Status: Active

One For The Razorbacks

I'm Looking For Directions For Out Of This Place

The stench that lingered in the warehouse that these guys apparently lived in sickened Juliette. She never smelled something that could be this foul.
There was a lot of laughter coming from out of the rooms as a mixture of alcohol, sweat and probably the inside of someone's stomach filled Juliette's nostrils. It pin pointed out exactly how a large amount of people were apparently living around here.
Juliette grimaced as a joyful Mike led her inside throughout a small hallway.
"How many people live in this sickening stench?" said Juliette eventually.
Mike stared at her in surprise.
"Sickening? You call this sickening? I think Billie even cleaned up the place a little, while I was racing you back and forth to the hospital."
"Are you fucking serious?" spat Juliette. "It smells like corpses and alcohol poisoning in here!"
"Well you're probably right about the corpses, there's about 25 of them in here." joked Mike and Juliette rolled her eyes.

"Billie! Dude! I've brought her back." yelled Mike.
A dark somewhat curly haired head dashed from out of a crowded room to meet up with Mike and Juliette.
"Ah, great!" said Billie whom seemed really happy about it. "So how do you feel then?"
"Well, a little better.." said Juliette. "It seems I've got a brain concussion and temporarily memory loss. Like I've said already..."
"Oh." said Billie feeling a bit uneasy. "Well I hope you get well soon."
"Like you care." growled Juliette.
"Hey! At least I'm trying to be concerned about you." said Billie as he glared at her.
"Before hitting me with that hideous piece of metal that you keep in the backyard." said Juliette as she placed her hands on her sides and eyed Billie cockily.
"Are you insulting my ride right now?!" yelled Billie.
"Yea, I hope you liked it." she said as she passed him by to get to the other side of the building. She went through the kitchen door and discovered a small patio with a crooked bench leaning against one of the four brick walls.

Juliette sighed as she seated herself on the bench and pulled her knees up to her chest.
She felt like she missed something right now, something that would usually calm her nerves. Her body and mind ached for it, though she had no idea of what in the world it could be.
She frowned and started to think really hard, but she couldn't remember it and got frustrated.
Juliette dropped her feet on the pavement and dug her hands in to the pockets of the jacket she was wearing. There she coincidentally found a pack of Marlboro and a lighter..
She immediately lit a cigarette and the empty void started to clear her mind.
Apparently that was the thing she had been missing out on. Weird though, when you're a smoker and you can't remember you were..

The back door opened and she knew someone was coming over to her to sit with her. She had no idea who it could be since there lived an entire mosh pit in that bloody warehouse.
"Hey dude." a guy said, and Juliette snapped her eyes up to him.
Tall, blue mohawk, tattoos, punk attitude, strong jaw and blue sparkling eyes.
He was downright handsome.
"Who you're calling a dude, dude!" spat Juliette back.
"Fuck, don't yell at me it makes the brain creepers rampage." said the guy and Juliette stifled a smirk.
"Name's Tim, though they call me Lint. And who are you?" he said as he lit a cigarette too.
"I don't know." she said. "I think it's Maria but I'm not sure."
"You're not sure about your own name? Fuck, and I thought I was messed up."
"Ha fucking Ha." sneered Juliette. "That Billie dude hit me with his lame excuse for a car, and now I've got memory loss and a brain concussion."
"Billie? Billie Joe right?" he said exhaling smoke as he stared up to the sky.
"Yeah." she said. "You know him?"
"He's related to me." said Tim and he raised his eyebrows while saying it.
"Great." She growled as she took a drag of her cigarette and threw it away.
"So you're gonna stay here with us?"
"I think so. I don't know where I live or anything.. My memory should be coming back within a few days though."
"Sweet." he said. "Better pick a room then, if you want a clean one get to the 400 section."
"400 section?" she asked as she frowned.
"Yeah." he threw his cigarette away too. "We painted numbers on all the bedroom doors. It was a fucking hell of a job to do, but it's useful when you're drunk and you're lost in your own damn house."
Juliette smirked.
"Well I'm gonna go back inside. Wanna come with me?" he said adding a wink. "I can help you pick a room for ye."
Juliette felt her cheeks glowing.
"Eh no thanks I'll be here.. Hanging out..."
"Shame." He said with a smirk as he went back inside.

Juliette felt a little uneasy knowing that this guy lived here. She didn't know what it was, but he sure made her feel weird.
Then the back door opened again and Billie joined her on the bench.
"What do you want?" snarled Juliette rolling her eyes.
"Well aren't you a sunshine." said Billie sarcastic. "Stop being so damn pissed off against me all the time!"
"I'm pissed off whenever I like it! I don't know if I have to rub it in your face again, but I can't remember shit!" yelled Juliette at him. "And it's your fault asshole."
"Fine beat me up for all that I care, if it makes you feel better." He growled.
Juliette raised her eyebrows.
"Are you fucking inviting me to beat you up right now?"
Billie rolled his eyes and stood up.
"It was sarcasm." He grunted. "If you're hungry, Matt brought tacos."
"Who's Matt?" she asked as she stared at him with a disgusted look on her face.
"You don't know him!" Snarled Billie and he walked inside slamming the door behind him.
Juliette rolled her eyes and decided she needed to eat something, so she followed Billie inside to a kitchen that she crossed before.

