Status: Active

One For The Razorbacks

Girls Like You That I Never Had

She inhaled the smoke of the cigarette pressed between her freshly red glossed lips as she was leaning against the wall at the back of AM.
It was Friday night, and within minutes it would be time for her to show what she's worth of to everybody present inside.
Her high heel scraped across the pavement and she sighed desperately.
She needed to find a new job; she couldn't take this any longer.
But if it only were that easy, once you've signed a contract with a mafia guy and become somebody's property, you can't easily break it off without consequences.
And consequences were something she didn't want to happen for herself. For her it meant her reputation, an eighteen year old girl exposing herself erotically to elder men. And probably worse consequences on that..
Wouldn't that sound nice on your CV?
The back door opened and a bald guy's head stuck out.
"Maria! Five minutes!" he yelled towards her as he shut the door again.
She sighed, she would just have to cope with this for another month, then she would be finally free again.

The looks on the faces of the perverts inside sickened her. Still she had to work out that awful seductive smile and dance around like she really enjoyed what she was doing. The music was horrible and she felt like a cheapskate. She told herself just to breathe in and out, and do whatever she was supposed to do. If she wanted money she had no other option.
The rule was that you could keep every buck you could get from people stuffing it in your thong.
That's why Juliette did everything she could; to get more money from the customers. In the end it paid off pretty well, even though it's not a job for a teenage girl.

"Maria Jane everybody!" yelled the commentator. It was her boss, he called himself Don Guido. And Italian guy that bought up the nice restaurant this whorehouse once was..
Juliette shook her breasts in some guys face and took off her bra, then danced around provoking everybody around her. She French kissed another stripper girl, and she sexually danced in front of sixty men or so.
She hated this.

"Great work Maria." Said a girl called Veronica whom was in her mid-twenties. She was a victim of Don Guido, and probably the only nice girl around. "They really liked us kissing out there."
Juliette smirked.
"Yeah, well everything pays off right?" she said and Veronica agreed.
"Well I'm going home," she said. "do you've got to work tomorrow?"
"No tomorrow's my day off, thank god." said Juliette as she rolled her eyes.
"Oh well I'll catch you later then." Said Veronica and she left the building.
Juliette cleaned herself up, took on a pair of jeans together with her battered converses, and pulled a black tank top over her head. Then she washed the awful thick layer of make-up off her face and left the building while slipping her jacket on, to get her bike. She put her headphones on her head, and played the tape in her Walkman. With the Sex Pistols on she silently cycled home.

The way to her house was a creepy long endless road called Pinole Valley road, it was near the Pinole Park and she always felt a little uneasy cycling there. Unfortunately it was the only safe road that went that way.
Juliette silently hummed along 'Liar', and calmed herself down a bit by doing so.
Then suddenly out of nowhere a car raced right up to her. She screamed as the bumper scraped against the frame of her bike while she got launched off the road.

"Fuck!" a boy yelled as he jumped out of his car. He ran to where he thought she had landed and found her easily. He picked her up and carried her towards his car, where he placed her on the hood of his aqua colored Mustang. He stared at her face but he didn't knew her. She had a deep cut on her head, and her body was limp like a duffel bag.
Then she opened her eyes and tried to sit up.
"Fuck, don't move." The boy said as he pressed her back against the hood of his car again.
"Let go of me!" said Juliette angry as she clearly thought he was some kind of rapist or something.
"I just hit you with my fucking car, don't fucking move alright?!" bellowed the boy at her.
Juliette stared at him and glared.
"I'm fine alright?!" said Juliette angry as she sat up, but then a wave of nausea caught up with her together with a load of dizziness that made her black out again.
"Fuck I told you so, you disobedient child." Grumbled the boy as he carried her to the backseat of his car and put her there. Her Walkman didn't survive the crash as the headphones were repeating an eerie sentence of a song over and over again:
'You're in suspension.. You're in suspension..You're in suspension..'
It gave him the creeps.

