Status: Active

One For The Razorbacks

But I'm not sure exactly what you're thinking

Billie still felt his skin crawling whenever he thought about the slender, lonely, decomposing, figure hanging from the ceiling. His face had a light bluish whim, which meant he didn't break his neck right away, but choked to death instead.
It was lugubrious to think that the body had been hanging there for several days... Well, that's at least what the authorities published in numerous papers...
Man hung himself in his bedroom. or Tragic accident within Pinole CA.
Billie also didn't hear from Maria the rest of that day, he figured she needed some space now that her memory was almost back to what it was.
Though Mike's offer still stood for going to After Midnight he didn't really feel like it. After he told Mike what happened he gasped and completely understood. But he still made him go with him and Kiffmeyer anyway. Though Billie didn't want to waste his night away he knew Mike was right when he said that it 'would do him some good.'
Even though After Midnight is a sleazy stripper bar, it would take his mind off of things. He had the right to have some fun after what happened that day.

"Come on lazy ass you're taking forever." Mike stated whilst rolling his eyes.
"Oh shut up." muttered Billie. "I need to look good for the ladies."
"What ladies?" exclaimed Mike "They're all whores and you know it pal."
Billie rolled his eyes as he combed his hair again. He had nice long curls that reached his shoulders, but it was a pain to get through it with a comb.
He considered cutting it; the September winds tangled his hair way too much for his sake. Mike had already cut his hair, he had been sick of it a month ago. The only one truly happy with his hair was Kiffmeyer, his hair was short brown and plain and sometimes he would gel it up. It seemed to fit his personality.

They were two bouncy seventeen -and one eighteen- year old teenagers. How in the world they could manage to get themselves in to a strip club; where you had to be at least 21 was pretty easy to them.
They would usually sneak in from the back door when the strippers were all up, and then mingle in to the crowd. They made sure to look at least eighteen, and if somebody would question them they would show them fake ID's.
The main reason why they couldn't get in through the front was that they knew the bouncer at the door; and he would never let them inside.
Billie was called Dennis Gun according to his ID, and Mike turned to be Elvis Hansford (of course, they had their share of laughs about that), Kiffmeyer was called Lewis Adams and they occasionally called him Gomez because it was funny and he looked like him.

Mike groaned and entered the bathroom where Billie was still doing his hair.
"Oh my god, you look awful." Laughed Mike and Billie growled something unfriendly.
"Here let me take that." He said as he took the torturing device out of Billie's hand and started combing it violently.
Billie yelped and punched Mike in his stomach.
"You bastard that hurt like hell!" he yelled taking the brush out of his friend's hand again. He did a few strokes through his hair but decided to give it up as well.
"Never mind, it's too tangled." He groaned. "This small piece in my hair keeps tangling up and I can't get it out. It's like a small dreadlock."
Mike chuckled.
"Well then pretend it is." He said.
Billie shrugged and they left the bathroom flicking off the light.
Kiffmeyer was waiting in his bedroom, reading some sort of magazine.
"Are you ladies done yet?" he asked them and chuckled when he received both a glare from his band mates.


Juliette was finally home. She also discovered that her real name wasn't Maria and that didn't surprise her in the least. When she found her wallet she went through her money and found her ID which told her the truth.
Her name was Juliette Andrews and it made sense in some sort of way.
She had regained her memory completely throughout a bunch of headaches that she had to endure.
She really felt like she wanted to smack herself for all the things she did in these past few days. Not only had she acted like she was a queen, she also kissed a random stranger and slept on another guys couch.
Having a job as a stripper doesn't mean right away that you're a stripper in your private life. And she hates her job!

Her head hurt; maybe it wasn't that wise to keep her medication at the warehouse. Now she had to endure these terrible headaches now and then, because she was too scared to go to the warehouse on her own.
After Billie told her what Tim had done to the place she wasn't really thrilled to pay a visit, there could be corpses or whatever. And she had seen enough of them for one day...
Now she had this house all to herself, something she couldn't afford on her own. She didn't have any family left and she was basically left alone.
Where could she possibly go?

Her phone rang and she groaned inwardly.
She had been lying on her back on her bed for a while, thinking about everything that happened. The phone continued to ring though and she sat up to answer the damned thing.
"Hello what do you want..." She grumbled in to the receiver.
"Your ass on stage!" A male voice hissed to her. "And you better come here right now or you'll lose your fucking job alright?"
"Fine." She said hanging up but immediately fell back on to her bed.
She glared at the ceiling, as if she hadn't had enough already.
She eventually got up and walked towards her closet, taking two matching pieces of lingerie out of her drawer. She would be wearing a crimson and black laced piece of underwear on stage today.
She wasn't really okay with the thought she had to get naked, but she couldn't afford to lose her job as well. Therefore Juliette had no other choice than to do what she was told.
Though she had no idea how to get there in the first place, since her bike crashed in to a car a few days ago...

