lily was a girl who nobody liked. everyone at school made fun of her. she acted like she didn't care and she pretended like she couldn't hear them. but it was killing her inside. 'when i die, nobody will attend my funeral' Lilly would think to herself. until she met him. the perfect boy. her soul mate. his name was James. she always said she would die for him. one day Lilly got a call from James telling her to meet him to meet him at the park at midnight. she were excited on what he was going to tell you or do to you. was he going to confess his love to herω she got her make-up ready and sneaked out the window. and headed to the park with a knots at the pit of you stomach. she sees a dark figure over at the swings and she walks towards it. it was James. he said, "Lilly, I'm sorry but i don't love you anymore. my heart was stolen by another girl." Lilly started to tear up and she ran to her house. 'whats the point of living when i have nothing to live forω' Lilly asks herself as she takes a knife and runs up to her room. she slits her wrist deep. she threw herself on the be with only moments before death. just then her cell phone vibrated. "Helloω" she answered. "Lilly! i was wrong! my heart belongs to you! I'm so sorry. I LOVE YOU!" James said. she started to sob uncontrollably and said, "its too late." and she hung up. when James got there, Lilly was laying on the floor lifeless. he looked up at the wall and there was writing in blood that said, "I would die for you" James took the knife, slit his wrists and lied next to Lilly. "I would die for you too." he said. and drifted into an eternal sleep.