Holiday From Real


I've never been so confused in my life. He was becoming much too close with me much too quickly. It's probably part of some weird, terrible trick. The future Dark Lord should not open up to me. I'm not special. I'm really not. There's no reason for him to have become so fond of me. He must think that I'm a supporter of his cruelty and insanity, and I'm from one of the purest families, so he probably just wants to use me. Probably for some creepy immortality, purification, 'I'm still a demon inside' potion spell thing.

Tom put some of the potion we've been working on in a vile for him, and then some in a vile for me. We're in potions right now, just awkwardly sitting together. He handed me a vile and said, "Are you ready to test out our concoction?"

I smiled weakly and put the vile an inch away from my lips. "Not really."

Tom laughed at me; we're dressed in each other's clothing, and it's awkward. Tom didn't get my clothes all the way on, but he's going to the second he's "me." His clothes are extremely baggy on me; it was difficult to walk since I'm so much shorter than he is. I sighed and chugged the amount of potion in the vile. Tom saw me do that and chugged his vile of potion. My body felt odd, to say the least. My skin bubbled and my bones stretched. I don't know how I didn't puke from just the looks of it; the feeling was overwhelmingly nauseating. My body twisted and changed from the inside out. My bones grew at a barely slower rate than that of my skin. My hair pulled into my skull, and my vision became significantly better. Who knew Young Voldemort had such great eyes? Besides the whole "oh his eyes drew me into his broken soul, begging me to fix him, to caress him with my loving heart" nonsense in every fan girls fantasy.

Tom looked at me as if I was his personal science experiment as he adjusted my clothing to fit… my body? Is it his or is it mine? Anyway, I adjusted his clothing to fit my fake body, and then said, "I feel very odd."

Tom slowly put his hands to his new breasts and squished them in towards his new ribs. "This body feels odd, too."

"Stop that!" I slapped his hands away from his new boobs.

Tom grinned, "Stop what?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Don't touch my body like that."

"This is my body. It just looks like your body."

I glared at him, "Is that so?" The silk voice I randomly acquired sent chills down my spine. Even when I'm male I'm attracted to him. Does this make me temporarily gay? Can someone be temporarily gay? GRAH. Whatever. He's super hot in too many ways; you get the picture by now.

"Yes, it is so."

We were silent for a moment, but then I smirked crookedly and looked down.

He eyed me and worriedly whispered, "What are you about to do?"

My smirk grew in width, "Don't worry about it."

Tom rushed out, "I'm not worrying."

"Good." I pulled the waist of his pants and boxer briefs away from my new belly button and then down at his crotch.

His eyes grew.

I smirked and cocked my head to the right. I frowned with approval before wiggly my brows. Jane and Lauren saw me do this and they giggled. Bueno smirked and made a second worth of eye contact with me, but I didn't need to stare longer to know he's going to make me tell him everything about this new discovery. I mean, this is in the name of science. And what's the point of an experiment if you don't share your findings?

"Stop it!" Tom pushed the pants back towards my new waist.

I smirked and slapped his new hands away, "Thomas, this is in the name of science—"

"My name is Tom," he angrily spat, "and that is in the name of absurdity! You have no reason to—"

"As a matter of fact," I smirked wider and stepped away, "I have to use the lavatory." I turned and looked at Slughorn, who was, thankfully, occupied with a different pair while I violated Tom's physical privacy. "Professor Slughorn?"

He didn't look at me, but he knew we already drank the potion, so he answered, "Yes, Karma?"

"May I go to the lavatory?"

He softly sighed, "Only if you must."

I refrained from giggling and ran out of the room before Tom could protest. Lauren and Bueno followed me out. We ran to the nearest bathroom and into the largest stall possible. Bueno was the last one in the stall, so he locked the door. Lauren looked like Jane, and Bueno looked like Doug, but I knew who was who. I couldn't wipe the excited smirk off my face or take the devious glint out of my eyes. I quickly unbuckled my belt, unbuttoned and unzipped the pants, and shoved the pants and boxer briefs to the floor. Lauren's eyes grew and her mouth was half open, half smiling. I have never seen Bueno happier. His eyes were like the eyes of a child, walking into the lollipop store in Disney Land after being told he could have two lollipops from the store. The corners of his mouth were almost literally from ear to ear. He dropped to his knees, put his hands flat against each other, brought them to his chest and then looked up at the ceiling/Heavens.

"Oh thank you, dear baby Jesus above! Thank you for this masterpiece of masterpieces! You have outdone yourself, and I'm sure you cried tears of pride and joy making this handsome man with this wonderful penis! Thank you, God! Thank you and your wonderful son for making this delicious man! And thank you for allowing me to appreciate this masterpiece. Straight boys don't know what they're missing."

Needless to say, Lauren and I cracked up. We laughed so hard we cried and couldn't breathe, but Bueno was oddly serious. He interrupted our laughter by saying, "Get it up."

I drew in several deep breaths before asking, "Get what up?"

He sighed and rolled his eyes, "Tom's penis, get it up."