The three of them drove towards Pinole, it was the quickest way to get to the club. They were all stoked for tonight's events, even though Billie wasn't really in the mood in the first place. That's why they smoked some pot before they went. Now he was totally relaxed and was actually having fun.
Then Mike pointed out someone on the road.
"Hey isn't that Maria?" he asked and Billie squinted his eyes to see it clearer.
"Hey yeah I think she is." Billie said as he drove towards her.
"Hey Maria, are you going somewhere?" he asked and Juliette got a fright when they recognized the three.
"Uh yeah I'm.. eh.. I need to visit someone.. uh a friend of mine works at the strip club down the road and.. eh.. she forgot her.. wallet at my house a while ago and I need to return it.." She stammered.
"Oh sweet." Billie said. "You want a ride with us? We're heading towards that place anyway."
Juliette hesitated, what if they saw her on stage? Then again, a car was much faster than walking and she didn't want punishment from her boss. She saw what he did to girls that disobeyed him..
"Sure." She eventually said and got in to the car with them.

The guys dropped her off and each of them walked off in to their own directions, which seemed to be the same one... Therefore Juliette walked a circle around the building and sneaked inside the backdoor after five minutes since Billie and the gang went through the backdoor too. There was nobody in the dressing room and she sighed in relief. She quickly changed herself in to a short see-through piece of fabric and a red feathered boa. She walked backstage and searched the crowd with her eyes. She noticed them in the far back and sighed. Hopefully the guys wouldn't recognize her as long as she hid her face from them.
She spotted her boss and she motioned him to come over to her. He glared at her, then raised his eyebrows and walked towards her.
"What?" he said slightly irritated.
"Can you announce me differently tonight?" she said.
"Why?" he said as he knitted his eyebrows together.
"Please just do it, announce me as Hilary Stewart okay?"
"That's going to cost you Maria." He said wagging his finger in front of her face. "You're late already and now you're demanding things as well." he walked back to his station and shook his head.
Juliette closed her eyes and prayed for a miracle as her boss introduced her an hour later with her second fake name.
"Show time." She murmured to herself as she sexually walked on stage with a seductive smile playing on her lips.

"Dude check her out!" slurred Mike whom had enough alcohol in his veins already. "She's foxy!"
Billie's eyes wandered over the body of the new girl that walked on stage and almost choked in his beer.
"Jesus Christ!" he exclaimed. "That's one hot chick!"
Juliette kept her face away from the boys as she started to dance around and playing with the feathered boa.
"She sure is a pro! Can't we take her home for tonight?" Kiffmeyer piped up.
"Maybe." Said Billie. "I don't know she seems familiar somehow."
"Well the more reasons to get to her the merrier." grinned Mike while playfully shoving Billie.
Juliette gave the feathered boa to a random customer and pushed her chest in to his face. That earned her forty bucks and she seductively put them behind the strap of her stockings. She danced in front of the man doing all the gymnastics she could on the strippers pole and earned another forty.
Then something horrifying happened..
Billie took a seat at a stripper pole and motioned her to come towards her with his finger. Juliette shivered, she hád to do it. If she refused she could get fired, though she could act as if she didn't see him and walk off in to another direction. And that's exactly what she did.

"Veronica, please entertain him, I know him from...School. He can't know I'm here." Juliette whispered in Veronica's ear while pointing her thumb in to Billie's direction. "I'll take cover from you okay?"
"You owe me one Maria." She whispered as she walked towards Billie.
Juliette sighed in relief and danced for another customer that gave her a twenty. Not much, but she could imagine that he spent all his money on Veronica.
When she was done with her shift she exhaled and went to the dressing room to change herself in to her regular clothes. When she was done cleaning herself up she turned around to get out. But she met up with an unfortunate surprise...

"Oh please you've got to be kidding me." Juliette exclaimed as a thumb ran over her cheek and he protectively leaned in to her, slowly pushing her against the wall. Juliette growled and he smiled at her.
"Well, well what have we got here?" he said with his usual smirk.
Juliette sighed.
"What the hell are you doing here Tim?!"
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I know it took a while.. I'm extremely occupied the last few months because I'm currently active as an art teacher/student. I'm still a student but I'm learning to be a teacher and I'm teaching a few classes in my practical training which is once a week.