

Lilly followed Brian around all day trying to get him to play with her. She didn’t understand why everyone else wanted to play with her but Brian didn’t.

“Will you play with me?” She asked.

Brian groaned, “Can’t you leave me alone? I’m trying to do something.”

“Whatcha doin?” She asked curiously as he typed on the laptop in front of him.

The rest of the guys were outside preparing for the BBQ they were having for Lilly. They invited a bunch of their friends, parents, and girlfriends. Brian was trying to ignore Lilly by typing loudly on his laptop.

“I’m typing, so go away.” He snapped.

Lilly frowned and sat down on the couch next to him, “Can I sit here? I be quiet.”

Brian rolled his eyes, “Fine, whatever.”

Lilly hopped up onto the couch next to him and quietly sat playing with her fingers. Brian kept typing but let his eyes wander over to Lilly. He sighed and shut the laptop.

“What do you want to play?” He sighed.

Lilly looked around the room before seeing the Nintendo Game Cube hooked up to the TV.

“That” She pointed at the purple cube.

Brian chuckled, “You don’t know how to play that.”

“Yeahhuh. My momma had one.” Lilly informed him.

Brian smiled to himself thinking of Jenna then finally gave in, “Fine.”

He turned everything on then put in the game for Mario Kart. He didn’t want to play but her puppy dog face was irresistible. So he ended up playing Princess Peach while Lilly played baby Mario. Brian groaned as Lilly beat him to the finish line.

“Damn you peach stop eating so much you fatty!” He yelled at the TV.

Lilly giggled and Brian looked over at her, “So you think that’s funny huh?”

She nodded trying not to giggle.

Brian smiled and quickly began tickling her sides causing her to go into a fit of giggles and squirm trying to get out of his grasp. Matt walked inside to get Lilly and smiled when he saw Brian tickling Lilly. At first he thought Brian was shoving her to the ground but then he realized he was tickling her. Matt was glad to see Brian actually being nice to Lilly so he just went back outside not to interrupt their fun.

“What are you smiling about?” Zacky asked when he saw the grin on his friend’s face.

“Brian’s playing with Lilly.” He explained.

A bark made both of the men look over towards the shed where Johnny was being attacked by Pie. They laughed as Pie grabbed a hold of Johnny’s pant leg and refused to let go.

“Run Johnny! Run!” Jimmy yelled coming out of the shed with the grill.

Johnny began to run away with Pie running right behind him. The guys laughed as Johnny jumped over the fence and glared at all of them.

“Thanks for the help, guys.” He snapped.

“Your welcome.” They all answered at the same time.

Jimmy quickly got to work on grilling up some burgers as the guest began to arrive. All attending were personal friends of the guys, mostly band members that they had toured with.

“Where’s the little cutie?” Frank Iero jumped on Matt.

Matt chuckled and lightly tossed Frank onto the ground, “I’ll go get her.”

Frank bounced around excitedly causing everyone to laugh as Matt went inside to go get Lilly. He found her in the living room with Brian still playing Mario Kart except this time Brian was Princess Daisy and Lilly was baby Luigi.

“Ugh! These princesses can’t move cause they’re fat!” Brian complained.

Lilly giggled at Brian as she raced across the finish line.

“Lilly, there are some people here to see you.” Matt walked in causing Brian to slightly glare at the taller man.

Lilly looked at Brian then held her arms out for Matt to pick her up, which of course he didn’t deny. Brian stalked off to his room to find something to do while Matt carried Lilly outside.

“There she is!” Frank yelled making everything go quiet and all eyes turned to them.

Lilly’s eyes widened and she quickly hid her face in Matt’s shoulder.

“Aw look you what you did Frank, you scared her.” Gerard slapped Franks shoulder.

“Everyone this is-” Matt started to speak but was cut off by Lilly.

“I’m Lilly-Ann but call me Lilly.” She hopped out of Matt’s arms and onto the ground.

There was a chorus of awes and Lilly took in the spot light. But her attention soon went to Pie who was trotting through the groups of people looking for her. She saw someone walking not noticing Pie and quickly ran and pushed the guy over since he was unbalanced from being on one foot.

“Don’t step on my Pie.” She scooped the puppy into her arms and pet it’s fur.

“That’s a puppy, not pie.” The man shook his head, clearly not mad that the little girl had pushed him over.

Matt ran over and scolded Lilly, “Lilly! Don’t knock people over!”

“He tried to step on my pie.” Lilly pointed at the man who was now standing up and brushing the grass off of himself.

“Shadz, did you not teach her the difference between animals and food?” The man asked.

Matt laughed and shook his head, “Pie is the name of the puppy.”

“I’m Jacoby and I’m sorry for almost stepping on your Pie” The man kneeled in front of the little girl.

She narrowed her eyes at him for a second before setting Pie down and giving Jacoby a hug.

“It’s okay.”

Jacoby scratched behind Pie’s ear than looked up at Matt, “She’s a little darlin’ Shadz.”

Matt nodded and looked back down to find Lilly and Pie gone. He frantically looked around until he spotted Frank running around holding her over his head, making plane noises while she laughed.

“Frank don’t you dare drop her!” Gerard’s wife Lindsey yelled.

“I won’t!” Frank yelled back before continuing to make airplane noises.

Lindsey and Gerard walked over to Matt and quickly apologized for Frank.

“Sorry about him, we might have let him have some sugar before we came.” Lindsey pointed over at Frank who was now crawling around on the ground with Lilly on his back.

“Well he’s good with kids.” Matt chuckled.

Ray snorted at that and quickly joined the conversation, “That’s only cause he is one.”

“I’m rubber and your glue so whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you!” Frank shouted.

Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and soon enough the adults were drinking so Lilly and Pie went inside. Pie decided to take a nap while Lilly made her way to Brian’s room where he was flipping through the channels on TV.

“Whatcha watching?” She asked, making her presence known.

“Watching TV.” He answered.

Lilly walked over to his bed and tried to jump up on it but found that it was way to high for her to get up onto by herself. After a few minutes of watching Lilly struggle Brian finally reached over and pulled her up, letting her make herself comfortable.

“I like that show!” She exclaimed when Brian clicked on Spongebob Squarepants.

He couldn’t help but smile and watch it with her. Not only because it gave him the opportunity to spend time with Lilly but because it gave him time to see the fun side of being a daddy.
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Sorry it's been so long, this was on my laptop so i thought might as well update. Updates will probably be slow thanks to school but i'll try to work on it on the weekends and when i'm not in drivers ed.

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