Status: Active

One For The Razorbacks

The length I've gone are just long miles, would they be shorter if I were dead?

"Can't I have a reason to visit my girl?" he said mischievous.
"I'm not your girl." She hissed through her gritted teeth.
"Well I think you are sugar." He said stroking her cheek. "Or do you want me to tell everybody that you're a stripper?"
Juliette huffed and tried to get away from him.
"Fine." he said turning away from her. "I hope you'll enjoy being called 'the whore of Berkeley' for the rest of your life."
Tim walked away from her and was just about to leave when Juliette changed her mind.
"Wait." She said. "I'll.."
"You'll what?" said Tim turning around.
"I'll be your damn girlfriend if you keep your mouth shut okay?!"
"That's the deal darling." He said with a grin as his eyes wandered over her body. Juliette glared at him and walked away to her locker.
This was so unfair.
She was getting dressed in her normal clothes, happy to finally take some clothing on instead of stripping it down. She got rid of the make up on her face and crammed her underwear in her bag. She sighed as she grabbed it and spun around a little too fast, her brain suddenly objected to this sudden move and she got really dizzy. She cursed under her breath and wished she could take her medication; weren't it for the fact that it was still at the warehouse.
"Maria?" asked Veronica who quickly came to my side. "Are you okay?"
"Yes." I said quietly. "I'm just a little dizzy, that's all."
"You should take it easy." She said. "Oh and I've got some bad news.."
I snapped my face up to hers' immediately.
"Those three guys, they're persistent. They demand to talk to you and if I refuse they'll get Don Guido on your back…"
"Fuck." I muttered. "I can't face them! Can't you tell them I'm sick or something?"
"I'm sorry." She said.
"Alright I'll deal with them." I said suddenly thinking up a plan, but you have to play with me alright?"
"I'm not exactly sure of where this is going…" she said confused.
"Just follow my lead, and tell them she went home already." Juliette said and she walked out of the locker room.

Billie Joe, Mike and John were standing casually against a wall, and were surprised to see her there.
"Maria?" Billie slurred. "What are you still doing here?"
Veronica got out of the locker room as well, already dressed.
"I returned my wallet to my friend." She simply stated. "But I had to wait until she was done working."
Veronica agreed to this and smiled to the three of them.
"Oh." Mike said as he wavered a little. "Where's the other chick?"
"She already went home." Veronica said. "Sorry guys."
Billie raised his eyebrows.
"Well this is boring, I'm going to the warehouse." He said.
"Can I hitch a ride with you guys?" Juliette asked.
"I'll drive." John said. "I'm the least drunk."
Juliette agreed and they walked out of the door, Juliette turned around to mouth a thank you at Veronica who just did a thumbs up.


They were driving towards Pinole and Juliette sighed to herself.
She was relieved they didn't think she was the stripper from tonight and she thanked God for being this lucky. Well… Apart from the entire shit going on with Tim that is, she had to solve that problem later.
"Where do I drop you off? Your house?" John asked her and Juliette frowned.
She wanted to go home, but she needed to get her medication eventually..
"No just drive me to the warehouse, I'll stay there for tonight." She said wiping a few strands of her hair out of her face.
"Are you sure?" Billie said concerned. "I hope they cleaned it up a little cause the last time it was even worse than hell."
"I just need to get something and then I see what I'll do." She said earning a shrug from both Mike and Billie.

When Juliette entered the warehouse she almost threw up, she could barely hold it down and started to waver.
Billie rushed to her side and drunkenly tried to support her with his hands.
"Are you alright?" he said with a muffled voice.
"I'm.. no." Juliette said. "Do you know where my medication is?"
Billie was deep in thought for a moment but then nodded, he took her hand and guided her through the mess that was lying on the floor.
The walls were still covered in blood and barf, there was urine everywhere and feces lingering around. There was nobody in the warehouse and they could only imagine why.
Billie opened the cabinets in the kitchen but raised his eyebrows when every single one turned out empty.
"Eh..." he said and Juliette squinted her eyes at his back, hoping that it wasn't bad news.
"It's gone." He said slamming the last cabinet shut and turning around to face her.
Juliette's eyes sprung wide open and her mouth formed an o-shape.
"W-what? But.. how?" she stammered at no one in particular.
"I think they.. ate it." Said Billie frowning.
"They ate it?" she said in a low voice. "They fucking ATE it?!"
"I think so." Said Billie who started to slightly panic at her mad raving form in front of him.
"What the fuck is wrong with people eating somebody else's medication!"
"I think they mistook them for drugs." Said Billie slowly and it made a lot of sense.
Juliette threw her arms up in the sky out of defeat.
"Great, just motherfucking great." She said still angry, wanting to kick something. "As if the shit going on isn't enough!"
"Calm down please." Said Billie who started to breath faster unknowingly. "We'll figure something out okay?!"
Juliette sighed and leaned against a kitchen counter.
"Fine." She said. "But what do I do in the meantime? These headaches are really annoying, and I keep getting dizzy and stuff."
"Just don't wind yourself up." he said. "Relax yourself and stuff, maybe we can get some tomorrow okay?"
Juliette nodded and Billie smiled.

