Holiday From Real

Amateur Spitin'

Lauren was in the same room as me and three other girls that we didn't know. They were friendly to us, though; they introduced themselves as Algie Longbottom, and Deva and Naresh Patil; the Patil's are cousins. Lauren had to wake me up twice before I actually got out of bed and started to get ready. I fell asleep way too late to willingly get up at six thirty. Deva lent Lauren something that's similar to a hair curler, so Lauren gave her blonde hair even, large curls all the way down to her shoulders. She wore a long sleeve, yellow shirt, –it's very cold here– and a red skirt. While I was brushing my teeth, she popped into the bathroom – it turns out that every room has its own bathroom connected to it – and asked me, "Do you know where my yellow flats are? The ones with the bows?"

I nodded, but put my left index finger up to signal that I need one more minute of brushing before I'm willing to talk. She patiently waited for me and looked away when I spit out the toothpaste in my mouth and gurgled water, some mouthwash, and then water, again. "You put them in with my shoes because they didn't fit well in your bags."

"That's right!" She snapped her fingers to show that she remembered, "Thanks, Karma."

"You're welcome." I splashed some water on my face to wake myself up a little bit more. It didn't take me long to get dressed; these people already think we're freaks, so I'll wear my "punk" clothes for class while I still can. I tossed on my red Leftover Crack, short sleeve shirt, and my beat up, yellow jeans. I searched through my shoes before Lauren sat on my bed and said, "You kicked them under your bed last night."

I yawned, "When did I do that?"

She smiled widely, forcing back a laugh, "After you tripped over them when you put them by your luggage."

"Oh," I smiled, "That's right." I had to go to the bathroom at least three times last night, and each time walking there and walking back to my bed, I tripped on my shoes. I fished my right arm under my bed for a minute before I grabbed my left Peter Pan shoe, and then my right. I slipped them on and went for the door, but then Lauren said, "We still have some time before breakfast, do you want to put on some make-up?"

"What?" I turned, "You woke me up early, to be early for the early breakfast?"

She nodded her head up and down, "Yes. This'll put your sleeping pattern back to normal."

I sighed, I couldn't yell at her for being nice. "I guess so."

"Good," she smiled, "I already put your make-up bag on the bathroom sink." She got off of my bed and sat down on hers. She took out a book from one of her bags and said, "I'll wait for you here."

"Ok." I lazily walked into the bathroom and saw that the Patil cousins were doing their make-up. The caught a glimpse of me and tensed for a split second, but quickly relaxed again.

"Good morning, Karma." They said in unison.

"Good morning." I smiled politely, grabbed my things, and stood at the opposite counter, the one behind them. I put on some primer so that my make-up would last longer, and then I applied a little bit of foundation to my face and neck so that my skin color would be smooth and even. After lightly powdering my face, I lined my eyes with black, liquid eyeliner in the style of cat eye; my eye make-up was a little heavier than I wanted it to be, so I didn't add any color to my lips, just a some gloss. I put all my things away in my bag, scooted it a place where it wouldn't be in the way, and pocketed my lip-gloss. When I got out, Lauren put her book down and said,

"You know, girls don't wear pants here, especially not in the forties."

I shrugged, "I know, but I already dressed similar to this yesterday, so I'm not going to bother to fake my taste now."

She shrugged and smiled, "Okay."

I grabbed my faux-leather jacket off of one of the tops of the four-poster bed, and walked down to the common room. The people down there widened their eyes at my appearance, but they didn't stare. Keb and Doug were chilling on one love seat, while Jeff and Lazy Legs were on another. Doug slowly got up and said,

"Dumbledore left us messenger bags filled with all the school things we need. You should take out some of the textbooks before we leave."

I went to pick mine up, but its weight caught me off guard, so I heaved it up; Lauren did the same thing. We quickly trotted up to our room and looked at the textbooks. Dumbledore put pieces of parchment with the words, "Not a class copy." inside the front page of the books that we didn't need to take with us. Once we sorted through our bags, we put them back on and found that they're significantly lighter. I saw my fresh white belt with the belt buckle Bueno made me in his welding class last year, brass knuckles that I can actually take off and use, grabbed it, and put it on while we walked back down to the common room. Once we were all together, we walked to the Great Hall. We almost got lost on the way down, but paintings started to tell us how to get there.

