Status: Active

One For The Razorbacks

Vegging on one detail, the rest just crowds around..

Billie's arrogance quickly took over from the confusion and he smirked quietly about what just happened. He had just seen a girl naked, well; barely clothed but that was almost the same thing.
He seated himself down on his bed and took out his scrappy notebook, he was working on lyrics for a new song for a few days now, but words just didn't seem to form in his head.
He only had the chorus, which consisted out of two of the same words repeating each other three or four times.
"Uh Armstr-Billie Joe?" he heard coming out of the bathroom. "Would you.. Eh lend me some of your clothes?"
Billie raised his eyebrows, was this question coming out of her mouth? He shook his head and put the notebook away as he sneaked in to his sister's old room. There he found a skirt and a t-shirt which didn't seem to be dirty or eaten up by moths or anything similar.
He walked to the bathroom door and was about to knock against the white painted wood when he remembered she would probably feel embarrassed around him at the moment. Even though it made him feel satisfied because she turned out to be a total bitch, he wasn't thát heartless either. Therefore he placed it neatly on the floor in front of the door.
"I eh.. They're on the floor." He said shortly as he walked back to his room.

After a few minutes Juliette walked out of the bathroom fully clothed. She was freshened up, not as dizzy as before, and she remembered quite a few things from last night.
She was a stripper, went to Pinole Valley High, ended up with bruises sometimes, and listened to the Sex Pistols. Also she lived in a house with a man called Miles, and her name ought to be Maria Jane.
Without thinking Juliette walked in to Billie's room and he looked up from a notebook he was scribbling in.
"Better?" he asked and Juliette just nodded as she sat down on the couch on the other side of the room. She didn't really felt comfortable in this boy's room, let alone in someone else's clothes..
"Why am I here?" she finally asked as she frowned.
"Your boyfriend took the warehouse down to hell with him." Grunted Billie not really interested.
"Who Tim?" she asked confused as unpleasant memories of him ran through her mind again.
"Yes him." said Billie rolling his eyes. "Who else could it be? Satan?"
Juliette huffed and glared at him.
"What did he do?" she asked after a while of staring at her fingernails.
Billie sighed and decided to just put the notebook away because he wasn't going to experience private time any soon anyway.
"Well you know his usual stuff. Setting things on fire.. Fighting everybody that crosses him.. That kind of stuff.."
Juliette widened her eyes.
"He didn't." she said more to herself than to him.
"Oh yes he did." said Billie with a light voice. "You're ought to be thankful I brought you here."
"I don't need your help! Or anyone's for that matter!" Juliette yelled defending herself. "I can perfectly manage on my own!"
Billie was genuinely shocked about her outburst, though his face was turned to 'thunderstorm' within mere seconds.
He kept rescuing her and she kept scolding him for no apparent reason, he didn't know what her problem was but he would find out right now.

"What the fuck is your problem!" he yelled as he stood up to make a point. "All I do is keeping you safe and rescuing you from all kinds of situations and what do I get in return!? You're only pushing me away and blame everything on me! Grow up!"
He kicked against stuff that lingered in his room and turned away from her, she on the other hand, suddenly felt really tiny...
He was right; she had been blaming everything that happened on him even though he was still taking care of her. No matter how worse the situation could get, he was somehow always there for her, and she was always against him.
He took her to the warehouse, brought her to the hospital and took her even up to his bedroom because she fucked up everything.
"I-I'm sorry." She squeaked, Billie didn't seem to hear that though since he wasn't done with his tirade at the window yet.
"I even took you in my car last night because you were too drunk to even walk! I let Mike drive you to the hospital because you got hurt and I wasn't able to go there myself! What the fuck am I doing wrong that makes you this angry with me huh!?"
"I s-said I was sorry." She croaked as a fresh set of tears started to well up in her throat.
"Yeah, well, you better be!" he yelled as he turned around and faced her.
Tears were falling down her cheeks freely at the moment and his anger suddenly started to fade away.
"Oh, jeez I didn't mean to- well you know." He said as he sat beside her on the couch.
Juliette closed her eyes and turned away from him. She didn't want to face him or even talk to him. He was right, completely right and she just blamed the entire thing on him.

Billie lightly reached to her shoulder but Juliette cringed immediately at the touch of his fingers.
"J-Just leave me alone okay?" she said with her voice shaking. "You don't know w-what it's like to... N-Not know who you are."
"I think you're completely off when it comes to that." He said scratching the back of his neck. "But that's okay.. It must be hard to suddenly experience it. I wouldn't know because my situation isn't comparable with yours like that."
Juliette turned towards him as her tears were still falling in droplets. It was like rain wetted her face instead of her crying her brains out. She looked at him with clear confusion in her eyes; and he cleared his throat uneasily.
"Oh jeez, come here." He said quickly, as he enveloped her in his arms, her head resting against his slightly muscular chest.
Juliette cried, but Billie didn't seem to care that she'd wet his t-shirt with her tears; he just soothed her as if she was his favorite pet.
Juliette felt like her world just came crashing down and shattered in pieces before her feet. She thought she could manage alone and figure it all out by herself, but these memories.. These horrifying images of herself, she couldn't get her thoughts in one straight line anymore. How could she do such a thing to herself? Didn't she have any respect for herself anymore?

