Status: active for now :) <3

I Think I Love You

Chapter 2

"Bye Tanner! I'll see you after school." My mom called as I got out of the car.

"Bye mama." I called back and then looked around for the familiar blue hair. When she saw me, Sarah grabbed her boyfriend, Mickey's hand and dragged him over.

"Hey Tanner!" She yelled.

"Hey squirt." I called back. She walked over with a pouting look on her face.

"I'm not that small." She argued. "Uh yea you are honey. Frankie is taller than you. And he's 5'4", so yes you are that small." I explained, even though I knew I lost her when I mentioned Frank.

"Ooh Did I tell you about the dream I had where...." "You got to go on a plane with MCR. Yes sweetheart you have told me that so many times." I said to her

"Oh." Her face fell. Then it lit up again. "I get to get my lip pierced this weekend."

"Didn't your parents say you couldn't have one?" Mickey asked her.

"They also said that I couldn't dye my hair blue. But my hair's not blonde anymore is it?" She fought back. "Besides, I always think of whatever my parents tell me as...... suggestions."

I laughed. "Ok sugar. Just make sure that you don't get grounded next weekend."

She laughed too. "Oh my parents wouldn't dare to ground me on my birthday. Speaking of my birthday, what are you getting me?"

"Nope. You aren't gonna get me to tell this time. Let me just say that it's gonna be amazing. Which reminds me. I need a list of all your friends."

"Ooh ok. I'll make it during history class." She said.

Mickey looked at her. "Aren't you failing history?"

Sarah looked sheepish. "Yea, but it's so boring and it already happened so why should I care? And I'm passing all my other class." She gave him a triumphant look.

"Ok. Just make sure you don't get kicked out of the newest play. That would suck." I said and she nodded. "I won't I promise."

I was about to say good when someone bumped into me. I turned around to chew them out and I saw this kid standing behind me.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled, looking up at me from under long black hair.... and this is no joke I gasped.

This kid had the most beautiful fucking blue eyes I have ever seen. I seriously couldn't stop staring.

"Uh hey. No problem." I said. He nodded and turned around.

"Oh my gosh! Did you see that guy's MCR shirt. I think I'm in love." Sarah said pretending to faint.

Mickey glared at her and she corrected herself. "I'm in love with his shirt sweetie. Not him. He's obviously gay."

My head snapped up and I looked at her. "How do you know?"

"Besides the fact that he couldn't stop staring at you and that my gaydar is off the hook? He just seems like it." She answered.

Then first bell rang, indicating that I had to get to my locker and fast before school started.
"I'll catch you guys later." I yelled to Sarah and Mickey. They waved and walked away. I sighed. Today was gonna be a long day.
♠ ♠ ♠
I didn't really know how tall Frankie is. I've heard that he is 5'4" and that he's 5'11". I like 5'4" better though. Haha. Anywho review please. Or I'll send Sarah after you. And trust me you don't want that