Status: Completed

What Am I Supposed To Do Here?!?!

Chapter 10

Kat was up in her spot, per usual, she sighed as she thought over what has happened in the past two weeks, after Sam was put in rehab, Amy and Ian have gotten friendlier, and Kris has been flirting with Ian. Kat could hear Lulu stomping up to her. Lulu plops down beside her. "You going to fall to your death doing that." muttered Kat.
"So? How are you, baby? You have barely spoken lately.
"Im fine.."
"Bull. You feel horrible for doin' that to Sam." countered Lulu.
"If you knew. why did you ask?" grumbled Kat.
"To get you to talk. Do you want to go see her?"
"Do. You. Want. To. Go. See. Her?"
Kat sighed, "Yeah, I do. When can we do?"
Lulu stood up. "Now."


Kat walked down the hall to Sam's room, she knocked on the door. "Come in," whispered Sam through the door. Kat walked in, and saw Sam sitting on her bed, with her knees curled up to her chest. Sam smiled, "Hey, Kat. Lulu."
Kat let out a cry and ran to hug her. Lulu muttered something about "Ice cream." then left. "Sam, I'm so sorry!!" yells Kat into Sam's shoulder.
"It's okay, I'm the one who should be sorry. I never should have--"
Kat out her hand over Sam's mouth. "Stop. I don't want to hear it." Kat moves her hand to Sam's cheek. "But, Sam...I can't be your friend just yet. I still need time. I have feelings for you and all, but you are just to much. I can't handle it."whispered Kat looking down.
Sam whispered, "Stops" then kisses Kat deeply. "I've missed you," she whispered against Kat's lips. She moves her hands to Kat's waist and pulls her in to Sam's lap. Kat grins and then start kissing down Sam's neck. Sam moans loudly.
"Hey Kat!! I got you and Sam chocolate!! I didn't know whether Sam liked..." Lulu walked in the room, "OH. MY. GOSH." screams Lulu as she covers her eyes and runs into a wall, then feels her way out of the room,
Kat breaks away from Sam, she straightens her shirt, and fixes her hair, "This shouldn't have happened!!" flounders Kat.
Sam grabs Kat's hand, "But it did. I'm glad it did," whispered Sam as she pull Kat back into her arms, "I enjoyed it and that night at the party." Sam put her forehead to Kat's. "Okay?"
"Okay..." Kat whispered, then kissed Sam again. "I have to save Lulu. She probably is still walking around with her eyes covered." Kat chuckled.
"Okay, bye babes." Sam whispered as she hugged Kat and kissed her one last time.
"BYE!!" yelled Kat as she run out the door. She walked down the hallway trying to find Lulu. She found her by the gift shop banging her head on the glass. Kat grabbed her. "Stop that before they put you in a room!!"
"MY BRAIN!!" wailed Lulu, "WHY??????"
Kat dragged Lulu out, the onlookers were giving them some looks, "She is just tired..Long day..." muttered Kat
Lulu walked over to the car, "EWWWWWWWWW!!!!!"
"Oh, buzz off. I have walked in on you and your girlfriends, or boyfriends, or girl and boyfriends together..." Kat shuddered."You can get over seeing me and Sam kiss."
"Not if she is kissing my baby sister!!" squealed Lulu as she hugged Kat, "Besides if you and Sam don't work out, and when me and Kim break up. I'm going after her. She is a stone cold fox."
"Lulu!!" said Kat shocked.
"What?" asked Lulu as she cranked up the car and drove home.
Kat just got out of the car and went inside to her room. She flopped down on her bed and thought about everything that had happened today. Kat slowly drifted to sleep, and dreamed of her standing between Sam and Amy. They were yelling at her to choose one or the other. Finally Kat just screamed and ran away. When Kat woke up the next day, the dream was still on her mind. Was it an omen?
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Sorry it's short. Writers block. :P