Status: .-.

When Did We Start Falling?

My free-fall begins.


Frank's P.O.V

I was walking around in a bright room, surrounded by white nothingness. I kept walking in what felt like forward, until I heard the sound of leaves crunching beneath my feet.

I suddenly appeared in what seemed to be a forest. I had the sudden erg to run. Letting my instincts take over, I began to run. In the blink of an eye, I ended up in a new location. An alley. I continued to run as I heard the sound of heavy footsteps apeared close behind.

I ran continually for what felt like hours and hours on the clock. It was then that I suddenly reach a safe location. School. Normally I would be running away from it, but knowing someone following me I went in willingly.

I quickly sprinted inside the building and I slammed into the school's badass, Gerard Way. My idol and crush, but I know he isn't gay. Even if he was, he would never get with me, Frank Iero, a dork.

"I'm sorry." I apologized quickly, my eyes glued to my battered chucks

"No, I'm sorry, it was my fault." He said trying to take the blame

"No really, it's my fault, I'm really clumsy" an awkward silence taking over. "I should head to class now." I added

"Hey, hey, wait Frank, don't go." Oh my God! He knows my name

"Umm.... yes?" I asked wondering if he wanted something

"I need to talk to you about something."


"Well, I think I might, sorta be in love with yo--"


Ugh! I can't believe I'm dreaming that Gerard was telling me that he loves me. I quickly jumped out my bed and changed in some Grey skinny jeans and a black Misfits shirt and a black hoodie. Since I live near the school, I got there by walking, but in a couple weeks I'm moving to a bigger house like 12 miles away. So, soon I'm going to have to either take the bus or just wake up earlier and still walk, seeing as I'm car-less.

As I was walking to school I saw Gerard driving in his car. I saw his car slow down and drive in close to the sidewalk, so that he was driving next to me. He rolled down his window

"Hey kid, your names Frank right?"

", why?"

"My brother-."

He pointed to Mikey Way, famous for looking hot in glasses. I won't lie he is good-looking, but Gerard is just perfect. He has raven black hair, pale porcelain skin, and beautiful hazel eyes.

"-Right?, huh I always wondered?" he said

"Oh! sorry could you repeat all that I dozed off." I said

"Oh, all I said was that my brother here always wondered if your name was Frank or not... anyways I know the school is close, but do you want a lift?"

"No, that's okay you don't have to I'm, um fine." I replied

"No, no we insist." said Mikey from the passenger seat.

"No, I couldn't-." Gerard stopped the car abruptly.

"Mikey, get him."

Was all Gerard said. Mikey opened his door came out opened the back seat door, came over to me covered my mouth with his hand and picked me up and put me in the backseat. I got scared and I started to wonder 'what the hell are they gonna do to me?!?'

Then everything went black.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay here is the rewritten version of chapter one. It's way longer than the original!