Holiday From Real

Young Folks

I sat angrily with Tom; I was quiet while he chatted with his friends. Who was Doug to treat me like that? To say those things to me? To have that sudden outburst? It doesn't fit. What's wrong with him? Or…what has someone done to him? A random right, really? I don't understand what's up with him. We love each other, but we're no longer in love with each other, so what's the big fuss? Maybe he's trying to protect me. That would make sense since I'm getting involved with the guy who's supposed to be the wizarding equivalent of Hitler.


"What?" I looked up at Tom, "What? I wasn't paying attention."

Tom grinned, "I couldn't tell."

"Ha ha ha."

Tom sighed, "The boys and I are going to have a smoke—"

"You smoke?"


I grinned and thought of his (hopefully no longer existent) desire for immortality, "That seems counterproductive."

Tom laughed and then sighed, "Only occasionally. Anyway, do you want to come?"

"No, but thanks."

He seemed peeved by my response, "And why not?"

"Because I don't like to smoke. I like staying an exceptional athlete."

Tom's lips pursed together while he stood up, "Well, I'll see you soon, then."

"I'll see you soon, then."

Tom and his friends walked over to an open window and started to smoke while I walked to the other side of the Great Hall to sit with Jane and Lauren. I explained to them what happened with Doug and how Tom and I got together literally over night. I was going to ask them while Doug has been acting out lately, but then T'uan ran up to us and shoved guitars into my chest and into Jane's.

"Come on," he rushed out, "Everyone is depressed. It's the perfect time for a show."

I laughed and put my guitar down on the table behind me while Bueno and Lazy Legs, with the help of Professor Dumbledore and a seventh year girl named Minerva, transfigured chairs, goblets, and other objects into the necessary equipment for a show since all of our musical things are either in our dorms or in Bozzi's classroom. Minerva accepted Dumbledore's challenge to transfigure our clothing from pajamas to jeans, and our shirts to tight, various colored shirts. I walked up to Lazy Legs and Bueno after she transfigured my pajamas into ripped, black jeans, and my shirt into a long sleeve, tight, yellow shirt. It was rather transparent, so I was glad that I had a pretty great sports bra on underneath my pajama shirt.

"Hey," Bueno said after pushing two of the tables together with a few other guys, "You wanna start a show with us?"

"Pff," I slid my hands into my back pockets, "of course."

Lazy Legs magically cleared off the table and then stepped on top of it. He turned on all the magical equipment; people started to stare at him while Bueno said, "Apparently we're free stylin' today."

"Oh, ho, ho!" I shouted and grabbed the spoon turned into magical microphone.

Lazy Legs immediately started to rap as soon as Jane and Bueno started to beat box. Greggor joined us by using a make shift turntable to add to the sound. I laughed and then rapped with Lazy Legs, challenging Jeff and T'uan, who immediately picked up mics and joined us. Our usual crowd quickly gathered around us, but many new people joined in on the fun, too, while a lot of others stared curiously. Our free styling rap didn't last long; T'uan and Bueno started to rap some of our favorite songs, leaving Lazy Legs and I to start free style dancing. Our dancing was becoming a little monotonous because of the long rap T'uan and Bueno picked, so Jeff grabbed a mic, laughed, and then said,

"I wanna rock now. I'm Rob Base and I came to get down."

Lazy Legs laughed and jumped off of the table, landing on his hands so he could do an awkward, dance like walk on his hands. I looked at Doug, who was in the crowd and said, "It takes two to make a thing go right."

He grinned, "It takes two to make it out of sight."

I flashed Lazy Legs a smirk and then did a back flip off of the table, earning a cheer from the crowd and a clap from Dumbledore. Doug quickly walked up to me and started to break dance with me; our moves matched and complimented each others movements and steps while Lazy Legs and Jane's moves were good, but awkward since they don't usually dance together.

