Status: Active

One For The Razorbacks

Now you see me, now you don’t; don’t ask me, where I’m at?

"You're kidding..." said Mike with a nervous laugh. "Tell me you're kidding Billie."
"I wish I was." growled Billie. "But my mom keeps nagging and it's getting me pretty annoyed."
"So what are you gonna do now?" said John slightly angered. "Quit the band? Leave us and shit?"
"What? Where the fuck are you talking about?" said Billie shocked. "I would never hurt your feelings!"
Mike chuckled and patted him on the back as he strolled throughout the room.
"I just think I need to show up in class once a while instead of sleeping half of the day to get rid of hangovers." said Billie shrugging.
"Okay well as long as you don't neglect us." said Mike sarcastic, as he was raising his eyebrows. "It has influence on the band you know, being the lead guitarist ánd the singer."
"I said showing up, I didn't say doing homework pansy." Smirked Billie and Mike started to laugh.
"Fine, well I'm gonna hit the town. Are you coming Kiffmeyer?" Mike said shaking his head.
John mumbled something and picked up his bags. "I'm gonna need to bring my honeys home first." He said pointing at three of his drums. "They've been hanging around here too long for my sake, and you know how crazy it gets around here."
"What about the rest of the set?" questioned Mike as he pointed his thumb backward.
"They're not mine; I borrowed them from some guy around here." said John.
"I can take them over to my place?" said Billie with another shrug. "I'm with my car anyway; you two party-beasts go ahead and start party bashing."
They laughed about the dirty remark, and walked out of the building talking animatedly.
Billie sighed to himself as he zipped Blue in to its bag and swung it over his arm, taking Kiffmeyers' drums he went out of the building as well.

It had been a busy night, and Billie was actually pretty tired. Since the marvelous arrival of Maria, he had been working his ass off for some unknown reason.
He shook his head as he thought about Tim, he was a cruel man sometimes. He clearly didn't understood girls, and he failed tremendously in picking them up.
He smirked, boy he was so much better in every way possible.
Billie walked towards the back door when someone bumped in to him in the doorway. He almost dropped the drums and was about to insult whomever it was that he bumped into, when the person in question tumbled backwards on to the pavement and growled.

"Fuck! Watch where you goin' ass-hole!" growled a familiar voice.
"Maria?" said Billie not entirely sure it was her.
"What!" she hissed.
"You.. Well you probably don't," he started rolling his eyes, "but do you need a ride? You look pretty fucked up."
"Whi-you? Fuckoff douche," She slurred. "I can..I can walk."
Billie rolled his eyes and walked away, he had other things on his mind right now.

Behind him Juliette staggered the other way out, she had been going outside for some fresh air a while ago and felt really dizzy at the moment.
She walked towards the entrance but failed to make it and collapsed on the pavement.
Billie heard the crash and turned around immediately, seeing Maria sprawled out on the pavement.
"I'll keep rescuing you don't I?" he growled to himself as he angrily put the drums down and placed her in a sitting position against one of the walls of Gillman's.
"Now you stay there moron." He growled as he picked up the drums and quickly made his way to his car. He dumped the drums and his guitar in the trunk and securely locked it.
When he came back to the where he left her, she was still there surprisingly, but now with a load of fresh vomit next to her.
"Oh this is just great." He growled. "Come on."
"Fuck yoouu." She said pointing a finger randomly in the air.
Billie sighed and heaved her onto his shoulder. She was screaming and stomping him on his back, but he didn't care as he placed her on the backseat of his car.
"Lemme go!" she yelled. "I don' wanna go home."
"Shut up." growled Billie as he started the engine. "Like I want to take you with me."

The ride to the warehouse took longer than Billie expected, he had to stop a million times to let her throw up. Being the asshole himself, he really didn't like vomit on his seats, so each time he heard her make a sickening noise, he pulled over and harshly dragged her out of the car. She had been passed out for about three minutes now, and Billie cursed himself for taking her with him in the first place.
When they finally arrived at the warehouse there was something similar to an anarchy going on. A few things caught on fire and it was total chaos everywhere, it was even surprising that the cops weren't there yet.
The floors were covered in vomit, feces, and urine. The sofa was on fire, and a few sinister dark puddles got splattered out on the coffee table. Blood was casually smeared out on the walls and doors, and on top of that all, a whole lot of raging teenagers on acid covered in their own blood and bruises…

Tim was standing in the middle of it all; he had lost his mind entirely. There was blood on his face and bare chest, but it was hard to see if it was his own or someone else's, since he was punching some guy in the face that apparently insulted him for whatever reason. The air was humid and reeked of beer, vomit and sweat.
It turned Billie nauseous instantly.
He turned around and walked away from it. He growled, he could've known that this was bound to happen again. It was like Tim had some kind of sick cycle, sometimes he could totally freak out about something, and start fighting everyone.
Even his best friends.
Someone noticed him coming inside and was about to say something. Billie glared and walked away, he wasn't going to mingle with this kind of shit.
He quickly made it back to his car and started the engine right away.
Fuck this shit!
He then heard a few moans coming from the backseat… Billie closed his eyes and prayed it wasn't true as he slowly turned his head to Maria, sadly enough it wasn't his lucky night…
He angrily smashed his forehead on the steering wheel and cursed everything.
Maria had soiled herself ánd threw up in his car.


