Sequel: V-E-R-S-T-E-H-E-N

Scream Silently

Its Beady Eyes

Her hands shook and by the time she made it back to the couch her body had collapsed. Scarlett felt sick. Her muscles kept twitching.
Random spasms. They became more frequent. Soon her muscles wouldn’t stay still. She felt her mind spin, her eyes grew heavy. Nothing stood still. She wasn’t seeing straight, she wasn’t right anymore. The twitching grew worse. Was this a seizure?
Her fragile body crashed to the floor with a loud thud, but the feelings didn’t change. It didn’t hurt, the pains in her stomach and the pulse in her head were already too great. The twitching felt worse. What was happening? Is this really happening?
Dalton jolted up. That noise from outside, what was it? In a daze he walked to the door, dragging his feet, and opened it slowly. On the ground outside he saw Scarlett, her small frame twitching with instability. What was going on?
He tried kneeling down next to her and calming her. “It’s okay Scarlett, I’m here. What’s going on? What’s wrong? Are you okay? I’m here now, Scarlett, it’s okay…”
She had no response aside from twitching muscles and eyes that were growing bloodshot. Dalton took a look around, at first missing the signs of anything going wrong, until he noticed the empty bottles on the counter.
He left her body to lie there, walking shakily towards the kitchen where the medications glared at him. A tall, slim figure appeared in the doorway, watching the scene. Dalton looked up at it. Nothing was there.
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