Numerous white bags with receipts on them stood on the large table in the middle of the room producing Mexican fumes.
"Hello Maria." said John whom had a mouth full of taco.
Juliette waved briefly as she was looking for a seat around the table, it seemed every seat was taken..
"Hey dude, you can sit on my lap if you want." Tim said who sat on the corner of the table next to other dudes with mohawks. "I promise I won't bite."
Juliette smiled weakly as she glanced at all the people whom were staring at her, seated around the table. Unfortunately, this warehouse was filled with men. There wasn't a single girl present. And she felt like she was being checked out by hundreds of eyes. Though Billie stared at her as if she was a piece of crap, Mike was busy eating taco's and John had another mouth full as well.
'Screw it', she thought as she walked over towards Tim.
Tim raised his eyebrows and then started to smirk.
"You know I was kidding right?" he said and Juliette felt her cheeks burn.
What an asshole!
"Ha, don't worry darling have a seat." He added quickly patting his knees when he noticed her uneasiness and her evil glare.
Juliette clenched her teeth and sat down sideways on Tim's lap getting a lot of cheers and wolf-whistles from the men around her.
She grabbed a taco out of a bag and dug her teeth in, she was hungrier than she thought she'd might be and ate four tacos at a rapid speed.
While eating she occasionally felt Tim's hand touching her thigh and it made her feel a bit uneasy.
"Dude!" Tim said from behind her. "You're a taco monster!"
Juliette smirked as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.
"I'm sorry, I think I was hungry." She said with a chuckle.
Tim moved a bit and shifted Juliette better on his lap, resting his arm around her waist. She immediately started to blush.
"Sorry hun, you were cutting off my bloodstream." He said softly but loud enough for other people to hear whom started to grin and make dirty comments about it which Juliette ignored.
She glanced at Billie who glared at Tim and her. She didn't know why, or what it was that he was angry about. But it somehow alarmed her and she refused to look at him again.

After dinner Juliette made some new friends. Matt a friend of Tim's dropped by occasionally to see how Tim was doing, or he'd join a party which seemed to be going on here every Friday night. They were drinking numerous beers and Juliette felt the booze take her restrains away from her slowly. She didn't know if it would affect anything on her brain concussion, but frankly, she didn't care a shit.
She had fun though she felt a little uncomfortable sometimes when Tim was staring intensely at her. When he noticed he made her feel that way, he always beamed a smile at her that calmed her nerves a little.
"Hey Maria." someone said behind her. Juliette turned around and met up with Mike.
"Are you coming with us to Gilman? There's this band playing you know, and I thought you might like it. It's a couple of blocks from here."
Juliette frowned and thought it over quickly.
"Who else is gonna be there?" she asked with a slight slur in her voice.
"Well me and John, eh.. And Bil-"
"No thanks." she said interrupting him as she turned back to Tim and his friends. "Maybe later..."
"Thought so." said Mike. "See ya."
Juliette heard Mike, John and Billie fight about something and Billie seemed to be disagreeing about everything until they finally left the warehouse.

"So honey." Tim said and he caught her attention. "Wanna go out for a smoke?"
Juliette stared out the window and she noticed it was getting dark outside.
"Eh, sure." she said as she jumped off table that she currently sat on.
She followed him through the back door and when she closed it she heard a lot of commotion coming from the kitchen. She glanced behind her and noticed that these friends of Tim were making bets about something.
"What the fuck are they doing?" she said as she glared at Tim.
"Oh probably stupid shit." he said as he smirked. "You got a light?"
Juliette grabbed the lighter out of her pocket and lit it for him to get his cigarette on, after that she did her own and sat down on the bench.
"So." he said as he sat down next to her and stared at her.
"What." she said as she took a drag.
"What kind of music do you like?" he asked as he leaned his elbows on his knees.
"I don't know." she said and it made Tim laugh. "My Walkman seemed to have the Sex Pistols on it, but I don't know what it is. I kind of forgot."
"The Sex Pistols are nice." he said. "Maybe I can catch you up on your music. Y'know, maybe it helps getting your memory back."
Juliette smiled; she liked Tim much better when he wasn't with his friends. He seemed to be proving himself towards everyone all the time.
"If you want that'd be great." she said as she exhaled.
"Or else I wouldn't say it." he said softly as he smiled at her.
Juliette blushed and she felt the awkward tension building up between them again.

Tim wrapped an arm around her shoulder and rubbed it, though he didn't take his arm away from her when he was done doing that. It was simply resting on the back of the bench, his hand resting on her upper arm.
"You're the only person I can talk to this way." she said eventually. "The others seem so... weird."
"What do you mean." he said taking another drag.
"Well I don't particular like John, Mike's nice but I think he's a bit strange, as for Billie Joe, he's just an asshole. And I don't know your friends much."
"Those three are always doing stuff together. Don't mind them they're just really worked up about their band all the time." he said as he stared at her again.
He seemed to be closer to her than he was seconds ago, and Juliette didn't know how it was possible that such a thing happened without seeing him do that.
"They're in a band?" she softly said as she felt a little awkward.
"Yep, and so am I." he said softly, she could feel his breath on her face and automatically closed her eyes when his lips collided with hers.

