Status: Completed

Hey Mr. Carter

Hey Mr. Carter 005

On the plane to new York I got bored so I took out my phone and checked twitter.
I tweeted
"going to new York wit ma gorgeous boo" with a picture of me and wayne.
I gotta couple of @ replies to it saying
"omg you're going out with lil Wayne? Lucky girl!"
I tweeted out
"I feel very lucky indeed"
I checked waynes twitter and he had retweeted my tweet with the picture of me and him. I smiled and made the picture my wallpaper and fell asleep.

4 hours later

We had checked into our hotel room and then got in the limo to go to where the
video was being shot. It took about an hour so when we arrived at this old
looking house we got out and went inside where I met cortez and the director.
"Hey you must be Tia" Cortez said and he shook my hand the director did the same
and Wayne went to get dressed for the shoot.

5 hours later

Thank god the shoot was over. Don't get me wrong it was a good video but it went
on for ages. I was walking down the hall tweeting that the shoot went great. I
walked to waynes dressing room and opened the door a bit because I heard voices.
I looked in and saw Wayne smoking weed with the girl from the video and then... she
kissed him. I opened the door fully and they turned around I stood in the
doorway with tears welling up in my eyes. Wayne went to speak but I just ran out
the front door crying. Luckily the limo driver was still there.
"back to the hotel please and then could you wait out side for me?" I said when I sat in.
"Certainly miss Tia"
I cried and everytime I closed my eyes I saw them kissing.
Wayne rang me.
"What?! I said trying not to let him hear me cry.
"Tia where are you? I can explain please just tell me where you are"
"Theres nothing to explain Wayne you were kissing that girl and smoking weed when
you went to prison and is banned from smoking it for 4 years. Oh no but you have
to break the rules cuz you think you can. If someone else walked in and saw you
smoking they would have called your bail officer straight away. I can't deal
with that drama. And you were kissing that girl and didn't say no I have a
girlfriend. No because Wayne has his player lifestyle to keep up. I'll be gone
from your house by tonight, we're through"
Wayne was about to say something but I stopped him and said
"it wasnt going anywhere anyways wayne, for fuck sake you dont even know my last name. Shows how much you care about your women. To you women can just be passed around but i thought we had something different Wayne now fuck off!" I hung up the phone. As soon as I did i just started crying again.

I had checked into a hotel at la and turned my phone off. Wayne called me 29
times but I rejected every one. I was so tired after the day so I fell asleep
outside the covers with all my clothes on.

"We're through" Those words echoed through my mind. As soon as the call ended I
ran to find where that girl was. I found her about to get into her car.
"Yo bitch what the fuck?! Why you kiss me?!" I yelled.
She walked up to me and said
"trina sent me, she heard about you and your new girl, obviously she wanted to jack the relationship up, look she payed me and I shouldn't even be talking to you. Bye"
She got in her car and drove off.
Trina, that makes sense. When trina and I broke up she started getting real
jealous if I dated anyone. Only now shes started to try and wreck my
relationships. The weed also wasn't mine it was the girl she hired. I had a long
day, plus I hadn't smoked a blunt in months so I had half of one in my dressing
room with the girl. I rang Tia over and over but she kept rejecting the call. I
went to find cortez when I did I told him that I need to fly back to la to try
and find Tia.
"Yeh I know what happened I was standing behind Tia when it went down cuz I just
wanted to talk to you bout the video" he said "now go"
I ran out the door. Damn she took the limo. I ran back to cortez and he as soon
as he saw me he threw his car keys to me and said
"now go!"
I ran to his car got in and hit the accelerator and sped off to the hotel.


I got back to la and went back to my house to see if Tia was there. She wasn't
so I got in my bugatti that she stole. I could still smell her perfume on the
seats. I had to ignore it and just drive. I drove to her house and knocked on
the door. Lisa answered.
"Lisa is Tia here?" I asked
"Na she moved in with you remember?"
"Well... She...." I couldn't get the words out and I nearly started crying.
"Ok come in and tell me what happened"
I told her everything.
"Ok first of all her last name is Jones. Secondly Tia always over reacts to
things. Try calling her again now and if she doesn't answer we'll scour every
hotel looking for her. That's where she's most likely gone. Call her!" She said.
I took out my phone and my hands were shaking as I dialled her number.
"Her phone's off" I said dropping my phone on the floor and putting my head in my
"Pull yourself together Wayne. You love this girl now go and find her. Lets go!"
She said grabbing my arm and pulling me out the door.
♠ ♠ ♠
I've decided to upload "Hey Mr. Carter" chapters Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday because I really want to start uploading my new fanfiction which I know ya'll are gonna love. I'll be uploading it when "Hey Mr. Carter" is finished. I can reveal that the title of my new fanfiction is going to be "Mrs. Officer" and thats all the little teasers I'm gonna give you. Thanks for all the comments :)