We chose the farthest end of the Gryffindor table to make it clear that we want to be alone. I made eye contact with Jane and waved her over, but she nodded no.

I gave her a curious look.

She "popped her neck" in the direction of Tom Riddle. It didn't take me long to realize that she was in the perfect position to stare at him without being extremely obvious. I smirked and shouted, "Janie, come over here with us!"

Everyone immediately looked at me; they drank in my outfit and then went back to their conversations and breakfasts. "Janie! Come on!" I waved my right hand in a "come hither" motion; "You've looked at him long enough! Come be with your friends!"

Her cheeks instantly turned the same shade as my red shirt. She huffed and did her best not to stomp over to me. Doug, Jeff and I were laughing while she glared and sat down across from me. "I can't believe you just did that."

"Oh?" I started to eat the warm oatmeal that appeared in my bowl, "You wouldn't cock block me like that?"

She pressed her lips together to fight back a laugh, "We're not talking about me."

I laughed before putting another spoonful of oatmeal into my mouth.


Breakfast passed quickly; us fifth year Gryffindors had our first class of the day with the fifth year Slytherins. We walked in a large group, but Jane, Bueno and I walked behind our fifth year prefects – mostly Tom and Abraxas – so that we wouldn't get lost on the way down to the potions dungeon. We all ended up there ten minutes early; the fifth year Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs were having a lesson in Defense Against the Dark Arts exactly across the corridor from us, so Jane and I stood in patience with Natasha and Leena. Jane made eye contact with Natasha, "DADA isn't down here, is it?"

"No," Natasha's eyes flickered to Leena, "but it's rather dark down here, so the professor is going to have us practice our patronus charms down here. He said that the brighter the charm, the more powerful it is."

"Ahh," Jane replied, "it makes sense that he'd take the class somewhere dark, then."

"Yeah," Leena sighed, she looked tired, too.

Natasha looked at her with hints of concern, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Leena looked at Natasha then back down to her feet, "I'm just sleepy."

I cut the moment short by asking, "Where are the professors anyway?"

"I don't know," Natasha looked up at me, "I saw Slughorn on the way down here, he was in the middle of his breakfast, he probably won't be down here for another ten minutes."

I frowned crookedly and then looked at Leena. I grabbed her right hand with my left and started to walk towards the potions room door. "Why are you taking me here?"

"I overheard some Slytherin's last night saying that Slughorn lost a bet with the choir professor and now has to store a grand piano in his potions room." Abraxas' eyes flickered back and forth from a speaking Tom and a slightly frustrated me. When we made eye contact, I asked him, "Excuse me, cute blonde prefect,"

Jane and Bueno chuckled while Abraxas lightly blushed and the rest of the girls silently judged me; you could tell from their eye contact. Abraxas smirked, "Yes?"

"Will you please unlock this door for me? I just bought a new wand before the school year started, and I can't quite control its full power yet." I bit my bottom lip and looked him over to boost his ego, "You look like you control magic well, so will you please unlock this door for me?"

He smirked and walked over to me, "It'd be my pleasure…" he looked me up and down.

"Karma," I smiled, "My name is Karma."

"Well," he looked me over again, "It's nice to meet you, Karma." He then magically, but nonverbally unlocked the door to the potions classroom.

"Thank you," I smirked and gave him a very quick wink while I walked in and gently tugged Leena behind me. His eyebrows rose with shock and interest, while a small group of girls behind him saw and started to whisper amongst themselves; oh the rumors will be fun.

The numerous floating candles lit the room well, so it wasn't hard for me to find the grand piano. It was near the far left corner; I walked over to it while Leena whispered, "What are you doing?"

