Holiday From Real

Go Go Girl

Bueno walked me up to the Gryffindor Tower after the meeting ended; I didn't want to be alone with Abraxas, and I didn't want to be a dweeber and tell Tom, "Hey cutie pie, walk me to my room? You know… for safety." I woke up the next morning to the sound of Lauren's squealing; she flopped down on my bed and forced me to wake up. I slowly sat up, hunched over a bit and yawned. I rubbed my eyes while asking her, "What's the cause of your excitement?"

She hopped off my bed and tossed a small pile of clothes near my lap. I slowly picked up the item on top and saw a black skirt. "What? Our uniforms?"

"They're fabulous!"

I sighed and looked at the rest of the clothing, "Why are they fabulous? They're regular boarding school uniforms."

Lauren sighed and rolled her eyes, "Yes, but the white shirts are magically solid."

I looked up at her with slight annoyance, "What is that supposed to mean?"

She sighed again, "Even if you walk under a waterfall, your shirt isn't going to show your torso."

"Oh," I frowned approvingly and picked one of my shirts up, "That's cool."

"Yeah," she smiled as if she was suppressing a laugh, "you know… They only gave us skirts."

"What?" I yawned and then realized the severity of her statement, "What!"

She laughed and skipped back to her bed. She started to fold her clothing back up before saying, "You'll have to wear skirts all year."

I jumped out of my bed, tossed on a black wife beater that stopped at my knees over my sports bra and boy shorts, and then asked Lauren, "Can I borrow a pair of your flip flops?"


"Because I'm too lazy to put on socks so that I can wear a pair of my shoes, and you know I don't have any flip flops."

She shrugged, "Sure, they're in my shoe bag."

I smiled crookedly, "You mean your shoe trunk? That thing is huge; you packed half of your closet for a four day trip."

She playfully sneered, "Well it turned out to be quite useful, didn't it?"

I laughed for thirty seconds, "I've got nothin' to say back to that."

She smiled proudly and went back to folding and putting away her clothes. I slipped on a yellow pair of flip-flops, put my hair up into a sloppy bun, and then grabbed my wand from on top of my dresser. I walked down the corridor, down the stairs, and then through the common room. I heard a loud wolf whistle, so I turned my head to the right and saw Doug comfortably seated on a love seat and T'uan in a near by armchair. Doug half smiled, half smirked, and said, "You know you have to wear skirts now."

I playfully sneered, "Don't get too excited, Dougie."

He laughed while I started to walk away, "How could I not be excited, skirts provide easier access." T'uan and Doug laughed, a few other boys snickered, and a few girls blushed. I turned one hundred and eighty degrees and walked backwards to the portrait door. I smirked and said,

"I'll just put a spell on my panties, like the one on the Ravenclaw entrance." He looked slightly confused; I laughed, "You can't get in until you correctly solve the riddle." Doug and I laughed while T'uan sat there slightly confused, but mostly humored; he doesn't know about Doug and me. Doug and I joke around like that all the time, so it's not a huge shocker to hear us speaking sexually.

I quietly walked down to the Slytherin House; I tried to get in by tapping my wand against the bricks, but, not surprisingly, I couldn't figure it out. That being so, I knocked on it for a good five minutes until a very irritated, trollish boy swung it open. He angrily mumbled something, but I didn't pay attention. I walked by him and scanned the common room; Bueno is playing Wizard Chest against Abraxas. I sat down next to Bueno and watched them play; I winked at Abraxas so that he'd be distracted long enough for Bueno to make two moves instead of the allowed one. Bueno didn't win because of this move, he still lost, but he postponed his loss. He sighed loud and long while Abraxas magically fixed all the pieces. I looked at Bueno and said, "You know they only gave us girls skirts."

Bueno was silent for a few seconds, but he did end up laughing at me.

I tilted my head a bit to the right, "Hardy har har."

Bueno smiled.

"I came down here to see if I could have one of your pants."

Bueno pressed his lips together while thinking, "But I'm taller and wider than you."

