Status: Completed

What Am I Supposed To Do Here?!?!

Chapter 8

Kat ran down the hallway looking for Sam, she saw Kris at Sam's locker. "Hey, Kris!! Where is Sam?" said Kat breathlessly.

"Home Kat. She didn't wanna stick around for you to kick her again." snapped Kris, "What we're you thinking?"

"I wasn't Kris, but I am now. Please? Just tell her that I'm sorry?" begged Kat.

"I don't think I will Kat." snapped Kris as she walked away.


Kat stood there on Sam's porch for a while before she knocked on the door. No answer. She rang the doorbell. No answer.

"SAM!!" yelled Kat as she shouldered the door. "SAM!!" Kat finally opening the door.

"What are you doi----Hey!! The door!!" yelled Kris as Kat pushed past her. "Where are you going?"

"To talk to Sam!!" yelled Kat, as she pushed into rooms, she pushed into Kris's room, then Sam's room. She saw Sam sitting on her bed with a razor in her hand. "S-sam? What are you doing?"

"K-kat?" whispered Sam.

Sam's P.O.V.

"S-sam? What are you doing?" stammered Kat.

"K-kat?" I whispered as I held that damned razor in my hand. When I got home I was so strung out, I went back to an old habit. Kris tried to stop me, but I just didn't listen. Now I sat here staring at my dream girl with a razor in my hand...this can not go well...

"Yeah it's Kat," snapped Kat, "WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING SAM?!" yelled Kat as she tried to yank it from me.

"Kat stop!!" I yelled as I try to fight back. "Stop!!"

"Stop? Sam you are mutilating yourself!!" whispered Kat, as she still fought me.

I didn't see how it happened exactly, on minute Kris was just standing there and then she was running out the door. I looked at Kat to see her holding her arm. She had a 3 inch long gash on her arm. I dropped the razor, the razor that had my blood and her blood. "Oh..god......Kat..I'm so so sorry..." I watched as she turned and ran out the door. "Kat!!!" I yell as I chase after her. I grab her just before she runs out the door.

"Sam...please..let me go..." whispered Kat as she looked at the ground.

"Look at me," I whispered as I pulled her gaze up to mine, "I am so sorry. Here let me help you." I reached for her arm, but she jerked away from me.

" no..." whispered Kat as she turned and left.

"Kat..." whispered Sam, as she turned as headed back to her room. She picked up the razor and threw it at her wall, it embedded in the drywall. She smirked as she felt under her bed until she found her stash under her bed. "Pot, chicken soup for the emo's soul." laughed Sam as she lit up.