Lauren grabbed the mic that Jane left on the table and started to sing the chorus while Doug jumped onto his hands and did a flip to the side, landed on his hands again, and did a spin while I dropped to the floor and did a spin around him. Jane cursed at us and then did a side spin and a quick flip over Lazy Legs' head spin, which, I must admit, was pretty impressive. Lauren ended the song short and started off the next song, "Shake It," by Metro Station.

Lazy Legs and Jane smirked while they shouted in unison, "Let's drop!"

Doug took a step forward, "Yeah?"

Lazy Legs took a step forward, too, "C'mon!"

I laughed while Lazy Legs and Jane started what looked like an easy sway, but quickly evolved into something more. Once the chorus hit, their moves exploded. In fact, they continued dancing to the middle of the song; their dances matched the beat and their moves highlighted their abilities and complimented one another. But when it was our turn to dance, well, I sort of felt bad for them; Doug and I have been dancing like this together for years, and we've gotten pretty good.

Doug grinned at me, winked, and then jumped up. He flipped in the air, landed on his hands, and bent his body into a "C" while I slid onto the floor and started to dance, too. We stood next to each other while Lauren, and the crowd was chanting, "shake it" too.

Doug looked at me and then shouted, "NOW IF SHE DOES IT LIKE THIS, WILL YOU DO IT LIKE THAT?"

I laughed and let him spin me into his chest and then directly out. We did matching jumps in the air as the beat exploded into the chorus; we flipped around each other, landed on our hands, and then did mock moon walks on our hands. The chorus' words started to play with the beat, so we really had no choice but to continue our outrageous movements. He slid onto his knees and did a spin while I did a back flip over him. He stood up, picked me up, spun me in the air, and landed me safely on my two feet; He did a tap dancing sort of move while pumping his hands from his chest. I got on my hands and tip does, pushed forward to do a head-slide, and then popped up into a kick flip. Our moves continued like that for a good minute until the song cool down with the "shake it" chant.

The crowd immediately roared with approval and clapped for us while Lazy Legs and Jane whispered something to each other and grinned when "We R Who We R" started to play. Lazy Legs sighed and Jane started with crossed legged dips and small head dips, but then started to dance around each other quickly. Lazy Legs dropped into almost a full split, but slid back up and did a curious, but impressive, jump. Jane did a summersault not just over him, but using his back as a starting point. They continued their bold and exciting moves until the middle of the songs, where Doug and I wasted no time. We snapped our fingers and did crossed legged dips, but then slid down into splits; I did a full spit, and Doug went as far as his male appendage would let him. I popped up, did a back bend, and slid under him while he jumped up and did an amazing flip and full body spin in the air. The tempo of the song was quickly gaining speed, so when Doug landed, I followed his lead; this was now a competition, and I wasn't going to be the one to lose it for him. We did jumps, squat like dips and side kicks while clapping our hands from our chests and doing moves that resembled break dancing, but wasn't quite break dancing. Lazy Legs smirked at Doug; Doug turned and then told me, "Fireworks."

At first I wasn't quite sure what he meant, but then I remembered how we did a move with actual fireworks last year at one of our shows. They were small fireworks, but they were still amazing. I nodded and tried to remember what charm we were taught; Doug apparently saw the confusion on my face, so he whispered the charm in my ear while spinning to be around me.

Lazy Legs smirk dropped right off of his face and onto the floor when he saw Doug whisper into my ear. Doug smirked and started running and doing back flips one way, and I the same, but in the opposite direction. Jane dropped onto her knees and frowned while the tempo of the song started to speed up to it's extremely fast pace from the ten seconds of almost slow motion like pace. Doug and I did exactly the same spin, and started to do front flips to each other. We put all our faith, energy, and power into our movements without a single thought. We both did a deep half lunge, half squat to power our jump into the air. The slow motion like pace of the song transitioned into the extremely fast pace while our flips turned into full body spins, and our hands smacked against and slid against one another's hands, causing fireworks to shoot out from both the left and right, and exploding in the air high above us. We flipped around each other and then landed on our hands on the marble floor of the Great Hall, earning many gasps from the crowd. We jumped up and down while still on our hands and did spins, landing us back onto our feet. We took advantage of the stressed, high tempo of the beat and started dancing against each other. Doug did a side jump and kick while I dropped to the floor, slammed my hands down, causing more fireworks to shoot off and up, and then jumped up. I landed on my hands and feet with my ass dipped towards the floor; I did a quick spin that somehow caused a mini fire around us. I quickly flexed my legs so that Doug could help me into our next flip; we both started fighting with the fire I caused, but that only added to our dance. I somehow wrapped around him and then did a flip around him that ended with him doing a flip too, but a flip out of the circle I made around him. He caught me and helped me dance/fling around his body, ending with my arms pressed against his back and locked underneath his pits, the rest of my body flexed and pointed up, and my legs in a full split. Doug stomped his feet, creating a friction like movement with the dragging, sending two more large fireworks into the air.

