Status: Completed

Hey Mr. Carter

Hey Mr. Carter 006

The next morning I woke up and turned on my phone. I went to a cafe in front of the hotel to have some breakfast. I had work today. All last night all I could dream of is Wayne. All of our moments. We had been dating for a day but we've known each other for 3. I think we may have gone too fast with everything.
I started work in half an hour so I went back to the hotel and got ready to go to my job working in a grocery store.
Lisa had told me that Tia was working today at the grocery store. But we still found the hotel where she was staying, at the Rhyston in room 43.
Lisa said she had a plan, and it was that she would come with me to the grocery store and if Tia tried to escape she'd block her. A bit extreme but Lisa said it would work. So we decided to go as soon as Tia started her shift.


"Hey Rhonda" I said to my friend who works at the store with me (she is also the one flirting with Jay lisas ex boyfriend).
"Hey girl! You've been in the news!" She said
"I have?"
Rhonda handed me todays newspaper which said in big bold letters at the top.
Tia jones pictured crying and fleeing the set of her boyfriend, lil wayne's new music video. All is revealed inside.
It showed a picture of me in the limo crying on the phone to wayne. I asked Rhonda if I could go to the back to read the article and she said
"of course it is you in it"
When I was in the back I opened up the newspaper and the girl who kissed lil Wayne was telling her side of the story.
Her name was Brittani Ofsai and she claimed that she had been going out with Wayne for months.
"When he started going out with Tia he told me that she was worth nothing to him and that I was the love of his life. We had even thought about getting engaged. Wayne told me that he was going to film his new music video in new York and he wanted me to play the girl in the video so I did. He said it would be the most perfect thing to do since no one would suspect us while we were kissing during the video. So we went back to his dressing room and talked then we kissed and his girlfriend Tia was standing in the doorway watching us. She ran away and told wayne that they were through and to never speak to her again. Then She left the set."

By the time I had finished reading I was crying again. I cleared up my tears and by the time I went back to the counter Rhonda had gone, her shift finished. I put the newspaper back on the newsstand and decided to price some things.
I was about 10 minutes pricing and doing some inventory when I heard the bell above the door jingle.
I made my way back to the counter still looking at the inventory list. When I got to the counter the voice in front of it said
"Tia jones" It was Wayne.
"I have nothing to say to you" I said.
"And you? Why are you on his side?" I asked looking at Lisa.
"Tia look I've had it with you over reacting to everything! Hear Wayne out because I swear you are not leaving until he says what he needs to say. Now shut the fuck up sit down and listen. Waynes the greatest thing that's happened to you for a long time, do you even think he'd risk doing anything stupid to break up with you? no he won't because he loves you! Now listen to what he has to say" Lisa said then blocked the entry to the front door and over turned the sign that said open to closed.
"Tia. That girl in the video was hired by my ex trina to split us up. She's always been jealous of girls I've gone out with bit only now she's took it to the next level with us. The girl had the weed and she gave it to me. To frame me so you could walk in and see us together that's also why she kissed me because she knew you were standing there. All of this was trinas plan and the girl is only an actor that trina had contact the director of the video to male sure she was going to be the one in the video he said. Tia jones I love you and I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. Please forgive me. I can't live without you"

I took a step back taking in everything he said.
"I'll think about it" I said "now leave". They did and I sat behind the counter thinking of Wayne and waiting for my 3 hour shift to be over.