He drove her to the only logical place he knew where to go at the moment, which was his best friend's house in Berkley. Though he would probably be on some kind of drug and alcohol pissing him, he couldn't go home or anywhere else with this girl.
The hospital would be the most logical thing to go in this kind of situation, right? Well, he sure loved to take her there, wouldn't it be for the reason that he wasn't allowed to be near the place for another two weeks.
He seriously had a restraining order for the hospital, because he and a few friends of him, had spray painted the walls on the outside of the building with obscene texts and other dirty graffiti that you really don't want to show your mother. The Feds had a pretty large archive about him already, therefore people kept an eye on him, which he wasn't really happy about.

He threw the front door of the warehouse open, only to be met with a load of wasted teenagers doing stupid things in the horrid fumes of alcohol. He had been trying to avoid this party tonight, since he had some personal affairs to deal with on his own. That's why he had been at Christie which clearly didn't calm him down like usual, and he had frustratingly taken his car out for a spin, and hit this girl by accident..

He walked to the back of the building, right through the mass of drunkards that tried to talk to him; though he just ignored them. He was carrying the girl in his arms and he really wasn't too happy to be here.
When he entered the kitchen he noticed a brown haired boy passed out on the dinner table.
He poked the boy with a finger and the boy started to mumble.
"Yo, Mike wake the fuck up man I've got a serious problem right here." He yelled at him as he quickly stared at the girl for maybe waking her up or something.
She was still unconscious.
The boy looked up and a goofy grin spread out on his face.
"Billiiieee," he slurred, as he stared at him with glassy eyes. "You caaaamee."
"Jesus Christ, dude what the fuck did you use this time?!" yelled the boy apparently by the name of Billie.
"Ohh.. you knooow." Said Mike. "Some o' thiiss, and some o' thaaat.."

"Billie! Fucker! You're here! That's great!" yelled a dark haired guy.
"Kiffmeyer," Billie started as he glanced at Mike who passed out again. "normally I wouldn't ask you this, since you're always the one that's fucked up instead of Mike. But I could really use some help with this chick here." The guy raised his eyebrows as he glanced at her.
"Dude! You fucked her to the afterlife! Nice!" He exclaimed and Billie rolled his eyes.
"Fuck you man!" said Billie. "I fucking hit this girl with my car just now."
"Seriously?" said Kiffmeyer astonished. "Well, get her the fuck to the.. oh yeah.." he said with a lopsided grin. "We still got that restraining order don't we?"
"Yeah now come on and help me, before I'll drop her and break her legs!"
"Sure dude, what do you want me to do?" asked Kiffmeyer casually as he examined his wrist.
"Get some bandages and disinfection stuff, I'll be up in room 409."
"409? You sure you ain't planning something naughty with that girl?"
"Fuck you John."


Juliette opened her eyes and noticed she was lying on something soft in a dark dim lit room; she frowned in confusion and tried to sit up. Apparently she was lying on a bed in somebody's room.
A gulf of nausea caught up in her throat as she sat up, therefore she quickly dropped herself back on the bed. Sitting up wasn't such a good idea; though she could remember that she did this before.
But when? And why? And where was she anyway? She didn't recognize this place at all..
The door opened and a guy with dark hair entered the room. He seemed to be well built and he had a pretty face.

"Ah you're awake." the guy said as he sat on the bed.
"Where am I?" asked Juliette still confused about it all.
"You're at the warehouse. I live here." He stated somewhat proudly.
"Why.. am I in your home..?" Asked Juliette frightened. What if this guy had slept with her or anything? He may have kidnapped her! And probably drugged her too!
"Chill out, a friend of mine brought you here." said the guy. "He hit you with his car or something."
She was hit by a car? Fucking hit by a car? Then why couldn't she remember?! And why wasn't she in a hospital?
"W-Who are you?" asked Juliette.
"I'm John," Said the guy with a grin. "And what's your name?"
"I'm.." started Juliette. "I'm.." Fuck why couldn't she remember her name?! "I'm.."
This was fucking embarrassing! Was it something with an M? Melanie? No, that's not it... Mandy? Oh heck no! She dug in to her pocket and found a plastic card to her own surprise. She took it out of her pocket; it was plain and white with the initials A.M. in the top right corner. Was this her identification card? It must be.. In the center of the card it said her name was Maria Jane.
"I'm.. Maria." She finally stated and she seemed content about it, it felt familiar somehow.
"Alright." said John. "I'll tell my friend you're awake."
With that he left the room and Juliette was left alone again.

