The Four Paths.

Four Friends

"Charleigh! Avril! Neema! Jocelyn! You're gonna be late for school!" yelled Avril's mom. "You guys have got to learn to actually sleep on school nights when you do this slumber party thing." Every year, the four friends all got together on the last day of summer and had a huge sleep-over. This was their senior year, and the last one they would ever have. "Seriously, guys! Get up or I'm letting Daze lose." Daze was avril's dog. A very hyper and huge, but loving great dane she rescued from the pound last year. Which was weird because Avril didn't like animals at all. But Daze had captured her heart with her two broken legs.

"I'm up!" yelled Neema, "I'll wake up the others," she told Deena, Avril's mom. Neema was a very athletic, tall, african american. She had gourgous long black hair, and big brown eyes. She was extremely good at soccer, softball, and basketball. She was adopted from South Africa when she was four, and still has nightmares about all the hard things she went through as a child. Neema picked up her pillow and threw it on Charleigh's face.

"Hey now!" said Charleigh, sitting up. "That's so not cool." Charleigh was sort of the tree hugger of the group. She was about 5 and a half feet tall, with crazy, curly red hair, and sparkling blue eyes. She never wore make-up because she was against animal testing, but she really didn't need it. Her complexion was flawless. She was really skinny because of her veggie diet, and her favorite shows were scooby-doo and that 70's show. She smiled one of her lazy smiles and tossed the pillow at Jocelyn's head.

Jocelyn didn't even move. She was a very heavy sleeper. She had brown hair and pretty green eyes. She was a very petite, and because of that, she was the flyer on the varsity cheerleading squad. She lived with her mom because her dad ditched them when she was eight.

"Why are you guys up so freakin early?" asked a sleepy Avril. Avril was the rich girl. She had long, tan legs, and had the perfect blonde hair, blue eyed combo. She wasn't uptight or snotty like most rich people though, and was popular in school because of that. "What time is it?" she asked.

"Time to get ready," said an already dressed Neema.

So the friends got ready for the first day of school. This was going to be a very unforgettable year.
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