John and Mike walked inside both carrying a six pack of beer followed by an unfamiliar kid carrying a water hose for some unknown reason.
"Hey look what we found?" said Mike raising his six pack.
"Booze!" Billie yelled as he threw his arms up in the air.
"Yeah and we found this guy." Said John pointing at the strange kid.
"Who are you?" Billie said with a smirk plastered on his face.
"The name's Sharona." The guy said waving his imaginary hair. "But you can call me Sherry, sugar."
Billie burst out in to laughter and patted him on the back.
"I like you." He said.
"Oh I love you too honey." He said kissing Billie on the cheek which only made Billie erupt in laughter once again.
"Eh.." Juliette said confused and suddenly he noticed her and widened his eyes.
"Oh my god!" he screeched. "Juliette!"
It took her a second to acknowledge his behavior when she started to recognize him.
"Frank?" Juliette said in disbelief.
The guy threw the water hose on the ground and sprinted towards her enveloping her in a bone crushing hug.
"It is you!" he said taking a good look at her. "I haven't seen you in four years!"
"Oh my God!" Juliette said with a smile on her face. "What are you doing here?! Wait, aren't you still in high school?"
"Nah, I dropped out." He said. "I wanted to see a little more of the world than plain old Willits!" He hugged her again and for once Juliette felt happy.

"Wait a second, your name is Juliette?" Billie said suddenly quirking up an eyebrow.
"Eh.. yeah." She said starting to blush.
"Why haven't you told us?" said Mike dropping his beer on a counter.
"I figured it didn't matter since I barely know you guys." She said silently. "Sorry."
"Well I think this calls for a new introduction!" squealed the guy called Frank.
"This is Juliette Andrews, and I'm Tré Cool!"
"I thought your name was Frank?" Mike asked him confused.
"It is." Juliette said. "But he plays in a band called the Lookouts! and the manager of the band gave him that name."
"I see." Smirked Billie. "Another musician!"
"You guys have a band?" Tré asked.
"Yes we're Sweet Children." Said Billie proud. "Sadly our second bassist Shean left the band a month ago so now it's only Mike, Kiffmeyer and me."
"Shit happens." Said Tré with a shrug.

"Frank?" Juliette asked suddenly.
"Yes baby?" he said with a smile.
"Why did you bring a water hose?"
"Oh you can smell this place miles away! So I accidentally found this water hose connected to a fire valve; and followed these guys." He said pointing at them.
"That's Billie Joe next to me, Mike Dirnt and John Kiffmeyer." Said Juliette
"Al Sobrante." Said John and Juliette and Tré gave him a weird look.
"It's my stage name." he said blushing.
Juliette smirked.
"So what brings you here in Berkley?" she asked him as he picked up the water hose again.
"Oh I've got a show tomorrow in a place called Gilman. You guys familiar with that joint?"
"More than that." Said Billie with a grin.
"Great!" said Tré as he pulled a leaver and the water started to spout out of the hose wetting everything.
Billie jumped away as Tré started to 'clean' the warehouse.
He cheered as he cleaned the entire building with the water that rushed out of the front door like a tidal wave in to a street well outside.
Billie, Mike, John and Juliette went outside through the backdoor in the kitchen with the beer. Tré joined them when he was done ravaging the house.

Juliette was drinking and having fun with the intoxicated boys that were now somehow her only friends. She was happy that she met Frank after four years, there had been so much stuff going on in these few years.
If she could only turn it back…
She shook her head as if to get rid of a nasty fly and took another gulp of her beer.
"I noticed you've got a bad ass liver girl." Billie slurred at her as he lit a cigarette.
"Ah well, sometimes I went to party's at school and developed a love for alcohol." She lied.
It was far from the truth, she would always reach for the bottle after her stepdad beat her up to numb out the pain. Or whenever she felt like a whore when she got out of work. And that was basically every damn time…
"Group hug! Incomiiiiiing!" Tré shouted suddenly and ran towards Juliette, Billie and Mike. John was standing a little to the side, he felt left out.
Like he wasn't part of the group anymore, just the way he wanted it even though it hurt him.

