Holiday From Real

Save Me

The majority of the students started to panic, but the Heads of Houses were able to group people. I grabbed onto Tom's hands and looked up at him to see an expression on his face that I've never seen before: absolute fear. I slid my hands up to his face and forced him to look down at me before saying with a trembling voice, "What is happening? What is wrong?"

He rasped out, "The—the basilisk."

"But it doesn't come until it's called."

Tom gulped, "I already told you, it doesn't respect me fully."

"Why is it coming?" I have shouted, half squealed from fear.

"I don't know!" He screamed as the marble floors started to break apart. We were the last to be scene, so we were the last to be rounded, but Tom somehow made it out. Dumbledore gripped my left forearm to make me stay, but I pulled away and sprinted out to follow Tom. He yelled at me to go back and to protect Nalo, for that would be were I was really useful, but I didn't listen. I know that Nalo is a smart boy and that my friends would protect him, I also know that Tom is just going to wing it once he finds the basilisk. I don't care what he says, to a certain extent, he needs me.

I dove in after him as soon as he opened up the Chamber of Secrets. His sprinting became faster, but I was able to match him. I followed him – even though he was shouting at me – to where he believed the basilisk to be. He started to hiss like crazy, but to no avail. I started to try to talk to him, but then he shoved me back and screamed, "What are you still doing here? I told you to leave!"

"Don't fight with me!" I screamed back, "I'm the only person who is willing to help you!"

"I don't need your help!"

And then I laughed.

He glared at me.

In between laughs, I said, "You don't need help? You have a basilisk that not only doesn't fully respect you, but also is on the loose. And you have pureblood right here, so tell me again, why don't you need my help?"

"I don't need you in this!" He shouted through his teeth and took a step closer to me.

I took a step around him and followed the sound of the basilisk. He didn't say anything, but he did follow me. A plan? HAH.

"What are you doing?" He whispered.

I shrugged, "Doing what you apparently can't."

He shoved me again; I stumbled, but I didn't fall. I slapped him across the face and then booked it up the stairs. The excess movement from the basilisk shook the old stone, causing the stairs to start to crumble and parts of the ceiling to cave in. In fact, a whole first floor bathroom collapsed into the Chamber, brining a few of my friends into the abandoned basement of Hogwarts. I would have laughed, but they were screaming, and for a good reason. Doug, Jane, and Bueno screamed and ran past the staircase while a terrible hissing started to fill the chamber. Tom gulped and my eyes widened; I jumped off the stairs – I wasn't that high up, just like on the fourth stair – and started to run with them, but we were trapped because of the rubble.

They slammed their hands on top of their eyes while I strained my ears to listen to the sounds of the basilisk. Bueno whispered, "Nalo is with Dumbledore and the rest of them in the Great Hall."

I drew in a breath of relief.

Jane let out a chuckle, "We came looking for you, but forgot where J.K.R. said the bathroom was."

I laughed and then added, "Isn't it funny that we forget everything of importance in times of peril?"

"More like unfortunate." Doug said, not bothering to fight away his humored smirk.

Tom made his way over to us, but he didn't say anything. Bueno and Doug started tossing plans out into the air, but no one said anything, that is, until we heard the basilisk near by. Tom drew in a deep breath and started hissing at it, and the giant snake sounded like it scoffed at him. So I ripped my sleeve, folded it over a few times, closed my eyes, and tied it around my head as a blindfold. I turned around and gasped when I felt the cold air of the basilisk's hiss. Tom told me to turn around, but I didn't listen.

"Tell it I'm a pureblood."


"Just give it a try."

Tom sighed with bitterness, but then hissed my message.

Tom probably rolled his eyes, "He wants to know what you have to offer."

I laughed, "Tell him that I can offer you an heir."

Tom laughed nervously, "Wh-what?"

"It wants pureblood. It wants a master that has pure blood. You're the last of the Slytherin bloodline, and I have some of the purest blood in the world. Tell him we'll make a few kids."

Tom laughed nervously again, but then he hissed my message.

The basilisk hissed back.

"He," Tom gulped, "he approves."

I laughed, "I'm so glad. I've always wanted the approval of a giant snake."

Tom laughed, but then he gulped and said, "And he'll leave us alone, but…"

"No!" I screamed and turned around, pushing my friends away, "He can't have them! They're not food!"

Jane, Bueno and Doug all stiffened from the fear.

Tom said in a voice that made me know he was fighting away tears, "I can't stop him."

Jane, Bueno and Doug took off, and the basilisk followed. I grabbed my wand out of my pocket and started shouting hexes and curses and jinxes at it, but to no avail. My friends barely dodged the thing, so I put my wand away and ran after it. Tom tried to hold me back, but I fought him off of me and sprinted toward the basilisk. I picked up pieces of rubble and threw them at it, but it only annoyed and slightly distracted it. Tom hissed at it, probably telling it the reasons why it should spare my life.

The basilisk hissed back.

I jumped onto its tail and climbed my way up, even though it started to fling itself around, trying to get me off, but I held on tightly. Tom shouted at me while my friends tried to find a way out. There was no plan, there was just the moment, and that moment called for action.

I needed something to scratch at its eyes, and out of the blue, Fawkes came to my aid. Tom stared up in awe, maybe with some disbelief, maybe even with some disgust. Fawkes squawked and then dropped the Gryffindor Sword near me; I reached out and grabbed it. I cut my hand on the blade, but I didn't care. I gripped the golden handle and then drove the blade deep into the back of the serpent. It hissed and withered, trying to get me to fly off, but I held on. I stabbed at it a few times, each time getting closer and closer to its throat. I'd aim for the heart, but I have no idea where that would be.

Tom started to cast spells at the basilisk, keeping it away from my friends. I would have shown some gratitude, but survival stole my focus. The basilisk took my moment of happiness because of Tom to fling me off of it. It slid around and opened its jaws; it hissed at me and dove down to devour me, but Fawkes viscously clawed at its left eye. It flung its head up and tried to snap Fawkes into its mouth, but missed. Fawkes took out its other eye and then scratched the top of its head to pieces. The basilisk started to fall near me, actually, right on top of me, so I squatted down, gripped the handle tightly with both my hands, and held it right above me. When the basilisk fell on top of me, its jaws were closed, allowing the sword to piece right through both of its jaws. It jolted up, but then Fawkes somehow gripped me, probably sliding his claws through my clothes, and I stabbed at the basilisk over and over. It screeched out in a hiss, thrashed against the large wall behind it, and then slammed down onto the damp floor.

My friends were a step away from passing out; Tom came up and stared at me. I was drenched in sweat and the blood of the basilisk. The adrenaline that helped me fight off the basilisk quickly left my body, causing me to feel terribly weak. My friends rushed over to me while Tom carefully examined me right after I feel to the floor. He gulped and then said, "You have a deep cut on your hand."

I nodded and then rasped out, "From catching the sword."

His facial expression showed all his concern. He whispered, "Some of the venom has seeped into your body via your hand wound."

I laughed.

Everyone looked shocked.

I rolled onto my back and stared up at my friends. I coughed and then said, "We got sucked into a time hole, twisting space and reality, just so I can die because of catching a sword."

They chuckled at the dark humor, but they were all silently crying.

Tom collapsed and held me to him. He choked on his tears and whispered to me, "I won't let you die."
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