"Oh…" I looked down at it. I've touched a penis before, but never one connected to me. I fumbled with it, at first. I wasn't used to the large hands, and I definitely wasn't used to the feeling of a soft penis. After a moments struggle, Bueno sighed loudly with annoyance and stepped past Jane. He gently grasped Tom's penis; I gasped and looked at him, "What are you doing?"

"I'm getting it up since you obviously don't know what you're doing. And I thought you weren't a virgin—"

"I'm not!"

Lauren stepped closer to us with curious eyes, "Since when?"

"Don't worry about it."

"She's been sexually active for the last several years, honey."

"Oh shut up, BuenOOO."

He smirked, "Does Tom likey?"

"GAAH. Stop being creEPy."

Bueno and Lauren laughed while I watched Bueno's expert hands. How did he get so good at this? I guess years of having your own penis to play with pays off. I felt creepy and oddly dirty, though. I only wanted to look at the thing, and now I'm letting someone touch it. Tom's weird and sadistic, but he's not going around class saying, "HEY! LOOK! VAGINA! VAGINA! LETS LOOK AT THIS VAGINA! MAKE A LINE, WE'LL EXAMINE IT TOGETHER!" And even if he was, this is my adventure, okay? This is my job, not Bueno's. He should back off, because this is currently my penis, and I should be the only one physically inspecting it.

I pushed Bueno away from me and said, "Aye! Stop it, okay? This is mine."

Bueno scoffed, "Alright, alright. Whatever you say."

I sighed and looked down at it. I'm not horny, but the thing apparently has a mind of its own. "What do I do with this?"

"Just shove it back in your pants."

"I can't go back to class with a boner."

"Then think of things that turn you off."

"Like what?"

"Your parents having sex to make you."

"OH GOD!" Lauren and I both shouted and shuddered.

"Slughorn naked."

"GRAH!" Lauren and I were, again, in unison.



"Dumbledore doing—"

"That's enough!" I shouted and threw my hands up. I looked down at saw my problem quickly disappearing, "Thank you, Bueno."

He smirked like a small child and replied, "You're welcome."

I shoved the thing back into my pants and slowly walked back to class, giving Bueno and Lauren time to get there before me. I immediately sat down next to Tom once I was back in the class. With a look of annoyance on his face, he asked, "Who else touched me?"

"Just me."

"So your creepy friends didn't—?"

I laughed, "My friends are creepy?" I didn't give him time to respond, "No, only me. Calm down about it."

He didn't answer me in anyway, he probably knew I was lying, but I doubt he cared too much. At least, I doubt he wanted to think about another man touching his penis. Tom made quick eye contact with me before staring back down at his parchment, "We've been assigned an easy."

"On what?"

"Your experience with polyjuice today. It's due on Wednesday since we don't have classes tomorrow."

"Why don't we have classes tomorrow?"

Tom sighed, "I don't know."

"Yes you do."

"No," he said firmly, "I don't know."

"Yes," I said just as firmly, "You do know, but you don't want to explain it to me."

He quietly laughed at me, "I'll explain it to you tomorrow when I walk you to the meeting. The Slug Club meeting."

I nodded and quietly told him, "You're wrong, you know."

He arched his right eyebrow but didn't stop writing his essay; why can't I do that? It's my body, for goodness sake! "Wrong about what?"

"Your 'dream of purity' is wrong."

He grinned his teeth, "How do you figure?"

"First of all, don't grind my teeth—"

"This isn't going to affect your actual body—"

"I don't care, I don't like it."

He laughed at me, "You're the one touching my penis, but I can't grind your teeth?"

I couldn't stop myself from blurting, "Your penis should be touched. I'll do it again once its yours again, if you'd like."

Tom raised both his brows before scoffing at me, "You're ridiculous. We're dropping this conversation. Continue your previous explanation."

I stared at him (in my body) as he continued to write his essay in perfect calligraphy, "If God allows half bloods and muggle borns and squibs and muggles to exist, then you're no one to make them extinct. You're not God, you don't have the right to do any 'purification'."

Tom sighed and rolled his eyes, "You're naïve."

I refrained from scoffing and slapping him in the face, "You're overconfident and allow yourself to live in false consensus."

Tom bit down on his bottom lip with anger, "You're not a good boxer."

I rolled my eyes, "You're petty and have a heart of stone."

He rolled his eyes, "Your heart it too warm."

"It's not too warm. Quite the opposite, really."

"How so?"

I smirked, "If you haven't already figured it out you're not worthy of the knowledge."

Tom was immediately flustered. He didn't look it, but he couldn't get words out. He flashed me a mean look and said, "I'm doing something at midnight tonight, and it's not Astronomy."

"I'm not going to take your bait."

His lips curled into a small smile, "Good. If I see you I'll let you be a part of it. If I don't, you won't be."

"What if I don't want to be a part of it?"

His smile widened, but it widened deviously. "I know you too well. You want to be a part of it."

Slughorn dismissed the class. The few seconds I looked from Tom to Slughorn, Tom left the room. He was probably going down to his House to change back. The polyjuice is going to wear off soon, and we've all been excused from the next class until we changed back. I wanted to try to find him, in case he wasn't going to his House, but I decided to go change instead.