She stared at the ceiling for a while. How long was she here already?
And why did her head hurt?
Oh, well that would be the car accident obviously..
But when did it happen? And why was she on the road again?
Was she going somewhere? Or did she come from somewhere? Maybe school or some sort of work? She couldn't remember.
This was pretty frustrating..

Then the door opened again and someone rushed inside and closed the door.
Juliette's breath caught up in her throat as that person rushed over to her and stared at her intently.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt? I'm fucking sorry I hit you out there." He rambled as he seemed to check her head.
"I-I'm okay, I think." She said. "I think I only suffer from temporarily memory loss."
"Well don't we have that all." the guy grinned while mocking her. Her face dropped and she stared with an insulting look on her face at the teenager.
"Oh.. Y-you were serious?" he said after a period of silence, and his face reddened.
"Fuck yeah I'm serious." she said and sat up carefully ignoring the oozes of sickening bile she tasted in the back of her throat.
He coughed uneasily as he scratched the back of his head.

"Eh, so I heard your name is Maria." He said ignoring the previous topic of conservation.
"I think I am.." She growled at him. "But I don't know because I don't fucking remember shit face! My name could be anything and then I still wouldn't know if it was true!"
"Don't you have an ID or something?" he said as he stared sarcastically at her.
"Jesus, don't you listen to what I'm saying?!"
"Fucking hell, don't bite my head off! You realize I just saved your life right?!" he said getting angry.
"Yeah, before you almost took it asshole." She yelled back at him.
He sighed, there wasn't any way of normal conversation with her was it?

"Okay, let's start over." He said as he rolled his eyes. "My name's Billie Joe and I hit you accidentally with my car. Oh, and I broke your Walkman."
"You broke my Walkman?! Fuck you! ..Wait.. Did I have a Walkman?" she said getting confused again.
"You had, and it was playing a Sex Pistols song."
"Who are they?"
He stared astonished at her, maybe she really was suffering from temporarily memory loss.. There wasn't anyone he knew that hadn't heard of the Sex Pistols.
"Maybe I should take you to the hospital anyway." He said getting antsy.
"Yeah, why haven't you took me there in the first place dude?!" she asked angrily as her vision started to spin lightly.
"I've got a restraining order." He growled.
"You've got a restraining order.. for the fucking hospital?!" she yelled as she squinted her eyes. Everything seemed to spin before her eyes and moved in weird circles and angles.
"Yeah, I know.. It's lame."
"Dude that's fucking nice!" she exclaimed and Billie seemed to be caught off guard.
This chick was really hard to read..
"How's your head?" he asked out of the blue.
"Well everything is a bit woozy, and I can't see straight really.. Dude, how many of you are there? Cause I see three.." She said before she passed out again.
"Fuck." Said Billie. "Here we go again."


"I'll go. You can't go in there dude, you know it. They'll get your ass arrested before you'll say 'shit'."
"I know, I just feel a bit responsible."
"Dude if you claim that you've hit her with your car and the chick dies later on, how do you think things will end up for you?!"
Billie was silent. He knew Mike was right.
"They'll stuff you between four walls for the rest of your fucking life."
"Yeah you're probably right. Fine go then." said Billie.
"I'll tell them I found her down the road with her bike crashed somewhere."
"Sure. Just take her there, and Mike?"
"Don't take my car."
"Got it."

It was the next day already a pretty sweet day too. There was sunshine and everybody was in a happy mood. Though that girl was still upstairs passed out, they all had to check on her once in a while if she was still breathing. Fucking scary stuff.
The party didn't last long after Billie brought in the chick, Kiffmeyer told everybody that the booze was gone and made sure everybody left.
It was a filthy lie, but a great lie to get everybody the fuck out of the house.
Mike came downstairs with the chick in his arms.
"I'll be going now." He said. "See ya."
"Yo." Billie said. "Good luck with that."
"They don't know my face." responded Mike as he winked at Billie whom stood there fuming.
"Asshole..." He muttered. He hated it when somebody else took care of his situation, even though he couldn't do it himself.

