Status: active for now :) <3

I Think I Love You

Chapter 1

I yawned and stretched. Another day. Another new school. I got out of bed and started searching for a shirt to wear.

"Hey Trey! I'm driving you to school today cuz mom had to go to work early." My brother, Billy was standing at my doorway.

" Let me get dressed." I said.

" 'Kay but I'm leaving in 20 minutes with or without you." I nodded and he left. I kept looking through my suitcase looking for my favorite My Chemical Romance shirt.

Finally I found it and put it on. Then I dug through my bag and found a pair of skinny jeans. I put them on too and then went and brushed my hair so that it was over my eyes. I hated it when people noticed me.

I put my IPod, sketchbook, and my phone into my backpack and slinged it over my shoulder. Then I went downstairs. Billy was there trying to get our little brother Joey to eat his breakfast.

"Come on Joey! We gotta go soon." Billy said, exasperated.

"No. I don't wanna eat cereal! I wanna eat toast." Joey said.

Billy looked at me and silently begged me to help. I sighed and knelt down next to Joey.

"Joey, I promise if you eat cereal today, I will wake up early tomorrow and make you some toast. I'll even put loads of cinnamon and sugar on it just for you."

Joey's eyes widened and he nodded and started to eat his cereal. Billy smiled at me. "Thanks! Here's your breakfast." He said.

I ate and then went to get into the car. Billy dragged Joey and his backpack into the car. I helped him wrestle Joey into his car seat and buckled him in.

We dropped Joey off first with the promise that we would be back to pick him up at three. Then me and Billy drove off towards the high school.

"Listen Trey. If you have any problems at school feel free to tell me." He said after a while. I nodded. "I mean," he continued. "We don't want a repeat of last time, right?" I nodded again.

I really didn't want a repeat of last time. Last time, it got so bad that I started coming home with broken bones and black eyes. My mom called the school and we ended up moving away.

I really didn't want that to happen again!

Finally we pulled in front of the school. I got out and headed for the main office. "See you after school!" Billy yelled behind me as he drove away towards the community college.

I sighed as I looked around at the school. Jocks were beating up geeks and basically it was just like any other high school in the country.

I hate starting a new school.
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OK. What do you think? Good? Bad? Should I keep going or should I kill it? I don't know. Any suggestions? Thanks. Bye Bye