Status: Completed

What Am I Supposed To Do Here?!?!

Chapter 12

Ian's P.O.V.

Ian was walking over to were he knew Kat would be. He stopped and looked up at her spot to see her and Amy. He tried to get their attention but they were to busy talking to notice him. Then he saw Amy lean in and kiss Kat?!?! 'What the crap?!?! What was that?!?! wondered Ian.
"Ian, I think I like you.." whispered Amy as her lips danced across mine.
She was drunk I shouldn't be doing this, but I love her. How could I not? "Amy, stop...Y-you don't know what you are saying..."
"Yes, I do...I want you...Make me forget..." whispered Amy as she pulled my shirt off.
I gulped as she ran her hand down my chest. "Amy...I-i want you too...but not like this, I mean, when you are sober..."
Amy sat up and nodded tears in her eyes. "Yeah, I'm s-sorry.." Amy wiped her eyes. "I just am confused..."
I nodded and just watched her, "Hey, you'll work it out." I whispered not really knowing what she was confused about.

Ian was walking to the band room when he turned and punched a wall, 'How could I not see this before? I have lost Amy now...' He looked at his hand, he had scraped it pretty bad hitting the wall.
"You look like you need help." said a voice.
Ian turned his head and saw Sam? "Sam?"
"Oh! No, I'm Kris." said Kris.
"Oh, sorry. Kat told me Sam had a sister, just not a twin."
"It's fine. Do you want some help?" asked Kris gesturing to Ian's hand. "I could bandage that."
"Um. Naw...I'll be fine." said Ian as he just played with his hand.
Kris scoffed and grabbed an Ace bandage out of her purse, and then grabbed Ian's hand and wrapped it. "There!! Now it doesn't look so bad." smiled Kris.
"Thanks. Why did you have that in your bag?" questioned Ian.
Kris shrugged, "In case Sam gets hurt. She can do that alot."
Ian nodded.
"Why did you hit the wall?"
"I saw Kat and Amy..." began Ian.
"So? They are always together."
"They were kissing." finished Ian.
"Oh...I can't tell Sam that...It would kill her.."
"Yeah. Later." said Ian as he began to walk away.
"Wait..." whispered Kris as she grabbed his arm. "I w-want to tell you something."
Ian turned and just look at her, "Yeah?"
"I-i-i l-like you Ian..." whispered Kris. "And I was wondering if you would like to go to Music Fest with me.."
Ian grinned big and tilted Kris's head back so she was looking at him. "Of course I'll go."
Kris grinned really big, and then pulled Ian's head down so she could kiss him. "Good. Pick me up at 6?"
"Sure. I gotta go, see you tonight."
"Kay, bye." said Kris as she walked away.
He watched her, then he saw Amy walking to the science building. He ran over there to her "Hey Amy."
"Oh, Hey Ian." said Amy.
"What is going on between you and Kat?'
"O-oh, nothing." stammered Amy.
"Bullshit. I saw you kiss her." hissed Ian.
Amy sighed, "Kat asked me out and this time I said yes. I like her Ian. I love her."
"You liked me!" yelled Ian.
"I-i'm sorry Ian...I found out I wanted Kat more..." breathed Amy.
"I see."
"Ian. I didn't mean to hurt you. I do like you, but I like Kat too."
"Whatever. I have to go." Ian said before he walked off to his class, leaving Amy standing there.


Ian honked his horn as he pulled up in Kris's driveway. He saw her and Sam come out. Kris got in the passenger seat, and hugged Sam.
'Bye hon. You sure you don't want to come?" asked Kris after she let go of Sam.
"I'm good. Hey Ian."
Ian nodded to her, "When did you get out?"
"She got out today, now shoo Sam." said Kris as she shooed Sam back to the house. "Okay let's go."
"Buckle up, and are you sure it safe to leave her alone?" asked Ian as Kris buckled up.
"She's a big girl. She can handle it." said Kris.
They arrived at the park with the first set already started. Veara was playing 'My B-Side Life' . Ian helped Kris out of the car and they made their way over to the stage.
"Oh look!! It's Amy and Kat!!" yelled Kris over the music. She dragged Ian over to them.
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Okay, sorry it's kinda short. got the characters up in the character page now. Comment!!