Status: active for now :) <3

I Think I Love You

Chapter 4

I sighed. I hated history. It was boring and unimportant. I mean really, it's all about the past. Who cares about it! I looked at Sarah who was secretly listening to her IPod and was busy writing me a list of her favorite friends. She made it look like she was listening to the teacher and taking notes.

I pulled out my notebook and started doing my art homework. I suck at art, but it was an easy elective and all my friends are in it. So I took the class. Mrs. Mallismond, the art teacher, told me that she was considering getting me a tutor. I had shrugged and said OK when we talked about it.

Finally the bell rang. I stuffed all my notebooks into my backpack and waited for Sarah. When she finally bounced over to me, I asked "Ready for AP English?"

She rolled her eyes at me. "Sure, I guess." she answered.

We started walking to English. Sarah started a conversation about Frankie, but I wasn't really paying attention. My mind kept drifting back to the boy in the courtyard. I've never seen him around before and I've never seen anyone like him. He was hot and his eyes were captivating.

Sarah tapped me on the shoulder. "Hello Mr. Spacey! Are you listening?"

I looked at her. "Sorry sugar. I was thinking." She smiled and walked into the English classroom and sat in two seats near the back of the class. "It's OK, Tanner. I know you were thinking about the new kid with the kick ass My Chem shirt."

I looked at her questioningly. "What? You don't think I noticed that he wasn't the only one staring. I told you I have a kick ass gaydar." She shrugged.

That's when Mickey walked in and Sarah started using her mouth for something else. I looked away and waved when our other friends, Jocelynn and Seth walked in.

The only reason I'm friends with them is Sarah and Mickey. Mickey and Seth are fraternal twins and best friends. Jocelynn, Seth's girlfriend, is basically just like Sarah only her hair's purple and pink and she dyed it because she hated her brown hair, not because she hated her parents.

Anyway, Jocelynn waved back at me and walked towards us. When she reached us, she interrupted Sarah and Mickey.

"Guys, this is Trey! He's new and I invited him to hang with us and eat lunch at our table."

That's when I noticed the boy behind her. The subject of my thoughts all day stood there. "Hey." he said, quietly. I smiled. "Hey! I'm Tanner and these two lovebirds are Sarah and Mickey."

He smiled at them. "Hi." Sarah started. "I love your shirt. My Chemical Romance is my absolute favorite band ever. I love them, especially Frankie!"

Trey smiled wider and looked like a little kid on Christmas day. "I love Frankie and Gee! They are amazing!" He sounded happy. They continued on with their conversation until the bell rang and class started.

That's when Sarah and Jocelynn put earphones in and started listening to their IPods and passing notes to me, their boyfriends, and each other. Occasionally they passed notes to Trey, but he was busy listening. Sarah passed me a note with her list of friends on it. I smiled when I saw it.

Mickey, Tanner, Jocelynn, Seth, Me, and Trey.

I turned towards her and sent her a thumbs up. She was going to love her birthday present!
♠ ♠ ♠
Any guess on what the birthday present will be? I know, but you gotta wait and see :)
Anywho I guess some people were confused by this so I thought I would clarify. The Point of Views in this story switch every chapter. Trey and Tanner are the two narrators. Just wanted to clear that up. I would love to thank my reviewers:

You guys rock. :) Please review. <3 you guys