"I know, but I know how to alter pants. I do make a lot of my own clothes, you know."

Bueno slightly bobbed his head from left to right while thinking it over, "I suppose you could have one pair of my pants. They gave me a few extra, anyway."

I leaned over and hugged him, "Thanks, Bueno."

He got up and slung me over his shoulder in the same five seconds. I screamed from shock and shouted, "What are you doing?"

He laughed and securely held me to him with his right arm. "You walk too slow when you're following me, so I'll just show you the way to my dorm room like this."

I rolled my eyes and stayed silent; there's no arguing with Bueno once he has made up his mind with little things like this. He quickly opened the large door to the boys dormitories, walked down the creepy halls, and finally into his dormitory. He tossed me onto his bed and then walked over to his dresser. He pulled out the second to the top drawer and pulled out a pair of his new Hogwarts slacks. He tossed them onto my lap and said, "The tailors left their sewing stuff here," he pointed to a desk in the corner of the room, "Do you want to try'em on and fix them up now?"

I kicked off Lauren's flip-flops and slowly got off of his bed, "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." I pulled up my wife beater to my hips and put my left leg into the pants, and then my right leg. They were about a foot too long, and about eight inches too big on the waist; my waist is twenty-eight inches and Bueno's is thirty-six inches. I cuffed the pants to where I want the leg to end, and then carefully slipped out of the pants. I pulled my wife beater back down and walked over to the sewing machine; it looks a lot like the muggle ones, only it doesn't have any wires. The foot pedal just knows to work with the machine, and you just have to say, "Sewing machine, turn on" for it to turn on. The tailors left their organized box of threads and scissors by the machine, so I cut off almost all of the extra fabric and then hemmed the pant legs. Once I was done with that, I tried them on and widely smiled; I hemmed them at just the right length. I decided to make the pants a bit more snug, so I took the legs in two inches; I tried them on again and found them to fit me nicely, not skinny jean nicely, but just the right way for slacks. I then took the waist in four and a half inches and found that to be a bit big, but I can just wear a belt, so I'm not trippin'.

I sighed, got up, and said, "Sewing machine, turn off." I then carefully picked the pants up, "Thanks Bueno, I really appreciate it."

He smiled and sat further back into his mattress, "You're welcome, I know wearing skirts for five consecutive days would kill you."

I laughed and hugged him, "You know me well, my friend."

He hugged me back, "I'd give you another pair, but you know how fast I spill things on my pants."

"Yeah," I chuckled and pulled away, "You'll need all the pairs of pants you can get it."

Bueno laughed while Abraxas said, "You can have a pair of mine." I looked over my left shoulder to see him leaning against the doorframe, his left hand casually tucked away into his front left pocket, and his right hand mindlessly twirling his wand. He smirked while looking me over.

I smiled halfheartedly, "That's okay, Abr—"

"No, no, no." He walked over to his dresser and took out a pair of pants. He turned back around to face me, "I have plenty of pairs, take one of mine, it's fine."

I slowly and rather cautiously approached him. He held out his pants to me and I gently took them from him, "Thanks." I walked back over to Bueno; he stood in front of me to act as a human wall while I tried on Abraxas' slacks. They're about eight inches too long, and about six inches too large on my waist. I cuffed the pants, took them off, and then quickly fixed them up. I hid behind Bueno, tried them on again, and was happy to find that they fit me perfectly. I walked in front of Bueno and did a slow turn, "Whatchya think?"

He laughed at my statement before replying, "The pants look pretty nice."

"Thanks," I smiled, turned, and made eye contact with Abraxas, "Thanks for the pants."

He smirked, "You're welcome," he quickly eyed me, "They look nice on you."

I smiled weakly, "Thanks."

His smirk widened, "My shirt would probably look good on you, too."

I quickly turned back around and walked over to Lauren's flip-flops, "And that's why dreams are so great."

Bueno laughed while I rushed out of their dorm, through the Slytherin common room, and back to the Gryffindor Tower. I quietly but quickly jogged up the stairs to the girl's dormitories and into my dorm. Lauren looked over at me while I put her flip-flops back in her shoe "bag" and said, "Bueno gave you two pairs of pants?"