Lazy Legs and Jane dropped to their knees and wailed while everyone else in the Great Hall roared with appraisal and clapped loudly for us. Doug did a back bend so that I could safely get off of him while Dumbledore laughed and said, "I don't know if you'd be forever young with those moves, you might actually die early."

Doug and I laughed, noticed all the amazed people around us, and blushed.

Tom did a slow clap and made his way to the front of the crowd. He looked over my extremely sweaty form, the closeness to Doug, and then said, "I didn't know you could dance."

"Could dance?" Doug shouted, "That was nothing!"

I didn't have time to say anything or react.

Doug told Lauren and T'uan to keep the high paced songs coming. We flipped, dipped, turned, jumped, and did a lot of classic break dancing moves for about half an hour until a song ended and Doug spun me into Tom's chest. I wrapped my arms around him, panted into his chest, and then rasped out, "I need to sit down."

Tom walked me to the nearest table and then roughly let me go onto the seat. I looked up at him and asked, "What's wrong?"

"You two seem awfully close."

"We're good friends."

"Just friends?"

I glared up at Tom, "I have no attention of playing you, Tom, nor do I wish to hurt you. If I were still in love with Doug I would have said no to you. Don't go and put jealous thoughts into your mind. You know I wouldn't lie to you."

He drew in a deep breath, "And if I asked Nalo—?"

I sprung up and slapped him across the face. His friends gasped, but most of the people in the Great Hall were still staring at the "dance floor."

Tom glared at me.

"Don't you bother him with such pettiness. Don't you ever talk to him for information. I've fallen for you, Tom. If you don't believe me, then we can end this relationship now before we go any further."

Tom drew in another deep breath, ran his hands through his hair, and then said, "I'll stop it. I'm sorry."

I smiled and then loosely wrapped my arms around him. I rested my face against his chest and said, "Thank you."

He awkwardly wrapped his arms around me and whispered, "I trust you."

I kissed his chest and then sighed, "Can we sit back down? I'm totally drained."

Tom laughed at me and helped me back into my seat, this time gently, though. I rested against him and watched Lazy Legs and Jane try to regain their dancing dignity while Tom talked with his friends. I don't really know if I should even call them his friends; he still doesn't like them much, but I guess he needs someone to talk with. I eventually got back up, but then time forced Tom onto the dance floor with me. He isn't that great of a dancer past the traditional, so I let him relax before teaching him basic break dancing. Abraxas somehow wormed his way between us and had me teach him how to do a flip; he's pretty fit, so it wasn't hard to teach him, but I quickly went back over to Tom. Tom practically prohibited Abraxas mingling with me; I don't know the state of their relationship right now, but I'm going to be honest, Abraxas creeps me out. He's cute, very cute, but he's craaaaazaaaaayeee. I mean, Tom is insane, too. But there's something about him that's still likeable. Abraxas is extremely arrogant because of his blood status; Tom has actual talent, and quite a bit of it, plus a lot of skill and intelligence. He's better than Abraxas. He's smarter, he's faster, he is more talented, more skillful, and much, much more charming. And he is, without a doubt, much more handsome. Maybe I'm shallow, but I don't care.

I do care about the shaking of the floor, though. It's not an earthquake, which makes it all the scarier.