Status: .-.

When Did We Start Falling?

Impatience, Smiles, and Blushing


Frankie P.O.V

"Wakie, Wakie."

I heard a slightly familiar voice say. I partly opened one eye and saw through a thin slit of my eye, and saw that it was Gerard. I continued to pretend to be asleep.

"Wake up."I heard his voice getting impatient. Still I continued to pretend, wanting to see how much patience he has.

"WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!" He shouted. Well he's very impatient...

I opened my eyes and sat up suddenly, smiling.

"You mutherfucker! You were pretending the entire car ride!" he shouted, sounding pissed off.

"No I woke up when you said 'Wakie, wakie.'" I replied calmly.

His eyes softened when I said this. "Oh....sorry for shouting." He said sheepishly

"It's okay."

"We should get going."

He said with a open smile, his cute, tiny, skeleton teeth exposed. I started to blush at my thoughts. He chuckled.

"Either you just ran a mile or you're blushing!" He teased, my face immediately got warmer at his words.

"I am not blushing!" I denied, which made me blush even more.

"It's okay to blush." He said, reassuringly

"No, it's weird. Guys aren't suppose to blush!"

"Everybody's allowed to blush..."

"But I look so gay."

"No you don't... I think it's actually really cute--- I mean you know in.... a funny way..."

Then he ran out the car, and headed to the entrance of the school
♠ ♠ ♠
So sorry I haven't updated lately, my minds been off. And I'm sorry it's short but I have the next few chapters already typed out. :D


~Pansy XO