Sequel: V-E-R-S-T-E-H-E-N

Scream Silently

Washing it all Away

Blue and red lights flashed in blurry circles as she slowly opened up her eyes. Strong arms carried her to a car with soft leather seats, she was placed gently into the back. There was a mesh wall made of metal separating her from the drivers, but she was still too far asleep to care about who they were. How long had she been gone?
Scarlett was taken in for questioning before they released the news of her being found. She told the truth of what happened, how the slender man had stolen her and taken her away to the forest. They didn’t believe her, but why would they, she was a paranoid schizophrenic wasn’t she?
So the headlines were sent out. The missing girl from St George’s was found, and safely re-admitted to the hospital. They didn’t know how she escaped but every measure possible has been taken to prevent it again.
Every once in a while she would wake up screaming. She’d ask for Dalton but nobody knew who that was, and Scarlett didn’t know what to tell them anymore. Days went by, weeks went by, months went by, she heard nothing, saw nothing, he was dead to her if she would let him be. But he crept back up from time to time, and her heart still raced and she felt lonely whenever it happened.
Scarlett still loved Dalton, she knew she did, even if her only way of coping was to force herself into denial.
Dalton was a good man. He meant her no harm. But she did nothing to deserve him, and she’s the one who caused everything to go wrong in the first place.
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I'm swimming. It's difficult.
I can't find words to convey the feelings I want to show.
I can only feel them.
Are you keeping up?