Status: I will update every 3 days if I can

My life is already a hell hole. Why did you have to show up and make it worse?

My life is already a hell hole. Why did you have to show up and make it worse? (chapter 2)

I arrived at my mothers job about 5 minutes later. Tears were still flowing and i tried wiping them away before i seen my mom.

I sat in the parking lot waiting for my mom to come out after i texted her.

God I was pissed. How could she do this to me?!

I seen my mom (Olga) Walk out happy. She had a smile on her face. I thought to myself 'how could she be smiling right now?'

I jumped out of the car with the letter in hand and stomped toward my mother.

"How the fuck can you do this to me?! Your fucking daughter?!"

"Language! Now tell me what your talking about? And shouldn't you be in school?"

I looked at her as if she was stupid.

"You made an agreement that I would marry this asshole?"

I handed the paper to her and waited until she finished reading the paper.

She looked as if she was about to get hit by a truck.

"Oh... That, well its a long story... We should talk about this when we get home."

"No! We are talking about this now. I'm not going to marry that fucking asshole! I'm only 17! I haven't lived yet. What do you expect me to do? Run away with Vincent, the guy that i hate with every fiber of my being, and MARRY him? You must be insane. Well... you did get with my dads BEST friend. You are insane."

"Don't you dare go there! I don't love Jason. You know that, I needed someone to help me raise you girls. And you will marry Vincent. You may not like him but you are going to learn to love him."

"By WHY mom. WHY did you do this to me?"

My eyes filled with tears. Which I hate. I'm not the type of girl to cry.I looked at her.

She sighed.

"I did it for you. You were going to die. You are my baby... My heart. You were sick, too sick for the doctors to do anything to help you. I couldn't lose you."

I blinked and felt a tear roll down.

" That's why you have that scar. You know, the scar on your neck"

I touched the scar on my neck that always felt cold. I shivered. I always felt different but now I think I can't get my answers.

"So what did he do to me to save my life? Why do I have that funny shaped scar? This doesn't make any fucking since."

My mom looked at me then looked away.

"All I can tell you is you almost died. They saved you. Now you have to marry Vincent Corpus. But I thought I had more time. I would have told you sooner, but it never came up."

"Oh.. yeah because its just going to come up in a regular conversion!"

I took in a shaky breath.

"What do you mean by they?"

"What do you mean?"

"You said 'they' saved me, who's they? and how did they save me?"

She pushed her lips together making the look white.

"I can't tell you. He'll tell you once he comes for you."

She said walking away from me.

I stared at her retreating figure.

What the hell makes that shit so secret? i went back to my car. Turned on my car and drove to my house.

I didn't feel like going to school. But for some reason I felt as if I had something awaiting me at home.