"No," I put Bueno's pair away and unbuttoned Abraxas' pair, "Bueno gave me the pair I just put away."

As I slid Abraxas' pair to my ankles, she asked me, "Whose pair were you just wearing?"

I folded them and neatly put them away in the same drawer as Bueno's pants. "Abraxas gave me a pair."


I laughed, "Calm down."

"But he's so cute!"

She walked over to me and sat on my bed. I leaned against my dresser while she said, "You know, it looks like he's quite smitten with you."

"I know!" I leaned forward a little bit and widened my eyes a lot. I sat down on the top of my dresser and said, "It doesn't make sense! I barely know him. And 'Kinzek' isn't a pureblood name, so he really should not care about me at all."

Lauren lightly nodded, "Yeah, but what's more interesting than that," she made herself more comfortable, "is that Tom keeps cockblocking him."

I chuckled once, "I'm rather flattered, to tell you the truth."

She waved her right hand at nothing specific, "As well you should be! That Tommy Riddle is ffii-yii -yne!"

I hunched forward and laughed long and hard. Lauren started to laugh too; we didn't stop until we had tears running down our faces and couldn't breathe. We continued to talk about how ridiculously gorgeous he is for the next hour, then I told her about how he sneaked up on me and talked to me in an empty classroom. She stared at me with wide eyes, her mouth slightly agape, and leaned forward. "You are so lucky."

I laughed somewhat nervously, "Why?"

She rolled her eyes and shook her head twice, "I'd love for Tom to come up behind me and bring me into an empty and touch my face."

I laughed at her.

She arched her right brow, "What? Are you telling me that during all that you didn't get even slightly hot for him?"

"No," I laughed, "I was mostly scared, but hell yea he made me hot."

Now she laughed. I chuckled and then took a shower; when I came out I decided to wear my green, indie fit, jeans, my black and silver, cheetah print flats, and long sleeve, black shirt with buttons from the small swoop neck collar to mid breast. I redid my sloppy, careless bun and ignored the few, small, very curly strands of hair by my ears. I looked out our window; it's raining now, so I put on a rather thin, grey hoodie and then my black leather jacket. The Patil cousins taught me a spell that would protect my patches and other things on my jacket from the weather, so I preformed that spell on my leather jacket and then pocketed my wand in my awesome jean pocket on my right side.

Lauren, Lazy Legs, T'uan, Jeff, Doug and I walked down to the Great Hall for a late breakfast. We found an empty area towards the middle of the Gryffindor table and decided to eat there. We were barely half way through our breakfasts before I saw Karen looking for us. "Aww shit," I mumbled a little too loudly.

Doug made eye contact with me, "What?"

"Karen's comin' over—"

His eyes grew to the size of saucers while he practically slammed his fork down, "We gotta get out of here."

I refrained from laughing, but I still smiled widely, "She'll see us if we leave the hall."

"Damn," he thought to himself for a minute, "lets just go to a different table then."

"Good plan," I nodded in agreement. We quickly got up and rushed over to the Slytherin table. I squeezed in between Tom and Avery Bertram, the Slytherin Head Boy, and Doug squatted behind me. Tom looked at me with curiosity, he was going to question me, but I beat him to it. "Doug and I are hiding from Karen, she's going to look for us at the Gryffindor table first, so we're buying ourselves some time."

Tom looked less curious, but still curious nonetheless, "Where are you going to go to hide?"

Doug drew in a deep breath while I replied, "We're going to go to the Hufflepuff table."

Both Doug and Tom said, "Why?"

I chuckled once and smirked crookedly, "Because Karen's a Hufflepuff."

Doug angrily whispered to me, "That's why we shouldn't go over there!"

I turned a bit to look at Doug, "Karen's not going to look for us at her own table."

A small smirk appeared on Tom's face, "And what if she does?"

Doug laughed and looked up at him, "Do you know Karen, at all?"