"Playing you a song," I replied and seated myself on the small bench in front of the piano. I cracked my knuckles, stretched my arms forward and curved my back for a minute before sitting up straight and running my fingers up the keys. I looked at her and said, "I obviously didn't write this, but I was listening to it before we got here, and I think it applies to you rather well."

She didn't say anything; she knew that I meant her and Natasha. You see, her and Natasha have been in a relationship since almost the very beginning of freshmen year. They never came straight out and said, "Aye! We're dating! So to Hell with you guys!" but they went everywhere together. Natasha would walk Leena to all her classes and then run back to hers so that she wouldn't be late; every once in a while, when it was just them, or them and a few of their friends, Natasha would kiss Leena goodbye and then run off to her class. They did everything together; they came to school together, they hung out during breaks together, they went to lunch together, they took their electives together, they left school together, etc… You didn't have to be a genius to figure out that it was killing them not to hold hands right now; they always held hands. However, we all doubted that they could show any romantic affection for each other now that we're in the forties.

I cleared my throat while I started to play, "There, There Katie" by Jack's Mannequin. I immediately replaced the name Katie with Leena and adjusted my voice to match the volume of the piano, "Leena, you're a brave girl, and I know it's only just started…"

Natasha stood next to Leena and smiled; Leena looked at Natasha, smiled, and stood a little bit closer to her. I started to play the piano with more passion, closed my eyes, and let the music flow from me. "And Leena it's a strange world, girls can get so broken hearted…"

Leena hugged herself and bit her bottom lip to keep her happy tears from flowing, "Leena, you're a brave girl; courage is something I'll need now, because it's been a hell of a day I've spent fading away…" I started to gently rock my body to emphasize my finger movements, the sounds of the piano, and the sound of my voice.

Natasha stared at Leena with pure happiness while Leena closed her eyes and smiled, letting the words and sounds take control of her morning emotions. "The sunshine's been missing, but Leena, don't believe that it isn't there. Oh and Leena… Leena, be happy; this world can be ugly, but isn't it beautiful…"

I stopped singing after the last lyric, but I didn't stop playing the piano. I started to add more notes to the ones the song offered. I stood up and smiled at her while playing the piano with a little more speed, "Leena," I gradually stopped playing the piano. When I was almost done, I said, "You're a brave girl."

Leena slowly opened her eyes when the music stopped playing. She smiled at me and whispered a soft, "Thanks, Karma."

I just smiled, I would have said something, but someone started to loudly clap from the back of the room. I looked over to see Professor Slughorn slowly make his way through the crowd of students, "That was excellent," he said with a smile. I blushed and gently wrapped my right hand around my left elbow,

"Thank you, Professor Slughorn."

"Don't thank me for speaking the truth," he smiled.

I blushed a little bit more.

"I'd love for you to continue to play for us, but we have a lesson to start."

I breathed out with a timid smile, "Oh, yeah, sorry." I quickly sat next to Jane at a desk towards the back of the room.

"However," he smiled as I situated myself, "if we have time after class, I'd love for you to play."

I smiled and replied, "Okay, that sounds great."

Much to my pleasure, there wasn't any time left after class. Slughorn talks a lot, especially when Tom is flattering him. We barely had time to put our notes back into our bags once class ended; we were lucky that our next class is DADA and is being held across the corridor today, otherwise we probably would have been late. Professor Merrythought greeted us all at the door with a smile and a handshake. He turned out to be a kind, but serious man. The usual Hogwarts kids went first with producing patronus', a few of them had trouble, so the concept of having to do it too wasn't as nerve wracking as before. To calm us down, Jane and I quietly talked about how cool it would be to use an empty dungeon for our next for-fun show. No teachers or other staff members sleep down here; once eight o'clock hits, the dungeons are totally empty. There are plenty of empty classrooms just begging to be filled with our sounds; we decided to look around later today and do a gig on Friday night.

In the middle of our planning, Professor Merrythought smiled with a wild-eyed look; he looked at me and said, "You there, with the yellow pants, come here."

I gulped and slowly walked to the front of the room.

"Lets practice your patronus."

"Uhm…" I blushed, "okay." I slowly raised my wand to the appropriate height and said, "Expecto Patronum." A faint, silver light twisted out of the tip of my wand.

