook my head squirming away from his finger, "You seem nice enough."

"Do I really?" Sirius sent me a mocking look, "And what is it that you know about me that tells you that?"

I gave him a sideways looked and yawned, "Intuition."

He laughed, "Right."

I shoved him with my arm and slumped down a bit. Sirius grinned and spun his wand between his fingers looking at his handy work on James' face.

"Tired?" He asked.

"I'm not falling asleep with you still awake." I yawned, "What about you? Tired?"

"Not really." He yawned again.

"Liar." I smiled.

He stuck his tongue out at me and slide down trying to get comfortable on the couch. I pushed him a bit when he threw his leg toward me and he shoved back lightly. We went about like that for a while and started laughing. Alice started in her sleep sitting up sharply. Sirius and I stopped laughing immediately holding our breath and she mumbled something, slumping back down. I burst into a fit of giggles and Sirius started to shush me chuckling as well.

"Quiet. Luciana!" Sirius was waving his hands in front of my face, "Shh!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm trying." I struggled out.

"No you're not." He started laughing too, "Stop!"

"I'm trying!" I laughed out.

The fire crackled and sputtered the flames lowering casting shadows across the room. Our laughter lessened after a few minutes both of us too tried to keep up and the delicate sounds of sleeping people lulling us into something like a dream state.

"What did you mean you were never know for being nice?" I asked rolled my head to the side to see Sirius.

He grimaced, "I meant it's not in my blood to be nice."

"You mean your family? That kind of blood?"


"You're not your family, Sirius."

He narrowed his eyes, "You sure?"

"Yeah, because if you were your family, "I broke off with a yawn, "then I would have to be too."
♠ ♠ ♠
But oh, if there's one thing that we know
It's that we will not grow old.

Merlin's beard you guys, I've got four stars! Most ever, amazing. THANK YOU!