His lips moved in a hypnotizing way against her own and she felt dizzy when he cupped her face with his left hand, the other was now resting around her waist.
His tongue ran over her bottom lip and she parted them without thinking, making him explore her mouth as their tongues danced slowly.
After a while of kissing, Tim broke away from it leaving Juliette bedazzled and confused on her own.
"I'm sorry." He said. "I shouldn't have done that."
"Why?" She questioned as she threw her cigarette away.
"I'm not really the kind of person that you want to be with."
"I'll decide that for my own thanks." She said as she crashed her lips against his again. A moan escaped from his lips as he pulled her on to his lap, tangling his fingers in her dirty blond, slightly brownish hair.
Juliette placed her hand on the back of his neck getting him as close to her as she possibly could.

Then he suddenly broke away from her again staring at her with shock.
"What now?" she said getting frustrated.
"This isn't a good idea." He said as he looked the other way.
"Why." she asked as she wiped a few strands of hair out of her face.
"You're doing things to me darling. I'm human too."
Juliette blushed as she got the hint. She quickly got off of his lap.
"Sorry." She said as she sat back next to him.
"Don't get me wrong, normally I don't care and I would easily fuck someone like you. But this time it doesn't seem like a good idea, no matter how worked up you got me. I'm not going to fuck and use a girl with memory loss. That's just.. wrong."
Juliette opened her mouth and then closed it like a fish.
"Come on let's get inside before I'll change my mind and do it anyway." He growled.
Juliette's blush deepened and followed him back inside.
The guys all fell silent and seemed to check her out.
"See that flushed face?" some dude said. "I told you they would get it on! Now give me your money douche bags!"
Juliette rolled her eyes, picked up another beer and walked in to a room she didn't visit before. It looked like a TV room or something.
She plopped herself on the couch and turned on the tube that was stationed in the corner.
She wasn't exactly sure if she had to regret that she kissed Tim.
Though she frankly couldn't care a shit either, the only thing she knew was that she didn't felt like staying here for too long.


"I'm fucking okay, OKAY!" yelled Billie Joe towards his band mate. "Will you please shut the fuck up about it now?"
"Dude! We need to play within fifteen minutes and I don't want you to be this shitty on stage!" said Mike who pushed Billie against the wall. "Calm the fuck down!"
"Yeah, whatever." Billie growled as he looked the other way. "Now let me the fuck go." Mike released him and he stomped away backstage in return.
"Hey Mike, what's up Billie's ass?" asked John who just came out of the backstage room and poked with a drumstick in his hair. "He's swearing his ass off backstage."
"He's angry because his girlfriend didn't show up. Again." said Mike rolling his eyes.
"Nina?" asked John as he stuck the drumstick in his back pocket.
"Yeah, I don't know what's up with them, but he keeps inviting her while she keeps rejecting him."
"Sounds fucked up to me." mumbled John.
"I'm getting pretty sick about his outbursts at me all the time about this." grunted Mike. "As if I, can do something about it..."
"Just ignore him." shrugged John. "He'll come around."
"Yeah but I don't want him yelling at anything and everyone around here. He's fucking up gigs for us all the time! I'm getting pretty sick of it!"
"Mike." said John dead serious. "Calm down you're just a worse tempered as Billie now."
Mike sighed and took a sip of his beer out of frustration.
"I hate it when you're right." He mumbled which John chuckled about.
They both walked to the small room backstage where a pissed off Billie Joe was sitting on the couch.

"Hey Bill." Said Mike with a smirk. "You know what; let's get to After Midnight tomorrow night. I'm sure it'll make you feel better loads. And maybe you'll pick up a stripper lady to pole dance the night away with."
Billie stared at him and glared, though he couldn't keep it up long before he started to smirk lightly.
"You're such a douche Mike." Grinned Billie as he got off the couch. "But yeah why not. It'll take my mind off of things."
Mike grinned and patted his friend on the back.
"Good to have you back from Angerville." He said with a laugh and Billie smirked.
Right then a guy came inside the backstage room notifying them they had only five seconds left. John and Mike glanced at Billie, and his facial expression turned extremely mischievous in all of a sudden.
"Let's play this fucking show." Said Billie as he picked up his guitar and walked up the small staircase to the stage.
The lights were shining down on them, and Billie felt like he was king of the world.
Well.. until he noticed a drunk girl in the back with dirty blond hair clinging on to a large supporting pole that kept the roof up. As he raised his eyebrows, she started to wave at him with exaggeration.
Billie rolled his eyes and decided to ignore her as he started to play the first few chords of his newly written song, Sixteen.

"Every night I dream the same dream,
Of getting older and older all the time.
I ask you now, what does this mean?
Or are these problems just in my mind?
Things are easy when you're a child,
But now these pressures have dropped on my head.
The length I've gone, are just long miles,
Would they be shorter if I were dead?"
♠ ♠ ♠
And here's chapter 2 :P
A comment and I love you forever!