Status: active for now :) <3

I Think I Love You

Chapter 7

After the big surprise at lunch the rest of the day went pretty smoothly. Before I knew it school was out. All six of us had a free period for 5th period on an A day so when the bell rang we all scrambled out of our seats, snatched up our stuff, and ran out of the school.

"Ok gang. Who's up for the park today?" Sarah asked, bouncing up and down. Everybody but me agreed.

"Sorry guys. I have to go pick up my little brother then help finish unpacking." I said.

"Well why don't we all come with you and help you unpack your stuff and all and then go to the park?" Jocelynn asked. I slowly nodded.

"Just let me ask my brother." I said. They nodded and followed me toward Billy's truck that was sitting in the parking lot.

"Hey bro, would you mind my friends coming over?" I asked. Billy looked up.

"No little man not really. But are there enough seats in the truck?"

"Umm what if the two girls and Mickey sit in back? Then there's enough room for all of us and Joey." Billy slowly nodded.

Mickey and the girls walked to the back of the truck and jumped in. Then Seth and Tanner got in the back and squished together. Billy started the car and started the drive to Joey's school.

"So how was your first day?" Billy asked.

"Great. Hey Billy remember when Mom told me I couldn't go to the My Chemical Romance concert?"

Billy snorted. "How could I not. You were pleading and crying."

I blushed and Tanner and Seth laughed.

"Um if I unpackall my stuff tonight and get my room set up and do my chores and even help you take care of Joey, do you think she would let me go?"

Billy thought about it. "I don't know squirt. You'd have to ask her." I nodded.

Finally we got to Joey's school. Billy parked the truck and I got out to check on Mickey and the girls.

"Oh we're good back here." Jocelynn said. I nodded and climbed in the back with them to wait for Joey.

"So Trey. I never really got to ask where your from." Sarah started.

"Oh I'm from Oakland, California." I told her.

"Why'd you move here? it's pretty boring." Jocelynn asked.

"Umm I had a bullying problem at my old school." I answered.

"What kind of bullying problem?" Mickey asked.

I swallowed loudly. "They beat me up cause I- I'm g-g-gay. " I winced when I started stuttering.

They all looked mad. "Those assholes!" Sarah said. "If I ever see anyone pick on you for being gay then they are going down!" Let me tell you. There is nothing scarier then a little blue haired chick.

"Wait, your not mad I'm gay?" I asked, kinda scared. They all shook there heads no.

"Of course not. We don't hate gays. I mean Tanner is our friend." Mickey answered.

"Wait Tanner's gay?" I was shocked.

"Yea. I thought he made that pretty obvious. Maybe not though." Sarah said.

I was about to ask another question when the bell rang. Joey came running out of school. He looked around and saw me sitting in the back of the truck.

"Twey!!!! Twey!!!! Biwwy!!!!" he yelled running toward the truck. I laughed. He still couldn't say my name or Billy's right. He had trouble with Ls and Rs sometimes. He could say "cereal" and "lunch" but that's pretty much it.

"Joey stop!" I yelled and he skidded to a stop. I looked around the parking lot for cars and ran towards him and scooped him up in my arms.

"Hey bud. How was school?" I said.

"Good. We got to twow the baww around." He answered smiling.

"Did you throw the ball far?" I asked.

"Yep." He chirped. I started carrying him back to the truck after looking around for cars.

"Okay Joey. I got some friends in the truck. Be on your best behavior." I told him sternly.

"Okay Twey." He smiled.

When we got to the truck, Sarah, Mickey, and Jocelynn got out of the back to meet Joey. Both the girls awwed and told me he was cute. Mickey gave him a high five. Then they got back in the back and I opened the door and put Joey in his carseat next to Seth.

Seth and Tanner introduced themselves to him and talked to him a little as I got in the front seat.

"Hey Joey." Billy said, pulling out of the parking lot and heading home.

"Hi Biwwy. Awe we stiww unquacking?" He asked sweetly. I smiled at his unquacking comment.

"Yea. I'll help you unpack ok buddy?" Billy told him.

"Ok." The rest of the ride was filled with Joey telling me and Billy about his first day of school.

When we got home, Joey and Billy headed upstairs towards Joey's room and the rest of us went to my room.

"Wow sweet room you got." Tanner said.

"Thanks." I answered.

"Okay so what do we have to do?" asked Sarah.

"Umm how about we start with all the boxes." I told them.

So everyone kneeled by a box and started pulling stuff out and asking me where to put it. When I told them they carried it over there and started putting everything away. Within a few hours we had finished unpacking all my boxes and suitcases.

We tromped downstairs and I got everyone a snack and some soda. When we finished, I yelled at Billy that we were going to the park and we left.

I couldn't wait to see what happened there.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so I had to write another one cause now I can't sleep. Haha I've been listening to Avenue Q music. Funny songs haha.

Anywho next chapter will be the park. Can't wait.

Please review I love to hear from you guys :)