Status: Completed

What Am I Supposed To Do Here?!?!

Chapter 11

Kat was back up there in her spot, thinking about that damn dream again. Kat looked down at the ground below her to see Amy waving at her. She ran around , and ran up the steps of the bleachers, she plopped down beside Kat. "How are you Kaykay?"
"Yeah. I went to see Sam yesterday."
"Oh? How was she?"
"Good, and I told her that we couldn't be friends anymore. Was that the right thing to do?" whispered Kat.
Amy wrapped an arm around Kat's shoulders, "I don't know Kat." Amy looked down at her hand, "I h-have something t-t-to tell you.."
Kat looked at Amy, "What is it?"
"I....I....I LIKE YOU!! OKAY??" screamed Amy, then she turned and started to cry.
Kat sat there shocked for a second, "R-really?" Kat turned Amy back to face her. "Tell me. Do you really? You ain't just yanking my chain?"
Amy looked up at her, then leaned forward and kissed Kat gently. "I'm being serious."
Kat smiled. "Meet me at the hideaway later?"
"Okay," breathed Amy before she kissed Kat one more time, "Bye Kaykay!!" yelled Amy as she ran to class.


Amy's P.O.V.

I sat there on a log in the hideaway waiting for Kat. "When will she get here?" I wondered then I heard footsteps coming up the path.
Kat stumbled into the clearing, "Damn nettles!!" cursed Kat, as she pulled a nettle off her shirt. I smile and get up to greet her. She smiled shyly.
"My god. Why do I feel this way?" I wondered. I walked over to her, "Hey Kat." I whispered.
"Hey.." whispered Kat, as she took a step closer to me, she looked up at me shyly, then leaned forward to kiss me. I gasped as her lips grazed mine. I wrapped an arm around her neck, and her waist. She groaned and pulled me closer. I broke away for breath, but she continued kissing down my neck. I moaned. "How can I want my best friend this way? My sister!!" I wondered, I didn't have time to dwell on it. Kat had pull my mouth back to hers, and was kissing me deeply. I finally had to break it. I panted and then put my forehead against Kat's and just stared at her.
"Amy...Will you be my girlfriend?" breathed Kat as she stared back at me.
I grinned really big and nodded. Kat laughed happily and hugged me. "Could we go back to you house?" I asked.
"Yeah, Lulu and Kim should be busy, they won't bother us."
"Ewwwww....not that kind of busy I hope." I joked.
"Naw. Kim's car broke-down, and her and Lulu are 'trying' to fix it." Laughed Kat as she grabbed my hand and we walked back to her house.

Kat's P.O.V.

Kat walked up to her front door, and grabbed her keys out of her pocket, she unlocked the door and her and Amy went up to her room. Amy flopped down on Kat's bed, and Kat laughed, then laid down beside her. she snuggled up to Amy's side and laid her head on Amy's chest. Amy wrapped her arms around Kat.
"You know Kaykay? I never realized how much smaller you are than me." laughed Amy.
"Shut up." mumbled Kat as she snuggled closer and closed her eyes.
"Fine, Mrs. Grumpyskins." laughed Amy and she tickled Kat's side.
Kat laughed and rolled off the side of the bed to escaped Amy's tickling. "Oh gawd Amy. You killeded me!!"
Amy leaned over the bad and smirked. "Not yet, I haven't"
Kat sat up and kissed Amy, "Let's not, okay?"
"Okay," said Amy as she got off the bed then helped Kat up. "I have an idea!!" yelled Amy enthusiastically.
"What is it?" asked Kat.
"This!!" Amy pulled a flyer out of her back pocket. It read:
"Cullman County's Music Fest. July 2nd 2011.
Featuring: Veara, VersaEmerge, Heartsounds, and Set Your Goals.
Only $15 for a ticket!! $10 if you order online!!"
"Really? But today is the 2nd, I bet it's already sold out." sighed Kat.
Amy smiled and pulled two tickets out, "I was gonna ask you anyway."
Kat squealed and hugged Amy, "OHMIGOSH!! I love you!!"
Amy smiled, "I love you too, now come one let's get ready!!"
Kat ran off to her closet to get ready.
♠ ♠ ♠
WHOO!! DREAM CONCERT!!! I would really pay like $50 dollars to go see that.