Status: Completed

What Am I Supposed To Do Here?!?!

Chapter 6

Kat went to roll over in her bed, but instead got tangled up in the sheets, and fell out of bed. *What the--? head....* Kat slowly crawled back into bed.
"Lulu!!" yelled Kat.
"What?! I'm asleep!!" yelled back Lulu.
"Liar!! Bring me some aspirin!!" countered Kat.
Sam walked in, in a towel, chuckling. She sat down on the bed and handed Kat a bottle of water and two aspirins. "She told me to shove 'em down your throat. I told her 'I don't think she'd like that'" chuckled Sam, "Hey. Kat what's wrong?" whispered Sam as she saw Kat wasn't laughing.
Kat snatched the bottle and aspirin out of her hand, and took the aspirin and downed the water, then she trew the bottle toward her garbage can. "Why are you here in my towel?" snapped Kat.
Sam looked confused for a second before it dawned on her. "You don't remember last night?"
"Oh no. I do." snapped Kat again.
"Then why are you angry?" snapped Sam.
"You..we...I had sex last night!!" yelled Kat, but then fell back into her pillows.
"So? I asked if you were okay with it!! YOU JUMPED ME!!" yelled Sam as she got up and paced the room.
"I was drunk!! DRUNK!! Sam, I wasn't thinking clearly."
Sam stopped pacing, "So you're gonna pretend it didn't happen? Cause it did, and you enjoyed every second of it!!" yelled Sam as she sat beside Kat again. "I had no intention of hurting you. Kat believe me." whispered Sam as she reached for Kat's hand.
Kat jerked her hand out of the way, "Get out Sam. GET OUT!!" screeched Kat.
"Kat, let's reason this out!"
"GET OUT!!!" screamed Kat.
"Let's go Sam," Said Lulu as she grabbed Sam's clothes and then picked up Sam,"Kim come help me!!"
Kat watched as Lulu and her girlfriend Kim carried Sam out. Kat sat there and sobbed, she could still her Sam yelling her name. She laid own and fell asleep crying.

Sam's P.O.V.

"Kat, let's reason this out!" I yelled in an attempt to get Kat to forgive me.
"Let's go Sam," said Lulu as she grabbed my clothes, then came over there and picked me up bridal style. She was stronger than she looked. "Kim come help me!!"
I sat there lifeless, I just couldn't believe the turn of events. Then I realized Lulu was carrying me to the door. I kicked, I struggled, i screamed Kat's name. "Damn it!!" I sobbed, "Let me go fix this!!"
Lulu carried me out the door and told Kim to lock it and not open it until she said so. she turned to me, "Sam. Look. Kat is confused. I can't sit here and let her get hurt." said Lulu, as she paced the porch.
"I didn't mean to hurt her!!" I yell as I fall to the ground sobbing, "I thought I loved her.." I whispered.
"Sam, look, I like you, but Kat is my sister. She doesn't know what she is doing. Take it slow, let her cool down and then try again as friends first then see where it goes, okay?"
"Oh okay. Thanks Lulu." I sniffle. "You are a good sister."
Lulu smiled, "I try, now go home..."
"But, I'm still in a towel!" I said.
"Good point," mused Lulu, "I'll drive you." Lulu ran in after Kim opened the door. She came running back out with her car keys, "Let's go. Kat is asleep, so she won't notice I'm gone."
"Lulu. She is gonna have a monster hangover." I whisper.
Lulu glared at me as I climbed in the passenger seat. "You had sex with my baby sister, while she was drunk? Be glad I don't kill you Sam Godfrey."
The ride to my was quiet after that. I got out and shuffled into my room. Kris snuck in and laid next to me. I just turned into her shoulder and cried. She just "shhhh" me and promised it would get better. I just cried until I fell asleep. Kris stayed with me the whole night.