I smiled widely while Tom just looked at Doug.

Doug continued, "She's a total idiot; she's not going to think to look at the one place we wouldn't go."

Karen sat down next to Jeff and across from Lazy Legs; I whispered that to Doug and then said, "So she's facing us, which can be good."

He angrily whispered back, "Why is that good?"

"Because we have father to go to get to the Hufflepuff table, leaving this table is going to take a lesser amount of time. So… she'll have less of an opportunity to see us."

"Ahh…" Doug backed up so that I could turn and put my left leg over the bench. Once I had both legs on the other side of the bench, I slid off and squatted down; I looked up at Tom and said,

"I will never forgive you if you tell her our plans."

Tom smirked and Avery laughed; they watched us quietly hop the distance of the Slytherin table, race to the right side of a group of kids that were walking away, and then quietly rushed to the Hufflepuff table. We sat down in the middle of a group of kids that we didn't know; they looked at us curiously, but didn't say anything. They eased back into their own conversations while Doug told me, "Good job."

I laughed, "You too."

He smiled, "I don't see why you weren't in Slytherin with that kind of reasoning in plans."

I laughed again, "I'm not in Slytherin because I'm not a doucher."

He laughed really loud for a second, but quickly quieted himself; we've come too far for Karen to find us now, and like that. He leaned closer to me and smirked, "You seem rather taken with that Tom."

A couple of the kids looked at us from the corners of their eyes. I leaned closer to Doug, "What, are you jealous?"

"No," he chuckled, "I'm curious. At what point did you two become on a talking basis?"

More people looked over at us; I drew in a deep breath and shrugged, "I don't know, the night of our show. I was putting away the drum set and we ended up talking."

Doug arched his right brow, "About?"

I tried to arch my brows individually, "Why can't I do that?"

Doug looked at my poor attempts and laughed, "I don't know."

I quickly became frustrated; "Everyone can do this except for me, that's ridiculous."

Doug laughed at me again, "Whatever, don't get off topic. What did you and Riddle talk about?"

"He told me to be his potions partner."

"What?" Doug chuckled once, "He told you to?"

"Yeah," I nodded my head up and down a few times, "he told me to."

A black haired boy leaned over to see us and looked back and forth at Doug and me. He looked at me and said, "Did you say no?"

I looked at him with an irritated curiosity, "What does it matter?"

He leaned away from me, "Tom Riddle isn't a nice guy—"

Doug laughed and I smiled; we totally didn't know that young Voldemort is a mean guy.

The black haired boy continued, "Weird things happen with him and his friends…"

Doug laughed, "What? Are they all gay together?"

I laughed while the boy locked gazes with Doug, "I don't know. I didn't mean anything like that."

I laughed and said, "Then say what you mean, I'm not patient when it comes to riddles."

Doug couldn't help but to laugh loudly, "No, but you do have patience when it comes to Riddle."

I laughed and then stopped abruptly, "Shut up."

Doug playfully scoffed and rolled his eyes. The boy locked gazes with me again, "Strange, morbid things happen with him and his friends."

I smirked, "What's your name?"

"Adam Abbott."

I leaned closer to him, "Adam, Tom Riddle doesn't have friends."

Adam laughed nervously while everyone within earshot looked over at us, "What do you call them?"

I tilted my head to the left and smirked crookedly, "If anything, they're his fans. He doesn't have friends; he's a loner at heart."

Doug sighed and said, "You already know him pretty well, huh?"

I looked back at him, "No, but I intend to."

Adam started up again, "You shouldn't, you'll probably get hurt!"

I stood up and stretched my arms above my head, "With a face like his?" I snickered, "I couldn't imagine anything less of getting hurt. Besides," I sighed, "I'm rather fond of delinquency."

Doug laughed and rolled his eyes while the rest of them whispered amongst themselves. I casually tucked my hands into my jacket pockets and walked towards the door of the Great Hall. I looked over my right shoulder at Tom and Avery, they looked absolutely devious; I couldn't help myself, I winked when Tom and I made eye contact and then left the Great Hall.