Status: Completed

What Am I Supposed To Do Here?!?!

Chapter 13

Kat and Amy where dancing to Veara's song 'My B-Side Life' when Ian and Kris walked up. "Hey Ian!! Hey Kris!!" yelled Kat over the music.
"Hey Kat!!" yelled back Kris.
"Ian.." started Amy.
"Save it." snapped Ian.
Kat looked between them confused, but then VersaEmerge walked out on the stage. "Oh look!! Sierra!!" yelled Kat as she grabbed Ian's and Amy's hand and pull them closer to the stage. Kris followed chuckling.
"Well, hello Cullman County. How are you?" yelled Sierra into the mic. Everyone yelled back. She grinned, "This is our song, 'Past Praying For' . Sierra launched into her song.
"She's amazing," mused Amy.
"Hell yeah she is!!" yelled Kat as she head banged to the song.
Amy laughed and wrapped her arms around Kat's waist and kissed her, "You look so cute head banging."
"Fags.." muttered Ian.
Kat pushed out of Amy's arms, "Excuse me? What the hell is your problem Ian?"
"You two!!" snapped Ian, "Amy said she like me, but she is with you!!"
"So? Get the fuck over it Ian." snapped back Kat, then she turned back to Amy.
Ian stood there grinding his teeth, then he grabbed Kat and twirled her around, "Don't you fucking turn you back on me!!"
"Fuck you Ian!!" screamed Kat.
Sierra paused in her song, and jumped off the stage and walked over to them, "Hey, no need to fight. It's a charity event." said Sierra.
"Whatever." growled Ian as he stalked off with Kris in tow.
"You okay?" Sierra asked Kat, "Did he hurt you?"
Amy wrapped her arms back around Kat's waist, and Kat wrapped her arms around her and leaned her head on Amy's, "No, I'm fine. Thanks Sierra, I thought he was actually gonna hit me." said Kat.
Sierra nodded, "Not on my watch he wasn't." She winked, then jumped back up to the stage, and started the song off again.
Kat kissed Amy's forehead, "Let's go find him. We need to set somethings straight."
Amy just nodded, then they walked away from the stage. They found him sitting at a pinic table. "Ian, look we need to talk." said Amy.
Ian sighed and put his head in his hands, "I'm so sorry Kat. I was a total ass. I'm sorry to you to Amy," he mumbled through his hands.
Amy sat beside him, "It's okay."
Kat sat down in front of him, "Yeah, I understand. I have been angry too. Between Sam and Amy, I've been stressed too."
Kris just sat there and looked at the ground.
Ian lifted his head up and looked at Kat, "Yeah, thanks." he looked at her, Any, and Kris, "Thank you all of you."
Kat playfully punched his shoulder, "Anytime Poodle."
Ian and Amy laughed, and both said "That's mean!"
They were all laughing when Sierra walked up to them. "Hey, everything cool?"
"Yeah." said Ian, Kat, and Amy said altogether. Kris just nodded.
"Okay, just checking." laughed Sierra, "Later, thanks for coming."
"Sure, anytime."
"Yeah, you were amazing."
"You guys should perform here again."
"Okay we'll try, and thanks. Later" Sierra walked back off toward the stage.
Kris got up and looked at Kat, "Can I talk to you?"
"Yeah.." said Kat, then she got up and follows Kris a short distance away from Ian and Amy. When they were out of earshot Kat stopped. "Well?"
"Nothing really, just Sam said 'Hi'. She is out of rehab." said Kris.
'Oh? When did she get out?"
"Today, she want me to ask if you would go back out with her, but I guess I know what the answer is."
"Yeah, for the update. Have Sam call me?" asked Kat.
Kris just nodded and they started back to Ian and Amy.


Amy watched Kat walk away. She smiled.
"Do you really like her that much? I've never seen you smile like that." mused Ian.
"Yeah...Yeah I do." said Amy.
Ian nodded, then looked at Amy, "I'm sorry. Really I am. I was a possessive ass."
"Yes you were, but I forgive you." smiled Amy.
Ian just looked at her, then leaned in and kissed her. Amy heared a gasp and a sob.
"Amy...? choked out Kat, she then turned around and ran away.
"Kat!!" yelled Amy as she started to run after her, but Ian stopped her.
"You bastard," whispered Kris. She walked over there and punched him square in the jaw. "We are so fucking over!!" She turned and walked off.
"I have to go after her!!" sobbed Amy, as she struggled to get free.
Ian tightened his grip oh her arm, "No, she needs time. She is angry. Give her time to cool off."
Amy nodded, then turned and started crying in Ian's arms, "What have I done?" whispered Amy. They stood like that for a while, then started to Ian's car.