"No, no, no." Merrythought shook his head from left to right, "You have to put feeling behind it, you have to put a lot of joy and focus into it."

Bueno snickered.

I looked at her over my shoulder, "Oh shut up, you probably won't be any better your first time up."

Bueno shrugged, "What are you gonna do? Box me?"

I said, "Ha. Ha. Ha. Keep talkin' smack like this and I will."

"Whateva," Bueno crossed his arms across his chest, "Just 'cause you're the top female boxer in the Chi-City competitions doesn't mean—"

"That I won't punch you in the jaw? It means exactly that. You being my best friend means I won't punch you in the jaw."

Jane and I laughed.

Bueno rolled his eyes.

Merrythought cleared his throat.

I looked up into his eyes and said, "My apologies sir. I'll try again now." I tried several more times, each time only getting slightly better. Merrythought smiled wildly and walked over to a cabinet. He looked at me over his shoulder and said, "I have a good feeling about your magical abilities, so you're going to be the first one to try this out in this period."

I gave him a curious look.

He opened the cabinet and stepped to the side in the same second. A dark, hooded, floating creature started to float towards me. Its hands were long and large like giant white spiders; my eyes grew to the same size as my head. I was frozen for a second, but as it started to try to suck out my…my what? My soul, I didn't know what it was doing, but I didn't like it, so it had to end. I shot my wand hand up at it and shouted, "Expecto Patronum!" A life-sized hippogriff shot out of the tip of my wand and clawed at the dementor. My patronus literally filled the room with so much light that it was difficult to see, but the scene against the dementor was easy to look at.

Merrythought dropped his wand and his jaw as the dementor evaporated away. He looked at me with large, impressed eyes. "You just destroyed the dementor."

I blushed a little bit and smiled proudly.

"I… my God!" Merrythought shouted with happiness, "Stay here, I have to go get Horace!"

As Merrythought ran out of the room, I slowly turned until I saw Bueno. I sighed proudly and looked him in the eyes, "Did you see that? Or was it a bit to bright for ya?"

He playfully sneered and rolled his eyes.

"Hey," I snapped my fingers to catch his gaze, "you see this?" I put my fingers together and stretched out my hand. I then brought it up to my left shoulder, leaned my body to the right, and brushed it off. I did the same basic thing with my right shoulder, "You can go ahead and call me the best now."

"What, you Muhammad Ali now?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "I'm pretty sure he's only two right now."

Bueno laughed, "I still think I'm a better boxer than you, and I bet my patronus is gonna be twenty times more bad ass than your hippogriff."

I laughed, "Oh I'm sure it will be."

Before Bueno said anything, Merrythought jogged back into class. Slughorn stepped in front of him and tossed a smokey vile twenty feet in front of me. The second the vile broke, a dementor stretched out of it and started to float towards me. I gulped and froze again, but I took a step back and pointed my wand at it as it started to tower over me. I shouted, "Expecto Patronum!" with all my heart; my large hippogriff patronus flew out of my wand, shrieked as if it were shouting a battle cry, and attacked the dementor. Once again, its light filled the room, and it clawed at the dementor until it was completely destroyed and evaporated.

Slughorn dropped his wand and his jaw. After a moment of being baffled, he looked at me and said, "Oh… My… Lord." He drew in a deep breath, "The only time I've ever seen a patronus that powerful was… I don't know!"

I pressed my lips together, tilted my head to the left, and shrugged.

Out of nowhere, Bueno shouted, "Expecto Patronum!" I turned to see a very fast wolf jump out of his wand, but it was no match for my hippogriff. My patronus turned and swatted it into the wall. Bueno's wolf hit the wall, slid to the floor, and charged at my hippogriff. My hippogriff flew up, pretty much curbed stomped the wolf, and then tore it apart.

I pumped my palms up into the air and jumped around in a circle; in a rather masculine voice, I shouted "Awww yeah-yea!"

Bueno laughed and clapped, "Alright, alright, calm down, Kanye West."

