Status: My NaNo novel, expect long chapters of gibberish. -A

Taste of Youth

judge me.

The days flew by like a train unmanned on it’s track. I went from clueless about how to use a wand and asking what a Hufflepuff was to transfiguring Professor Cormack into a teapot during dueling practice and spouting every fact known to man about the Founders. Professor McGonagall had me working four hours straight with essays three feet long due the next morning. It was brutal work but I found myself having a better time busting my ass till I dropped than I ever had before.

“Ms. Rein, I hear your lessons are going well.”

I looked up from my studies to see a smiling Professor Dumbledore sliding into the seat across from me. I nodded and pushed my reading glasses back to their proper place on my nose. I’d spent the last two and a half hours drowning myself in library books and information, it surprised me that anyone had known to look for me here.

“Let’s hope they are, Professor. I only have a week and a half left to work.”

“I assure you my sources are reliable. Now would you mind if I took you away from your studies. There is a vital bit we have yet to cover for your life here at Hogwarts.”

“Of course, Professor. Lead the way.” I closed my book and banished the pile back to their rightful places.

We stood together and said our goodbyes to Ms.Pince, the librarian. The corridors of the school had taken some getting used to and still terrified me whenever I had to go somewhere away from the ground floor, but with Dumbledore striding assuredly beside me it felt safe. We wound our way through up to his office and stopped before the large stone gargoyle.

“Lemon drops.”

The gargoyle slid aside and we ventured up into the Headmaster’s office. At our arrival Fawkes promptly abandoned his perch and resettled on the armrest of the chair I was to sit at. I ran my fingers lightly over his soft feathers, he’d revived again recently leaving a fleshy feel to the brilliant red coat. As I settled down with Fawkes, Dumbledore went to a large glass cabinet and rummaged through the drawers for a moment. He let out a soft “Ah-ha!” and pulled out a mangy looking hat closing the cabinet before heading over to his desk. I eyed the thing and waited, Fawkes nipping delicately at my fingers when I stopped stroking his head.

“Now I am sure you have read in one of your many books about the Sorting.” He waited until I nodded my assent before continuing, “Well, we have yet to sort you, Ms.Rein, and this proves a bit of a problem since you are learning here at our school. You already know of our houses and I can only assume you know of their requirements. This hat, as unpleasant as it looks, is one of the most intelligent beings you will encounter and it is what sorts our students into their respective houses.”

“Sir, I don’t mean to rush you or anything but can we just put the hat on my head, let it shout what it does and be done with it?”

Dumbledore smiled his eyes twinkling brightly, “Of course.”

The fabric of the hat felt soft against my forehead as it slipped down over my eyes. A soft “Hmm” echoed in my head, bouncing around and making goosebumps raise on my arms.

“Peculiar, very peculiar.”

“And what may I ask is so peculiar?” I murmured creating a beat against my leg with my fingers.

“Why, you of course. I have Sorted countless students over my many a year and none I have encountered are quite as…complex as you.”

“Well eleven year olds are a bit different from sixteen year olds.”

“Oh yes, far more truthful about themselves I find. Yes, far more truthful with far less to hide. What is it that you are trying to hide from me, Luciana Rein. I can see the block here and I could get in if I so wished but I’d rather see if you are as truthful as an eleven year old.”

“Memories. None that will help you decide what you need to.”

“Memories shape people, Ms.Rein. They change futures, alter souls. In order to put you where you belong, I must have access to everything.”

I sighed and laced my fingers together pressing them against each other until the skin went white.

“Ahh, I see. It is understandable to lock these memories away but I am sure you are reminded every morning when you dress.”

“I don’t look in the mirror or at myself in the mornings.”

“Avoidance is not a good policy but an effective one for your uses. Very much Slytherin method and you are a half-blood, they could learn to accept you there.”

“The woman who killed my brother was a Slytherin, I will not be going there.”

“Hardheaded but not stupid. Quite intelligent, driven, willing. Vindictive. That is not a Hufflepuff’s attribute, Ms.Rein.”

“So I’ve read.”

“It is also something that could get you killed.”

“That is a price I am willing to pay.”

“I see. With that kind of reckless strength there is only one place to put you.” The next word was directed away from me booming about the Headmaster’s office, “GRYFFINDOR.”

Just as I made to slip the hat off of my head a final whisper echoed in my ears,

“Being a murderer is a very Slytherin attribute.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Judge me feel free,
I've nothing to prove to you.

I really want Scrivener but alas I have no money and the Windows version isn't out yet. Time to whip out the puppy eyes? Oh hello there two brand spanking new subscribers, how are you today or tonight or whatever; Hi?