There was a bright light. Was she dead? Was this heaven?
Then she noticed a figure standing above her with a pair of glasses on. He seemed old and creepy..
And her head hurt.. Maybe this was hell after all..
"I think she's coming to it." Someone said.
"Let me see." Another spoke.
"Yeah she's gaining consciousness."
"Good, then we can hear her out."
"Perfect. Now we'll have some clarity about this whole situation."
Juliette blinked and stared at the people in the white room. In the corner was a boy sitting on a chair that seemed happy that she gained her consciousness again.
"Alright miss." An older man said to her. His name tag told her that his name was doctor Michaels. And he seemed familiar in a bad way. An image of a crowd shot through her head like a bullet and she felt sick at once, though she didn't know why..

"How do you feel?" he asked as he examined her.
"Eh.." said Juliette as she scraped her throat. It felt like she had been eating razors for breakfast. "Okay I guess."
"Do you know who you are?" asked the doctor.
"I'm.. I thought my name was Maria. But I'm not sure."
"Okay we'll call you Maria until you figure out your own name." said the doctor as he smiled kindly at her. Or was it perverted?
"Do you know what happened?" he asked.
Juliette glanced at the guy in the corner and he was vigorously shaking his head no.
"No.. I'm sorry." She said. "I can't remember."
"Alright, its fine, maybe you'll remember it later don't force your brains."
Juliette smiled bleakly.
"What the hell is going on?" she asked suddenly. "Why can't I remember anything?"
"It seems you have a brain concussion and you suffer from temporarily memory loss." He said. "It isn't anything serious that can't be fixed. You've also got a cut on your head that we disinfected, it will heal fast. You just need a lot of rest, without working yourself up too much."
"Okay." She said as she felt a little uneasy. "When can I leave this place?"
"Well, as soon as my assistant has your medication ready-"
"Medication?" she asked frightened.
"- for the concussion. It will ease your mind a bit and won't give you these bad headaches."
She felt like taking the meds already.
"Do you've got a place to go?" asked the doctor.
"Y-yeah." She said as she glanced at the boy in the corner. "I'm staying at my friend's house because my parents are out of town." She lied.
She didn't even know if she had parents at all!
"Okay fine, you can go." Said the doctor in the same perverted way again. Man did she feel uneasy around that creep!
The nurse handed her the meds and the boy helped her walking out of the place. He walked her to an old truck that was parked lazily on the sidewalk outside.

"Alright let's go." He said. "The name is Mike by the way."
"I'm not sure who I am." She said. "My identification card says I'm Maria, but I don't believe I am."
"Ah well, I'll call you whatever you'll like me to then." he smiled at her and she felt a little more at ease.
"So, I don't think you know where you live right?" he asked her.
"Eh, no.."
"Yes, I thought so." said Mike. "I'll take you back to my place until you figure it out."
Juliette sighed.
"Do you happen to have a bottle of water or something?" she asked him. "I need to take these pills."
"I've only got a six pack of soda pop in the backseat. The fuckers don't allow me to drink while driving, so they switch the beers for sodas every time they find out I hid some in the car."
"Seems... reasonable." Grinned Juliette as she dug to the backseat and took out a can of Coke.
While Juliette took her meds with cola, Mike thought about what happened at the hospital.
He was a little confused when the doctor said that Maria was his favorite girl for the nights out. He didn't quite understood what it meant. Maybe she was a prostitute, but she really didn't look like one..

They drove to the back of the warehouse where a lot more cars were parked. Including an aqua colored Mustang. Another image of a car racing right up to her shot through her head.
"Who owns that blue car?" asked Juliette immediately. "Is it that Billie guy?"
"Yeah, Billie Joe does, pretty sweet ride eh?"
"Yeah, I think it hit me last night." She said as she raised an eyebrow. "It did. Didn't it?"
"Yeah it did." Mike said as he smiled at her. "Is this the first thing you've start to remember?"
"Yeah," She lied. "It's pretty weird."
"Awesome." said Mike. "And I witnessed it!"
"You're weird." laughed Juliette as she carefully stepped out of the car.
"Thank you, your highness." Grinned Mike as he helped her walk into the warehouse.
♠ ♠ ♠
And here's chapter one. ;)
So far so good?