It was dark, and not the usual darkness that Juliette was familiar with. This was different, and she felt like someone crammed her into a corset and pulled the strings too tight.
She opened her eyes and met up with yet another surrounding that she wasn't familiar with.
"What the douche." she growled confused. She turned around, but then failed to notice that it was a couch she was lying on and that she couldn't turn that way without smashing on to the floor. With a loud thud she fell on her back and groaned with exaggeration.
This was going perfect.
She smelled something that was sour and sweet at the same time, only to find out that her hair was covered in dried up vomit. She sat up immediately to prevent a load of vomit to emerge out of her throat, though maybe that wasn't the wisest thing to do either...
"Hey," she heard a voice say. "Are you okay?"
She turned her head to where the voice was coming from, but the room seemed to spin and dance a little. She shook her head out of instinct to make the spinning disappear, but it only seemed to make it worse. She closed her eyes, she couldn't see who was talking to her anyway, and when she kept her eyes closed it didn't feel like she was involuntarily on a ride in a roller coaster.
Though the voice seemed familiar to her, she mumbled she was okay and prayed that he would leave her alone.
The person walked up to her and helped her back on to the couch again.
"I need a shower." she managed to say. "But you need to help me, my head is going crazy."
"Hell, I'm not going to help you out!" She now recognized the voice as Mike's.
"You can ask Beej, but I'm not really… well how I say it properly... I'm kind of clumsy when it comes to... helping out the female gender..."
Juliette groaned, better this Beej, than getting touched in all the wrong places by Mike...
"Okay, sure whatever." She grumbled. "Get him over here."
She heard footsteps heading out of her direction; she sighed but immediately clutched her head when Mike started screaming.

Juliette growled and ruffled a hand through her messy hair.
Then she heard the footsteps heading back to her.
"Alright he's coming upstairs." Said Mike.
Juliette nodded and sighed once more.
"Okay where's the fire." She heard someone say. His voice was light and jumpy; it made her think of butterflies and spring break for some odd reason.
"She wants to take a shower." said Mike bluntly. "I'm not that good with ladies and... well-you-know..."
The other guy grinned, she remembered his voice vaguely but she couldn't place it yet.
"Sure." He said. "I'll take care of it."
Then Mike started to laugh and make weird perverted noises.
"What the hell is going on?!" growled Juliette.
"Nothing princess." Said the other guy, and now she suddenly started to recognize his voice…
"Mike, where exactly am I?" she asked as her voice started to croak a little.
"Well at Billie's house of course, duh." Said Mike and he obviously rolled his eyes.
"Oh hell no." she whispered. "No way in hell that you're allowed to undress me Armstrong."

"Well suits yourself then." said Billie as he raised his eyebrows. "I'm not the one with vomit in my hair."
"Oh fuck you! Just take me to the god damned bathroom and I'll see to myself!"
"Well of course your highness." She heard him say. The sarcasm was clearly present in his manner of speaking and she had the extreme urge to smack him across his face; weren't it the fact that she couldn't see where the hell he was standing.
She felt a light touch on her wrist and she felt that it was slowly guiding her in directions. She tried to remember where she was heading but she soon gave up.
"Do you maybe have some aspirin for me?" she asked in the most nicely way she could.
"It's in the cabinet above the sink, but you'll probably have to open your eyes for that."
"Fuck you! I'm just really dizzy that's all."
"Well that's not exactly surprising is it? You've got a brain concussion idiot."
Juliette sighed and decided not to speak anymore, it tired her and she felt like someone dropped a piano on her head for no apparent reason.
They finally made it to the bathroom and Juliette was grateful to be finally there. Billie had been walking slowly to make sure she wouldn't trip over her own feet, which was generous but completely necessary. She wasn't paralyzed or anything...
She thanked him and he walked away from her, if she would start a rampage or anything he would send Mike anyway.


Juliette sighed when she turned the water off. Thus far she had managed to take a shower, and she took three or four tablets of aspirin to ease her stomach and calm her head. She felt nice and clean and started to recall everything that happened last night.
She had been at Gilman's where Billie's band played, something about Tim being very cruel to her, and fragments of her memory that came back to her.
She frowned and started searching for a towel; sadly enough there wasn't even a washing cloth present in the room. She groaned; this was just too embarrassing... She was now forced to call one of the guys and ask for a towel.
Juliette inhaled and exhaled slowly as she stepped out of the bathtub and unlocked the door. She then stepped back in to the tub and closed the shower curtain.
She took a deep breath and screamed as loudly as she possibly could:

Billie heard her scream and smirked. He never thought about that personal issue, but it made him feel satisfied to know that he annoyed her.
Unfortunately Mike had already left and his mom was off to work, therefore he turned out to be the one to bring the towel to her...
"Damn it." He grumbled as he made his way across the hall.
In the hallway stood a rather large closet filled with towels and other bathroom items.
He picked a towel not even bothering to see what it looked like and knocked on the door.
"It's open!" she yelled and Billie rolled his eyes.
He pushed the door slightly open, just enough to get his arm with the towel through it.
There was no response from her, and he getting annoyed with this entire situation, wagged his arm up and down to draw her attention.
"I've got one for you right here." He said after a while of wagging his arm.
"Oh shit, sorry." He heard her say followed suit by a lot of stumbling in the bathtub.
Billie kept wagging his arm up and down until the moment she took it out of his hand.. He lost his balance because he couldn't see anything and tumbled over.
Billie flailed with his arms as if he was about to start flying and he was barely quick enough to grab the door post with both of his hands.
Juliette stepped backwards in reflex and eyed him with a shocked expression all over her face.

Billie automatically stared her down and widened his eyes. She held the towel in front of every female touch that her body contained. But being it a very small towel it was a little hard to cover everything precisely..
The towel barely reached her thighs and being it too short from the top, it gave her an outstanding cleavage.
Juliette noticed Billie's gawking and started to glare immediately.
"Out!" she said as she was trying to push him out of the room. "Out! Out! Out! Get the fuck out you freak!"
When Billie reached his room he was clearly confused, this was not exactly the plan he had in mind for the day...
♠ ♠ ♠
okay so chapter 4 is finally arrived.. sorry that it took me long.. >_>