Status: Completed

What Am I Supposed To Do Here?!?!

Chapter 9

Kat slammed her front door as nausea kicked in. She leaned against the wall holding her arm. She was losing to much blood. Maybe that walk over here wasn't such a good idea...thought Kat dimly as Lulu ran in there.

"Kat!! Are you okay baby?" asked Lulu as she dragged Kat to the bathroom, "Come on, we need to bandage this," Lulu sat Kat on the toliet as she grabbed a washcloth and wiped some of the blood away. "I'll get the sutures." whispered Lulu as she kissed Kat's brow. "You hang on."

"Okay." whispered Kat shakily. With their dad in Rhode Island and their mom practically AWOL, they never could go to the hospital really, so Lulu learned how to take care of them.

Lulu ran back in and continued cleaning Kat's arm, "Explain." said Lulu stiffly as she began sewing Kat up. Kat spilled everything. "Omg...I'm gonna kill her."

"No!! She didn't mean to, she was just bummed. OW!!" yelled Kat as Lulu pulled to hard on the suture.

"Sorry baby. You sure you don't want me to kill her?" asked Lulu as she wrapped an Ace bandage around Kat's arm.

"No, but feel free to kinda talk to her." said Kat as she staightened to bandage.

"Will do." winked Lulu, "You need orange jucie and asprin. Oh, and Luna called." said Lulu tight lipped.

"Mom..c-called?" whispered Kat wide-eyed.

Lulu nodded as she gave Kat some asprin and ran down stairs to grab the orange jucie. She came back with some Sunny D. "Yeah, she wants to come home."

"Hmmm.." Kat hummed as she took her asprin and drank all of her orange juice. "Can we go see Sam now?"

"Yeah!" laughed Lulu as she roughed up Kat's hair. "Come on."


Kat appeared at Sam's bedroom doorway. "Sam..? SAM!!!" screamed Kat as she noticed Sam passed out in the floor with a half of a joint in her hand. She ran over there and grabbed Sam up in her arms. "Sam?" whispered Kat as she tried to wake her up, "SAMMMMM!!!" screamed Kat, then she wheeled wildly to the door. "LULU!!! HELP!!! KRIS!!! Oh god Sam..." sobbed Kat as she tried so hard to wake her up. Lulu ran in and helped Kat get Sam into her car they took her to the hospital.


Sam groaned as she shifted in her bed. When did my bed get so stiff? Sam opened her eyes to find herself in the hospital. She looked around her room and she noticed Kat talking to someone. Kat casted a glance at Sam and when she noticed she was awake she finished her conversation and ran over there to her.

"You're awake..." whispered Kat as she hugged Sam.

"Why am I here?" muttered Sam, then it hit her, that damn pot!! She should have known Paul had given her a bad batch!! "Shit...How long was I out?"

"Almost 2 hours..." whispered Kat. "Sam look, We. me, Lulu, and Kris, have decided you need help. You can't turn to this stuff to get relief anymore."

"Kat...what do you mean?" asked Sam, Kat refused to look at her. "What do you mean, Kat?!"

"We have you lined up for rehab..." whispered Kat as she peeked a glance at Sam, Sam looked pissed. Kat stood up and backed away. "I love you Sam...and I won't let you die..."

Sam nodded stiffly, "I understand."

"Good!!" started Kat.

"Get out.." whispered Sam.

Kat just nodded and left. After she left the orderlies came in and took Sam away.