I slowed my victory dance, but didn't stop. I laughed at Bueno's comment until he said,

"Alright, you got me good here. I tried to prank you, and you got me."

I continued my dance for thirty more seconds before stopping and saying, "A wolf is still pretty cool. Not twenty times as bad ass as a hippogriff that can curb stomp, but still cool."

Bueno laughed, "I'll agree with you here."

Before I could reply, Slughorn slapped his left hand onto my right shoulder, looked down at me, and shouted for the whole class to hear, "You, Miss Karma Kinzek, are the first female to be a part of the Slug Club!"

All the kids that got sucked into this Harry Potter universe with me clapped and cheered for me; some of the actually Harry Potter kids clapped for me, most of them were budding feminists, but some were good sports. Abraxas and Tom clapped; Abraxas whispered something to Tom and they both smirked. I didn't like either of their looks; Abraxas' eyes were clouded with a twisted sort of interest, like he wanted to try me, and Tom's eyes burned into my skin, as if he wanted to tame me.

I made eye contact with Tom and smirked at him.

He raised his brows from shock; he didn't think I could see him.

No homework has been assigned yet, so at the end of the academic day, Mr. Bozzi walked us to the band and choir room that Headmaster Dippet provided him with. Mr. Bozzi described the types of instruments that he teaches us to Dumbledore; Dumbledore transfigured every day, easily replaceable items into the needed instruments. On top of that, Dumbledore taught Mr. Bozzi how to magically amplify instruments and voices; music lessons were set to start the next day, and we were stoked. On top of that, Mr. Abar got a pretty cool history room, filled with maps of all over the world, and decorations from all different types of cultures and eras; naturally, his classroom was next door to the Muggle Studies classroom.

After we took a tour of their rooms, we were told to get into our exercise outfits and meet them on the Quidditch field for training. I wore my red short shorts, a yellow sports bra, and a yellow tank top. I met up with Bueno and Jane near the Great Hall; the Slytherin Quidditch team was leading them to the Quidditch field. Which is total nonsense, you'd have to be completely oblivious to the campus to not be able to find your own way to it, there's even a path to follow! But once I jogged up and in between Bueno and Jane, I realized why they said yes to the guide offer; the Quidditch pants are tiii-eee -ight! They're tighter than football pants, only, minus all the padding; these pants were incapable of lying for these boys. Which is totally fine by me, it looked like most of them were well endowed. I made eye contact with Bueno, then Jane, and then nodded with a devious smirk. They chuckled, but obviously agreed with me.

After we got there, we only had to wait a few more minutes for the others to get to the field. The kids who are solely in band situated themselves near us and played music for us. They matched the speed and volume of their songs to our moves; Mr. Bozzi and Mr. Abar didn't kid around with our boxing. They made our exercise routines hardcore, besides the obvious boxing training, they filled it with fast paced combos of mountain climbers, then jumps out of the mountain climbers, and then tucks – when you jump up while bringing your knees into your chest, using your abdominal muscles. Our workouts were always highly intense and filled with complicated moves to improve our speed, our coordination, and our overall fitness. When our one our session came to an end, we shouted with relief. We chugged our waters and walked around with our hands stretched above our heads, talking in between deep breathe.

The Slytherin Quidditch team – they had tryouts this morning so that they could start practicing right away – hovered on their brooms several feet above the grass of the field and about ten feet away from our group. The team captain smirked at his team and then said to us, "What's this?"

Tyler panted out, "Training."

"For what?"


"Well," the captain sneered, "it looks absurd."

Before Tyler or either of our coaches could reply, I looked at him and said, "And Quidditch looks homosexual."

He made eye contact with me and snapped, "What?"

I shrugged and took another drink of my water, "Quidditch is homosexual; it's a bunch of boys playing with balls while they're in tight pants."

Before the captain could snap anything at me, I added, "We watched you play a little bit, why don't you watch us for a little bit? We'll show you what a real sport is."

Mr. Abar sighed, "Karma, why do you always have to start shit?"

Mr. Bozzi laughed and shouted, "This is going to be great! I love fights."

