Status: The story will take awhile, but it'll all be up eventually



Her house was only about a minute away from where we had been attacked. It was a small dark house in the middle of a circle of trees. She pushed open the door and we all went inside. The first thing I saw upon looking around was her living room. There were leather couches on all sides of the room (aside from the side of the room where the front door was), and there was a small table in the center of the room. She closed the door once we were all inside and dropped me on the couch. "Sit," she tilted her head towards the white-haired boy then to an empty couch.
He did what he was told, then looked oddly at the head stuck onto his arm.
"What the hell were you doing in the woods?" Annoyed, she asked the two of us.
I was trying to get us away from the Hidden Twilight village," he replied weakly.
The woman didn't seem to be listening, "you two are pretty weak aren't you?" She chuckled, "I'd expect more from two mutants."
"Mutants?" I growled under my breath.
The woman chuckled, "you're not exactly humans, so yes, mutants."
"I am not a mutant!"
She looked angry now, "haven't you noticed that no one around you has cat ears, or even a cat tail?"
"Don't they just hide it like I do?"
"You really are stupid. You don't have a clue as to what's been going on for decades do you?"
"How would I know something like that, I'm only ten years old," I grumbled.
She looked towards the white-haired boy, "you know all about it, don't you?"
He looked down, "I don't know much. Mom just told me that she was a born a human. She also told me that we had the ability to turn ourselves into a human form."
"Since you two are both so ignorant, I'll tell you about the world we live in." She sat on the edge of the table and crossed her legs. "First off, the seven beings known as the demons of sin. They all have powers that are extremely dangerous. Never pick a fight with them, you will die. And, there's only one way to prove that they are a demon of sin, and that is by finding the '666' located somewhere on their body."
My eyes shot open, "my dad and my older brother both have that mark!"
Her eyes narrowed, "what are their names?"
"My dad's name is Leviathan and my brother's name is Amon."
"I see, and did you happen to notice what their powers were?" the woman had taken out a notepad and was writing on it.
I thought for a moment, "nothing with my dad, but my brother's arm stretches."
"I see," she wrote something then put the notepad down. "The only thing left to explain now is about the mutants, like the two of you." The woman twirled a piece of her hair on her index finger. 1'twenty years ago, a group of scientists tried something on a large group of people, something sickening. Once they had gathered their test subjects, most who were only children, they injected all with the DNA of animals. Eventually the test subjects gained attributes of the animal. These mutants are not treated like humans anywhere in society." She looked towards me, "I'm going to guess that since you are only a child, your mother is mixed with a cat, am I right?"
"Yes," I nodded as I spoke.
"How does this apply to me?" The boy's head tilted.
"You're a Goliby aren't you?"
"That's right, he smiled lightly.
"That species didn't exist until this experiment," she chuckled. "It's sad really. The Goliby is a mixture between a human, a dog, a gerbil, and a prairie dog. The creature can change at will, unless given any form of permanent body damage," the woman pointed at his chest and then to his arm, "damages such as those. At least you're stuck as a human."
"So wait, you're actually my pet Luble, aren't you?" My eyes widened.
He smiled softly, "yes, of course I am Aoi."
Chuckling slightly, the woman replied, "kinky."
Both Luble and I said, "is not!"
"Who are you anyway and how do you know all of this?" I asked.
She smirked, "my name is Belial, and I'm an independent researcher for the military. My job is to find out all I can about the seven demons of sin. Thanks for your information."
"Yeah, sure," I replied hesitantly.
"So, why couldn't you move, little cat girl?"
Before replying, I sighed, "my brother dropped me from the sky."
Belial looked annoyed, "shouldn't you be dead?"
"I guess not."
She sighed, "what about your eye?"
"Luble took it out," I sighed again.
Belail turned to face Luble, "how cruel of you. So what did she do to you to deserve that?"
"Nothing!" He replied nervously, "she had the plague, and do I removed it from the source."
"Right," she laughed to herself, "I'll have to fix that too."
I gave her an odd look, "how can you fix that?"
"You'll see. Both of you just lay down and relax. I'll put you to sleep so that you don't feel a thing."
I was already laying down, so Luble was the only one to fall to the couch.
Belial took a syringe from the table and filled it with some sort of liquid. "Your pet will go first," she smirked towards me. She stood over Luble and then I couldn't see what happened next. But when she moved away from him, he looked as though he were in a peaceful sleep. Belial then grabbed the head attached to his arm and pried the mouth open forcefully enough that I heard the skull crack.
As I cringed, my ears lowered. "Why couldn't you just do that while he was awake?"
Her head shook as she chuckled under her breath, "if he would've moved even slightly, that could've been disastrous." Still not looking at me, she continued, "now all I need to do is clean his wounds, and stitch him together."
"Could you just put me to sleep? It's not something I want to see," my face showed a hint of disgust.
I'm not sure why, but this made her laugh. "Stupid cat. If it's really that bad for you then I'd be glad to knock you out. After all, you'll shut up after you're asleep."
"Don't call me stupid!" The fur on my ears and tail stood up.
Holding a needle in her hand, she flipped over my arm so that my palm was facing her. "Yeah, yeah. Hush time now you stupid cat," as she said this, she pushed the needle into my vein and emptied the liquid into my arm.
"Don't call me stu-"

