Status: Completed

What Am I Supposed To Do Here?!?!

Chapter 1

Kat looked out across the grounds, she was up at the top of the bleachers, they were about 20 ft high at the top, so she could see all the way to the band room across campus. Kat swung her feet as she laughed at the freshmen being chased by the seniors. As a sophomore she was safe from the senior's torture. Kat heard heavy boots coming up the steps, they stopped right beside her. She looked over to see Lulu's Doc Martins.

"Hey sis," said Lulu cheerfully as she sat beside Kat.

"Lu, can I ask you something?" said Kat shyly.

Lulu looked at Kat and smirked, "It's about Amy, isn't it? Jebus, kid you can tell you are in like with her."

Kat jumped, "Really?! Does she know?" She said hysterically.

"I don't think so, but -------"


"Well little sister, let's say we continue this at home? Me and Kim are going to skip this period, Laters!!" said Lulu as she ran down the bleacher steps.

"Bye," muttered Kat as she walked to her next class. biology with Mrs. Hemmings. Ugh. She sat next to Amy in that class.


Kat walked in biology and sat next to Amy, she smiled at Amy, she looked hott today. She was wearing her extra tight TWLOHA shirt, and her short skirt.

"Kaykay!!" Squealed Amy as she hugged Kat, "Where have you been? I didn't see you during break," pouted Amy.

*Oh God, she looks so cute, what should I do here?!?! should I tell her?!?!*

"Um, I was at the bleachers again." Said Kat, looking down at her hands.

"Again? Honey, You've been up there almost everyday this week. What's wrong?" said Amy as she grabbed Kat's face and made Kat look at her.

"Nothing," muttered Kat as she tried to turn her head.

"Katra Delina Vangora. You tell me the truth now. What has got you down lately?" said Amy trying to met Kat's eyes.

*I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU!! Kat screamed in her head*

"Amy..." Kat began.

"Okay class! Quiet!" Yelled Mrs. Hemmings.

Kat sighed as she started to take today's notes. Then Amy handed her a note. Kat opened it and read:"Kaykay, please tell me. No matter what you have done this time, I won't get mad."Kat snickered as she remembered the time back in 8th grade when she kissed Amy's boyfriend, they didn't talk for weeks. Smiling Kat wrote back:"Meet me at our hideout, I'll tell you then." Promise Kaykay?" "I promise Amy."

Kat folded up the note as Mrs. Hemmings started her lecture, but Kat's mind wasn't on the life cycle of the pine tree. It was on her hideout. At the city park, there was some woods at the back, and a trail no one ever used anymore, at the end it a clearing. One day her and Amy was playing there, and that became there hideout. Kat's parents always fought, and if she ran away, Amy could always find her there. Not even Ian, or Lulu knew about it.


Finally school was over and Kat was heading out to Lulu's car, when Ian ran up. Kat being 5'4, and Amy being 5'3, Ian looked like a giant with his 6'1 self. Kat squinted up at Ian, "Hey Poodle!!"

"Not in public!!" Hissed Ian, "Why poodle? Can't I have something manlier?"

"Nope. You're the one who owns poodles." laughed Kat.

"Ugh. They're my mom's!!" Where just babysitting them!!" Said Ian. Ian's mom had left when he was a kid, and only came around when she needed something.

"Yeah, yeah." Said Kat as she slid into Lulu's car.

Ian walked off grumbling. Amy cocked a brow at him as he walked passed. She laughed as she walked over Kat, and sat in her lap. "What did you do to him?"

Kat shrugged, "Called him Poodle again."

Amy sighed, "You know he hates that, Must you be mean to him?"

Kat just stared at Amy, she put her hand on Amy's cheek. "Amy.."

"What is it Kat? You look..torn." Said Amy, leaning closer.

"Amy. I have wanted to tell you this for so long.." said Kat as she leaned closer and closer to Amy. "I think I'm in love with you.." Kat whispered before she kissed Amy.

Amy kissed her back for a second, but then she jumped up and screamed, " I'M STRAIGHT YOU BITCH!!" Amy started sobbing. "How could you..?" She ran away crying.

Kat let out a choked sob,*What have I done? she asked herself*Kat sobbed the whole way home, and just crawled into her bed and sobbed some more.*Does Amy hate me now?*
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Characters on character page.