Status: Completed

What Am I Supposed To Do Here?!?!

Chapter 2

Kat was still crying when Ian called her, Kat sniffled then picked up, "Hello?"

"Ohmigosh!! Kat do you know where Amy is? Her parents said she didn't come home, and you know that's not like her!!" said Ian really fast.

Kat sat up straight and stopped crying, "I think I do. I gotta go Ian!!"

"Wait. Kat, I'll be there to help you in 5 minutes!!"

"Don't bother Ian! I can find her!!"

"But---" protested Ian as Kat hung up and ran out the door.


Kat walked down the path to her hideout, she could hear Amy's sobs as she neared the clearing.

"AMY!!" Screamed Kat as she saw her sitting in the clearing sobbing, "OHMIGOSH!! You're parents are sick with worry!!" Kat ran over to her.

Amy looked up and screamed, "I hate you!! How dare you make me feel this?!?! My parents would hate me if they knew!!" She got up and walked over to Kat, "You know that I'm straight!!" She slapped Kat.Kat's head snapped over, "Oh god. Kat.."

Tears welled up in Kat's eyes, "I know Amy, I don't blame you for hating me. I hate myself for this. I've ruined our friendship, and for what a kiss?" Kat started sobbing. "Amy, please don't hate me.."

Amy hugged Kat, "Of course I don't, I'm just scared, horribly scared. What can I do to fix this?"

Kat looked up at her, then sniffed, "You can't its not your fault. I should have-----"

Amy hushed her, "Kat, you are my best friend. I could never hurt you on purpose, but I'm scared.." whispered Amy.

Kat leaned in closer, "I'll be gentle," Kat started to kiss her, but thought better of it. "Amy, if you don't want me I can't force you."

Amy smiled, "Well you could, but why rape your best friend?"

Kat smiled back as she laid her head on Amy's shoulder, "Your parents."

Amy nodded and helped Kat to her feet, "Bye Kaykay. I'm not in love with you but I do love you," she hugged Kat and walked off.

Kat stood there more heart-broken than before. She finally started back home.


School the next day was brutal, Ian asked questions, but neither Amy or Kat would spill. Kat was walking to her bleachers when she noticed a new kid up there, and in her spot to boot. Kat stomped up there and sat next to the strange girl. She had whitish blond hair and bright green eyes. She was wearing aChiodos tee, and some red skinny jeans.

She cocked an eyebrow at Kat, "What felt sorry for me cause I was all alone?"

"Nope, you're in my spot." said Kat, watching Amy walk across to the Science Building.

"Oh? Well, Is she your girlfriend? She's a fox" said the girl gesturing to Amy.

"No!!" said Kat a little to quickly.

"But you like her," the girl laughed, it sounded like bells, "Well, I'm Sam Godfrey."

Kat just stared at her. "Kat Vangora. Now may I ask why you are laughing?"

"Its just you remind me of my sister, She just seems so lost too. Like you."

"Oh? And you aren't lost?" Said Kat as she cocked an eyebrow.

Sam leaned closer to Kat until they where only inches apart, "I know what I want, and right now I want you.." Sam pressed her lips against Kat's. Kat was taken by surprise at first but then she relaxed and started to kiss back. Sam pulled back, and smiled, "Hmmmm...You're good."

Kat opened her eyes and blushed, "Thanks.."

Sam laughed her bell-laugh, "How would you like to come to a party with me tomorrow?"

Kat's eyes brightened, *A party!! The last one I went to was last year, and Amy got sick and puked all over Lu's car* "Hells yeah!! I'm so there!!"


Sam smiled, "Good, I'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow. See you around," said Sam as she walk of to class.

Kat smiled to herself, Sam seemed really nice. This should be fun, and just the thing she needed to help her forget about the whole Amy fiasco.
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