Status: My NaNo novel, expect long chapters of gibberish. -A

Taste of Youth

where are you christmas.

The boys were mad at me. It wasn’t an easy thing to pinpoint what or who had the boys upset. They did it very casually, mostly by ignoring me and avoiding my general area. Which meant that James was in the foulest of moods and that poor Snape was nearly always sporting an extra limb or two. Poppy had me working in the Hospital Wing again that week because of it and it was the most trying Healing week of my young life.

Most of the people wandering in were Slytherin, there were a few Ravenclaw’s and Chase was in more than a few times. I didn’t talk to him when he came, I spent a good amount of time fixing Poppy’s potion cabinet and reading my Healer books at her desk. There had been a Quiditch game one of the days I’d been there and the amount of Slytherin induced broken bones had me cringing for hours.

Lily and Alice had ceased all complaining about my lack of being around, mostly because they had completely gotten caught up in making plans for Christmas. Lily was going home to her family and making dinner for them along with her sister’s new boyfriend. Alice had been invited to Franks and vise versa, she’d be traveling for most of our time off. McGonagall had apparently been through the list of who was staying and not while I was at training. I was avoiding her the best I could trying to take as long as possible before I had to answer her question.

Christmas was another reason I spent all my time in the hospital wing. The last time I’d had a merry Christmas was the first year in the home when Margaret let Leon’s Christmas package come through. Five years is a long time to have an unhappy holiday season. After Christmas came my birthday and that was the last thing I wanted to think about even if it was my coming of age. Poppy had asked me about my Christmas plans and what my birthday was, I told her the truth about both. She did not take kindly to the fact that I’d probably spend my Christmas here or in a hotel. I think she blabbed because one day when I was deep within one of my Healing books, the boys walked in.

“Tell us you are not spending Christmas alone.”

I didn’t even look up, “I’m busy and am not up for discussion on my affairs.”

“Come on, Luce.” Remus said conjuring a chair and sitting in front of Poppy’s desk, “Even I’m not spending Christmas alone.”

It wasn’t until Sirius pulled my book from out from under my nose, “My Christmas isn’t any of your business. How did you lot find out about that anyway?”

“Poppy told me last time I was in.” Remus told me, “She also told me that your birthday is this month and you’re spending it alone too.”

“I’ll have to talk to her about that.” I grumbled, “Why do you lot care anyway? We aren’t the best of friends and I was under the impression that all of you wanted nothing to do with me.”

Sirius jumped onto the desk flipping through my book, “James has an offer for you.”

“Oh this is going to be good.” I laughed pointing a finger at James, “I’m not bringing Lily anywhere, she’s already planning a trip with her family.”

“Is that how little you think of me?” James pouted mockingly, “Sirius wouldn’t stop talking about you after - oi!”

Sirius had hit James over the head with my book and gave him a filthy look.

“The point is, Luce, my parents want to meet you and are offering you a room for Christmas.”

I let the arm my head was resting in drop to the desk, “You are joking, right?”

“Does this face look like it’s making a joke?” James grinned at me, “They’ve heard a lot about you and would like to meet you. They’ve got some friends in the Auror department.”

“Ah of course they do.” I rubbed my elbow awkwardly, “The last thing I want to do is intrude on you’re Christmas, James.”

“I’m already housing these two.” He snorted loudly pointing at Sirius and Remus, “One more can’t hurt. Besides, my mother’s tired of being the only female in the house.”


James waved a hand at me walking away with Remus and stopping at the door to frown at Sirius who was lingering at the desk. Sirius was flipping through my book with a peculiar look on his face and stayed there for maybe five more minutes before James got fussy. At James’ frustrated call Sirius jumped off knocking my head lightly with the book. I tried to take it from him only to have him pull it away from me several times much to my frustration.

When I finally snatched the book from him he said,
“No isn’t an answer, Rein. I’ll see you on the train.”
♠ ♠ ♠
My world is changing. I'm rearranging.
Does that mean Christmas changes too?

I have a twitch. Not like a body twitch even though I can't stop bouncing my leg, it's more of a need to switch what I'm looking at/ working on every now and then. Reply to a message update a word count SOMETHING. But NaNo isn't on anymore so I can't update my word count like a crazy person so the twitch is there and very distracting. I'm getting into the rut of doing short chapters again *cries*