Mr. Abar knew he was alone in his cause, so he retrieved a pair of gloves for Bueno and a pair for me. Mr. Bozzi took the items from Mr. Abar and handed them to Bueno and me. He looked over at the Slytherin team with obvious excitement, "This is going to be great! These are our two very best fighters, they win every year at finals!"

This meant nothing to the team.

With more excitement, Mr. Bozzi said, "The routine we just did has got their adrenaline levels through the roof!" He threw his hands up for a minute to emphasize his point, "This is going to be great!"

Mr. Bozzi made the rest of the people give us space while Bueno and I put on our gloves. "Damn," I said while looking up at Bueno.


"We didn't put in mouth guards, and now we have these gloves on."

Bueno pressed his lips together and quickly moved his head over his right shoulder and then back towards me, "Damn."

Mr. Bozzi saw that we were ready, but weren't doing anything. He hollered at us, "What's the hold up?"

I looked over at him and shouted, "We don't have our mouth guards!"

He sprung up from the grass, "This is going to be great!" He shouted and ran over to the trunk of our boxing things. He searched through mouth guard cases before he found Bueno's and mine. He ran over to us, saw that we had our gloves on, and quickly put them in for us. Bueno and I moved our bottom jaws for a few seconds to make sure our guards were in well, then we locked eye contact and started to circle each other.

The band slowly started to play music for us to jump to. Bueno did a quick lunge and punch combo, but I jumped out of the way and punched him in the side. Mr. Bozzi shouted at the Slytherin's, "You saw that? Good!"

Mr. Bozzi leaned forward to watch more intently while Harper shouted, "Here we are now! Entertain us!"

I jumped around quite a bit, I even did some fancy footwork that I know that Bueno can't quite do yet. I smirked as he kept throwing punches at me, but kept missing; we're very close friends, but right now, we're competitors. This being so, I wasn't going to stop him from wasting his energy in the forces of his punches. Bueno and I are on good terms, but we're always competing with each other and teasing each other; as much as we care for each other, this match has been long overdue.

Harper jumped out and started to shout out the lyrics to Limp Bizkit's song, "Break Stuff." My already high adrenaline was starting to overwhelm me, now, hearing this song, I couldn't help myself. I could tell that Bueno was in the same stage as me: no sense of sound, taste, or ability to speak; it's just touch and feel now, punch and pain, winner and loser.

Bueno tossed a punch at me, but I already knew this move from watching him during championships; I ducked out of the way and put up my right arm to deflect his surprise left hook. Once his hook made contact with my block, I jumped into my jab. All the air in his lungs flew out of his mouth. As he stumbled backwards, I shouted, "Sorry for the party foul, homie."

He laughed and went to hit me again, but instead of ducking this time, I backed up; he didn't expect this, sending me into a roll of surprise, spur of the moment, invented moves. Mr. Bozzi shouted, "You see this?" He jumped up and pointed at Bueno, "Bueno is easily the strongest on the team, but he falls into repetition!"

Within a moments time, I lunged forward and jabbed him in the chest. Then I jumped back up, uppercutted him, leaped to the side and got him with a right hook. Bueno stumbled back quite a bit, but didn't fall. Mr. Bozzi was sky high, "And Karma!" He pointed to me, "She's the fastest on the team, and she quickly goes into a very creative mode!"

Bueno pretended to lunge at me, but I know him better than that. I leaped to his left side and delivered four jabs, two high ones, one into the side of his chest, and one at his hip. He stumbled again, but I didn't wait for him to get his balance back this time. I jabbed him in the side, did a cross into his chest, and then a hook to his face. He did a three hundred and sixty degree turn, fell down onto the grass, and then stared to pant. He tossed his gloves off and took out his mouth guard. He slowly rose to his feet, slowly put his mouth guard away, and looked at me. "You win."

I shouted in happiness, tossed my gloves off, and took my mouth guard out, too. I did three hundred and sixty degree jumps to Mr. Bozzi and put my mouth guard away. I started to jump around and pump my fists into the air, "I! AM! THE! GREATEST!"