Tré jumped at the three figures that fell on to the bench behind them in a messy pile of limbs and beer.
Juliette laughed and tried to get out of the pile; when she noticed Billie was lying on top of her with his face really close. Her skirt got rubbed high up her thighs due to the friction of their clothes, and she felt suddenly very vulnerable.
"Eh can you get off of me?" she asked a little frightened and Billie smirked at her.
"Sure thing princess." He whispered and got off her.
Juliette blushed and quickly pulled her skirt down as soon as she got the chance for it.

"Well hello ladies!" someone suddenly shouted. "Who demolished the place?"
Juliette snapped her face at where the noise was coming from. Only to be met up with Tim whom made her skin crawl.
"You did asshole." Mike said. "Tré here cleaned it up for you."
"Shame." Tim said. "Just was going to do it myself."
"Oh yeah." Billie said. "And beat us up after right? Like you did to your other friends."
"Aw Billie don't be so damn negative towards me." he said sugary sweet. "You know I don't mean it."
"Yeah I'm sure you don't." mumbled Billie as he turned away from him to get a new beer out of the six pack.
"So where's my lovely girl!" he said loud enough for everyone to hear.
Juliette cringed and Tré noticed her doing so but didn't say anything about it.
"I'm here." She growled. "Right in front of you, jackass."
"Giving me pet names already I hear?" he said with an evil smirk present all over his face.
"How lovely."
Juliette growled something and Tim took that as an invitation to kiss her. Even though Juliette felt all her hairs stand out; and an immense feeling of repulsion taking over her, she had to play along.
If she refused, he would tell everybody that she was a cheap two cent whore. And normally she wouldn't care as much as now, she just barely made friends with Billie, and for some reason she didn't want him to think what kind of girl she was.

"You're with him?!" Billie said out of disbelief. "I thought you were done with him! Haven't I warned you enough for him yet?"
"Stay out of it ass face." Snarled Tim.
"It's okay." Juliette said with all the difficulty she could bring up. "We talked it through and came to an understanding."
Well it was the truth anyway.
"Yes we're together. Problem Armstrong?" he said with that evil smirk on his face again.
"You know what, I do." Billie said taking a stand. "I know I just should keep my mouth shut and let you do whatever the fuck you feel like, but I'm getting pretty sick of all these girls that keep coming back to this joint, whining about how you ditched them and that they all somehow love you for it."
"Yeah isn't it great? I've got a lot of honey's nowadays." He grinned.
"You're e a sick person! I can't believe I used to look up at you once." Billie said as he spit before Tim's feet and walked away inside the warehouse.
Juliette felt like she betrayed Billie for some odd reason and she wondered if he would even befriend her again.
Tim swung his arm around her shoulders to let everybody see that she was his property. Maybe, before all this shit, I would've fell for him. I liked him before I discovered this violent side of him anyway. I even made out with the asshole.
It's always so typical, when you meet a wonderful person that's perfect in any possible way, and it turns out to be just the lowest scum there is…

"You want a beer?" Tré asked Tim suddenly whom raised his eyebrows in return.
Mike gasped at this sudden vocal outburst of Tré and smacked him in the face.
"What the fuck dude!" yelped Tré.
"How dare you giving him our beer!" said Mike in a way as if he was Tré's mother. "He's not a nice guy!"
"Well sorry mom." Tré said annoyed. "I didn't know you had your period."
"Well now you do." Huffed Mike and Tré started to snicker.
"Yeah whatever douche bags." Tim said as he violently grabbed Juliette's wrist. "We're upstairs if anyone is looking for us."
Juliette winced out of pain, because Tim's death grip on her wrist hurt like hell.
He took her upstairs to room 409, for some weird reason and threw her violently on the bed.

"Well, now I'll teach you a fucking lesson with your big mouth!" he snarled and Juliette felt the blood draining out of her face. If he was going to do what she thought he was planning things would get very bad…
"You're my fucking girlfriend so you better act like it you stupid broad!"
"I'm not your fucking girlfriend!" Juliette managed to scream as she stood up from the bed.
"What do you say bitch?! Don't you dare saying that again or I'll kick your ass!" he said walking up to her. His eyes filled with rage.
"I'm. Not. You're. Fucking. Girl-" she started, but she couldn't finish her sentence since Tim smacked her hard in her face making her fall on her back on the bed again.
"I told you so didn't I." he growled as she immediately put her hand on the place where he had hit her.
"Now spread your damn legs!" He demanded.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I made Tim the bad guy with issues.. *hides*
Don't hate me Rancid/OpIvy fans, I needed a bad guy in the story.
I also made a new layout with a new sparkly banner!!
And did you guys knew about a bassist in Green Day called Shean? I never heard of it before but Wikipedia says it's true. *raises eyebrow*
So I gave him a little credit too haha.

Comments!!!! :D
