Status: active for now :) <3

I Think I Love You

Chapter 6

Ugh, Algebra is so boring. Not to mention the only class I have that doesn't have one of my friends in it at all, not including P.E. But even that's not as bad as Algebra. I'm just not good at math. The words and numbers all blur together and end up giving me a really bad headache.

I sigh and pull out my phone. My Algebra teacher doesn't care. I went online and checked my email. Scrolling through I found the most important one in the inbox. My confirmation email for 6 tickets to see My Chemical Romance in concert next weekend. I had bought them last period when I made sure no one was looking. They were my ultimately amazingly perfect birthday present for my best friend, Sarah.

She was super bummed when she couldn't get tickets cause she didn't have the money. So I spent all summer and a good part of the school year doing odd jobs around town to get enough tickets for Sarah, me, Mickey, and whoever else Sarah wanted to bring.

Surprisingly enough I still had money after buying the tickets. I had decided to use the rest to spoil Sarah both at the concert, with My Chem merchandise, and at the mall, with whatever might please her little heart. I just couldn't wait to see the look on her face when I told her.

After the bell rang to signal the start of lunch, I went to the computer room to print out the confirmation ticket. Even though her birthday is next weekend, I wanted to tell her as soon as possible. So I folded up the confirmation ticket and put it on top of my binder.

Then I headed for lunch. When I got to the cafeteria I immediatly headed for our usual table. Sure enough everyone was there and they saved me a seat next to Sarah and Trey. I sat down and grabbed Sarah's lunchbox.

"Hey! Last time I checked that was my food mr. piggy." Sarah said, snatching the box back. Then she reached inside and pulled out a bag of green grapes and threw them at me.

"Why thank you tator tot." I said. She just glared. "I'm not that short." Then she spotted the paper. "Hey what's that?" And before I could react, not that I would've, she grabbed the paper and started to read.

Soon her eyes grew big and she read it again and again. Then she looked at me. "No way." She almost whispered. Suddenly she thrust out her arm and closed her eyes dramatically. "Pinch me someone. I have to be dreaming." I reached out and pinched her arm. "Ow!" She squealed. And then she started screaming.

She reached over and gave me a hug. "Oh my god. Thank you so much Tanner. I love you so fucking much. This is the best gift I have ever gotten." I just smiled. "Your welcome. It's what best friends are for."

"Wait what happened?" Trey asked looking at the two of us.

Sarah smiled. "My bestest friend ever, Tanner, just got us 6 front row seats to see My Chemical Romance for my birthday."

That's when I smiled bigger. "Oh I didn't mention the backstage passes?" And Sarah screamed again. "How did you afford all this? It musta cost a fortune."

"It kinda did. Remember all the jobs I've been doing for a while now. I have been earning as much money as possible so that I could buy these tickets. Oh and I still have money left for My Chemical Romance merchandise and as much shopping as you want."

"Oh Tanner. I love you so much. This is the best thing ever! I actually get to meet Frankie in person!" She squealed again and I just couldn't help it.

"Great. Two short people in one room." She smirked. "I'm gonna just ignore that because of your awesome gift." I smiled and hugged her.

Yep. Next weekend is gonna be amazing!
♠ ♠ ♠
Omg. I'm not dead. Ok so I have been writing and rewriting this chapter over and over again and then Mibba logs me out . So right now it's currently 12:41 in the morning and I am being kept awake by Big Time Rush songs, My Chemical Romance songs and Panic! at the Disco songs.

Speaking of Panic! at the Disco, anybody notice the song reference. Props if you did.

Umm while I've been gone I have: gotten a boyfriend, gotten dumped by said boyfriend (the jerk dumped me for his ex.) And been in social isolation. So basically no friends either :( And I broke my iPod touch by sitting on it in a slide and had to buy a new one. And the old one keeps pissing me off by making a sound when I get an email. And if that's not bad enough my mother dragged me to a wedding a week and a day after me and my ex broke up. (Yes I have been counting. I obviously don't have a life anymore.) And my computer's been freaking out. Grr.But I got a My Chemical Romance shirt. I'm beyond happy about that.

Enough about the shit in my life. Sorry to dump that on you.

Have i ever pointed out how much I'm like Sarah. Totally based the character off of me. Except I don't have a hot football playing/ guitar player boyfriend :( Oh and I'm obsessed with Big Time Rush and Panic! at the Disco as well as My Chemical Romance. Ok so this is a long author's note.

One more thing before I go. I am desperately looking for a co writer for this new story. So message me or leave a comment if interested. Here's the link: Save You From Him
Oooh I just got an email. I gotta go check it.

Thanks to all who commented and subscribed. I love you guys :) <3