Bueno laughed weakly, "Not only do you knock'em out, but you pick the round."

I laughed and jumped around, "Ya'll can call me the female Muhammad Ali!" I turned to look at Bueno, but as I did so, he jabbed me in the face. Everyone immediately stopped talking. I stumbled into Abraxas, but didn't think much of it. I pushed myself away from him and back onto my feet. "What. The. FUCK!"

Bueno looked angry, I've never seen him like this; we've never had a fight and ended up like this. I threw my arms out into a slight "W" and shouted, "What? What? You want me to kick yo ass twice, huh?"

Bueno put his guard up and started to jump in place.

"Come on," I waved my hands to signal for him to run over to me, "Go ahead! Fuck around and find out!"

Before Bueno could add anything, Lauren grabbed a trumpet and started to play, "Where the Hood At" by DMX. I laughed; Lauren is very feminine, but she still loved a good fight. Harper and Lazy Legs started to jump up and down and scream out the lyrics to "Where the Hoot At." Bueno and I circled each other for thirty seconds before he lunged at me; he expected me to back up like last time, but I didn't give him that. I straight up jabbed him in the face, and I jabbed him hard. He shrieked from the surprise of the pain and stumbled backwards. I punched him in the chest, the stomach, and got his face again with a left hook; he fell onto the grass before the song reached the middle. I thought he was done this time, but he kicked out his right leg and tripped me. He jumped up as I fell; he was going to straddle me, but I rolled out of the way, causing him to fall onto the grass again. I quickly straddled his back, grabbed his hair, and slammed the side of his face into the ground. I jumped up and started to jump left and right while shaking my fists towards the ground.

He popped back up and shouted, "You crazy bitch!"

"What?" I screamed and used my left hand to cup my right ear, "I'ma bitch just because I'm better than you?"

Now the whole boxing team and the band members popped up and egged us on, even Mr. Abar couldn't help himself. The Slytherin team watched with wide, interested eyes.

"You're a bitch because you're! You're just a crazy bitch!"

I laughed and put my guard back up, "You're the one who fuckin' attacked me!"

Bueno snapped and ran at me; I jumped out of the way, so he tried to kick me. I punched him in the thigh; he shouted in pain, but I grabbed his foot before he could fall down. I pulled him to me, and used his own momentum to jab him in the chest.

He fell onto his back, and he was going to stay down, but Harper and Lazy Legs started to shout out the lyrics to "Party Up in Here."

I could see that he was going to jump back up, so I straddled him. I delivered a perfect right hook to his jaw and then jabbed him in the chest. I pinned his wrists to the grass and shouted, "You got enough now? You got it now?" My adrenaline was still sky high, "I AM THE GREATEST! DON'T FUCK AROUND WHEN IT COMES TO THE GREATEST!" I let go of him and jumped up, he jumped up right after me, but put his guard down and stopped jumping in place.

"THIS IS IT!" He screamed and flailed his arms about, "I'MMA GET YOU—!"


Bueno looked at me, swallowed some spit and then shouted, "OKAY! AT SOME POINT AFTER THE FRIDAY SHOW, I'MA BRING YOU DOWN!"

I started to flail my arms around, too. "GOOD! I'MA LOOKIN' FORWARD TO IT, BITCH!"

Half of the group walked away with Bueno, Jane walked away by herself, and the rest of the group walked up to me. Mr. Abar drew in a deep breath while putting his hands behind his head. He looked over at Mr. Bozzi and asked him, "Are you happy with what you've started?"

Mr. Bozzi gulped, "I'm not proud, but at least it'll be good practice for them."

Mr. Abar fought back a laugh and shook his head from left to right. They collected all the training and boxing gear and walked back to Hogwarts castle. Lauren ran up to me and shouted, "You did amazing!"

I shook my head left to right, put my hands on the back of my neck and drew in a few deep breaths. I started to walk backwards so that I could look at the half of the group that stayed with me, "What happened? That wasn't Bueno; that wasn't good, and that wasn't my best friend."