‹ Prequel: Gimme More
Status: I've put this as a sequel to Gimme More, but that's purely to establish the connection between the two.

Let Me Take Your Stress Away

This is the feature-length fanfiction, with chapters and everything.

The reason I'm posting both is because there's a slight difference between the one-shot "trailer", Gimme More, and this one. I don't like to copy things word for word; variety is the spice of life, you see.
  1. Chapter 1
    The Beginning.
  2. Chapter 2
    This chapter you may recognise...
  3. Chapter 3
    Enter the regular cameo. And, uh-oh, she's hyper...
  4. Chapter 4
    Love is always in the air.
  5. Chapter 5
    La Finale...