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

"Where am I?" As I tried to look around the only thing I could see was complete darkness. It was so dark that I could not see my hand in front of my face. I also noticed that I couldn't feel any ground beneath my feet, like I was floating in air. "is anyone there? Hello! Belial, Luble?"
"Am I correct in assuming that Belial is the name of the woman who ended my life?" An angry voice penetrated the darkness.
"Who's there?" My voice was shaky. There was no response for a moment, but then suddenly, two bright lights flashed down, one on me, and one direct ahead of me. The person revealed under the light was someone I knew all too well. It was the man who had just recently attacked Luble and I. "Aren't you supposed to be dead? " I took a step back nervously.
The man barred his razor-sharp teeth at me.
"You're not going to try and kill me are you?" The fur on my tail stood straight up.
His expression showed intense anger, "I cannot kill you."
"What do you mean? I'm right here and no one seems to be here to defend me."
He formed tight fists, "it's because of that stupid woman, the one who killed me."
"As you can see, she's not here to protect me, so what's stopping you?" I hissed boldly.
The man took a step forward, "look around. Don't you know where we are?"
I looked around, then shook my head, "no, where are we?"
"You really are stupid aren't you?" He pointed towards his forehead, "we're in your mind, and I cannot kill you here."
"Why would I imagine you here?" I looked away, but gave him a disgusted look before I did.
"Stupid! You didn't imagine me. I am the real Teru Demown."
"I turned to face him quickly, "how can that actually be possible?"
"It would seem as though that woman Belial, has placed me in here, somehow."
"How is that even possible?" My eyes were wide.
Teru shrugged, "who knows. Technology these days."
"So I'm stuck with you for the rest of my life?"
"I don't like the situation any more than you do," he frowned, then took steps backwards until he and the other light disappeared.
There was a quick jab of pain to my stomach. Suddenly, the world around me changed, and I was back on Belial's couch. I looked up to see Belial sitting on my stomach. "G-get odd," words were between gasps.
Belial hoped off of me and landed on the floor. "Finally, you're both awake."
"Why is Teru in my head?" The room went silent.
"Who's Teru?" She shrugged off the question.
"He's that guy who you recently killed. I was just talking to him."
"Aoi, are you feeling okay?" Luble's head tilted.
"I'm fine. Belail?"
"Oh!" She smiled wide. "I put one of his eyes in where you once had an eye."
I shot up, "you did what!?" Wait…did I just sit up? "And am I moving again?"
Putting an experimental half-human's body part into and/or onto another human transfers the soul of the deceased into the host. It's something that the government just discovered. And also, it's top secret at this time, so keep what I just told you quiet."
"So, I can move because of him?"
"That's the idea. Oh, but this is also being tested. We don't know all of the details behind this, so I'll be keeping a close eye on you."
"It just seems like too much," I sighed.
She smiled lightly, "tell me, can you see out of his eye?"
"Yeah, I can see out of that eye really good actually. Also, everything just seems so much louder..and smellier."
"I see, I see. He must be a shark type." Belial scratched down some notes. "Perfect for fights. But then again, I couldn't see you two wimps doing anything like that."
"Actually," I looked towards Luble. "I want revenge."
"What revenge could a kid like you possibly want?" A giggle escaped, then she hid her smile.
"We were so badly injured because of multiple people. Teru has been taken care of, but my dad and my older brother are still out there. They destroyed the village, killed my mom, and almost killed the two of us. That's why I want revenge." No emotion in my face shown through as I waited for a reply.
"And you're sure you want to go through with this?"
I nodded, completely serious.
"What about you boy?"
"I'll do anything to protect Aoi. Of course I'll follow whatever decision she may make."
Belial sighed, "then follow me." She walked down a hallway, then stopped so that we could catch up with her. "The training room is this way. I'll make sure you're strong enough to take on anyone." She opened a door, on the other side was a set of descending stairs, As we went down them, we followed until we got to the bottom. All around us were all sorts of different training devices. "Welcome to Hell," there was a grin fully spread across her face. "Now, let's begin!"
♠ ♠ ♠
I posted these all on DA before here sooo yeah....
I'm actually almost done writing the story *laziness hit me*

if there are any spelling or grammatical errors let me know c:
kay thanks.