Status: .-.

When Did We Start Falling?

Suspensions, Texts, and Apologies


Gerard's POV

After my fight with Brad, I got cleaned up and got sent to the principal's office, after I finished talking to him I headed home because I got an out of school suspension. They didn't believe my story, the true one, but they believed Brad's story because he is a 'good smart student'. They don't know that he is really a stupid asshole.

I texted Mikey letting him know that I got suspended and that I was taking the car home.


Mikey's POV

I was in the middle of second period when I felt my phone start to vibrate, I took it out so I could read the message, it was Gerard:

GEE: Hey mikes im srry for not believing u bout bert but
i no he wont do sumthin like dat. oh i also got
suspended again im takin da car srry u need to
walk home :(

I wonder why he got suspended for now, it was the sixth one this year.

MIKES: Hi gee wat u got suspended 4? O_o

GEE: Fight

MIKES: O ok ttyl c u at home bye.

GEE: Bye

When school ended I went to look for Frank. I found him sitting on a bench. I went and approached him.

"Hey Frank." I chuckled when he jumped up surprised.

"Hi M-Mikey." He replied nervously.

"Calm down, you don't have to be so nervous, I actually came here too apologize."

"Apologize for what?"

"For man-handling you."


"You know, when I stuffed you into my brother's car."

"Oh that, its okay a lot of people do that to me, You know, bully's and stuff." He said casually


"Because I'm an easy target, I'm short, and I weigh so little."

"How tall are you. anyways?"

"Oh I'm 5'4" and one fourth."

"Damn, you are short, a girl's height actually..."

"I'm not short, you're just too tall....twig like actually."

"Whatever, you wanna come over to my house?


"You know, to hang out..."

"I know that, but you're the first person who has ever asked me to hang out with them." he said sadly

"Oh cool I'm first! So you wanna?"

"Won't you mom say anything?"

"Our parents are out of town."


"So you wanna?"

"Yeah!" His face lighting up like a child's on Christmas morning.
♠ ♠ ♠
Heh, I barely rewrote this, seeing as it's a filler and isn't as important. I losing hope in this shit of a story. I mean I've lost like almost all my readers. I only got 18 reader in the last chapter. Before I rewrote it I had like 50. What's wrong? Is it getting worse?


~Pansy Xo