Better off as Lovers

We're throwing Stones in a Glass Room


Sopheap felt so bad. She stayed in her room and just thought about it. The next day was school. She didn’t want to go. In homeroom it was dreadful. Everyone kept calling her and Alex love birds. She didn’t say one word and couldn’t concentrate at all. She kept thinking about Brendon.

“Hey Sopheap” Alex said. Sopheap didn’t respond. She just looked at him.

“Sopheap what’s wrong?” Brianna said.
“Well I told Brendon” “and?”
“After I told him we kissed he hung up on me”
“I’m so sorry” She gave Sopheap a hug.
“It’s not your fault” Sopheap to her.
When she got home she called Brendon. Brendon didn’t pick up on purpose. His heart was broken.

“Brendon what’s wrong?” Ryan said to him.
“Don’t lie to me I know something’s bothering you”
“It’s Sopheap”
“you know that kid Alex?”
“The one that was like a couple years younger than us in high school”
“Yeah well he goes to Sopheap’s school and she kissed him?”
“How do you know?”
“Oh that’s why you were so sad after she called you yesterday. So what are you gonna do?”
“I dunno what I should do”

“Hey we have a new keyboard player”
“Really?” Brendon said.
“Yup and she is so hot”
“What, just telling you the truth”
“How hot?” Brendon said having an idea.
“Really hot” Ryan introduced her to the keyboard player.
“Maria, this is Brendon. Brendon this is Maria”
“hi nice to meet you” Brendon said to Maria. Maria just smiled at him. Brendon was thinking Sweet Revenge. “Brendon?”
“What are you thinking of?”
“Oh nothing Ry, oh nothing” Ryan knew exactly what he was thinking.

Ryan dialed Brianna’s number. She picked up.
“Hey babe”
“Oh Ry hi! So how’s Brendon?”
“He was sad but I think he’s got some ideas”
“Well we have a new keyboard player and she’s hot”
“Not hotter than you of course but, I think he’s gonna go out with her just cause what happened with Sopheap and Alex”
“Oh my god that’s so mean”
“I know but how’s Sopheap been lately?”
“She’s so torn up right now”
“I don’t think what’s happening now is gonna help her much”
“Nope, not one bit”
“well Ry, what do I tell her?”
“I don’t know!”
“I’ll talk to you later, Love you”
“Love you more” she hung up the phone.