After a while her tears dried up on her cheeks, and the shaking of her body finally stopped. She sat straight up and ruffled a hand through her hair; she looked like someone just beat her up.
Or someone hit her with his car..
"Want to go outside for a smoke?" he asked her quickly. He didn't want to think about hitting her again.. "I think it'll do you good." She nodded in silence and got to her feet as he did the same.


She lit her cigarette with his lighter since she seemed to have lost her own last night and walked around the block with him.
He lived in a beautiful house and she wondered why he would want to live in the warehouse if he had something like this at home.
Billie and she walked around a corner of a street and found a spot on the sidewalk where they sat together.
"Do you think I'll ever find out where my own house is?" she asked him.
"Well is it here in Rodeo?" he asked as he blew out the smoke.
"I don't think so, nothing seems familiar." She said with sigh. "I don't even know my name."
"I thought it was Maria?" he said confused.
"No I thought it was, but I'm not sure about it. The only way I can find out is going home wherever that is, or school which starts Monday. And being it Saturday doesn't make me less impatient."
Billie chuckled and threw away his cigarette.
"Well let's find your home then." He said with a light twinkle in his eye.
Juliette raised her eyebrows. Was he fucking serious? Where would they start? What if they wouldn't find it?
"You're obviously kidding me right?" she said exhaling an amount of smoke.
"No I'm serious, it's the least I can do to help you find your way around right?" he said staring at her intently. "I know I've been rescuing you and all that stuff. And maybe that's helping in a way too. But you're in this mess thanks to me in the first place right? I kind of feel guilty that you're feeling this way.. Right?" he rambled and Juliette snickered about his outburst.
"Okay fine." She said finally. "Take me home."

They drove around many roads, starting in Rodeo but Juliette was a hundred percent positive that she didn't live up there.
That's how they drove around every town and Juliette was even starting to enjoy herself with Billie Joe. He was funny and caring and she liked that in a guy. I think she could even call him a friend at this point, even though she despised him in the first place.
When they entered Pinole a white flash shot right through her, the image of a decent house became visible and rose to the surface. In reflex she immediately pushed her fingers against her temples.
Billie slowed down and asked her if she was alright.
"Yeah I'm fine; I think this is the place." She said and Billie smiled, it was almost evening again and he was actually craving some pizza.
They drove through several streets until Juliette recognized the house from her vision; she commanded Billie to stop the car and got out together with him.
There weren't any lights on in the house and Juliette felt a little uneasy. As if something wasn't right..
She tried to open the door but failed since it was locked and she somehow didn't have a house key.
"Don't you have a key?" he asked.
"I used to I think, but I seem to have lost it. Maybe it's attached to the key ring that holds the key for my deceased bike. But I can imagine that I won't find it anyway would we return to the scene of the crime."
Billie chuckled lightly.
"The 'scene of the crime', ha, you always seem to make me feel bad about myself don't you?"
Juliette smirked as she started to look anywhere for the spare key.
"I'm gifted with a marvelous talent." She said as she held up the spare key that seemed to be hidden under a flower pot.

When the two of them walked inside it was awfully silent. Juliette turned on the lights and felt at home instantly. It was without no doubt that this was her house.
"Miles?" she called out but there was no response.
"Who's Miles?" asked Billie and she stared at him. After a while Billie wasn't exactly sure that she was going to reply when she eventually did.
"I'm not exactly sure; I can only remember that he lives with me in this house. He's maybe related to me in some way."
Billie nodded as they walked towards the kitchen that turned out to be empty as well.. Well it was, wouldn't it be that Billie found a note on the kitchen counter.
"Maria, check this out." He said as he held up the note. "It seems to be from this Miles guy, he says he's going to be with your mother's, where does she live? Can you remember?"
Suddenly all the blood drained out of Juliette's face, she remembered her mother being dead and she gasped involuntarily.
She ran upstairs taking two steps at the time, Billie followed her suit and when he arrived upstairs; he immediately took his place next to her when she ripped the door open that was at the end of the hall.
Billie would never forget the pose of her body, nor the ghastly glow in her eyes, but the long scream that emerged out of her throat was the final straw...
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, maybe it's a bit short but I really like the cliffhanger :P