Better off as Lovers

In Hotel Rooms, Collecting Page Six Lovers


Sopheap and Brianna went to go I party to get party stuff. Brianna went to call Ryan.
“Hey Ry?”
“Can you stall Brendon because me and Sopheap are getting party stuff”
“Ok bye”
“Bye” Sopheap and Brianna bought confetti and a whole bunch of balloons and party decoration.
“You think he’ll like it?” Sopheap said looking Brianna.
“Yeah he’ll love it” They drove back to the hotel and sneaked the bags in Brianna and Ryan’s room.
“Woo that was close” Sopheap said sighing. Brendon was with Spencer, Jon, and Ryan playing final fantasy.

Sopheap knocked on the door.
“We’re back” Sopheap said.
“Hi!” Brendon ran up to her and gave her a hug.
“Was a gone that long?”
“No but it seems like I haven’t seen you all day cause me and Ry were gone in the morning then you left with Brianna”
“Aww Brendon I missed you too” She kissed him.
“You guys are so inseparable!” Jon said looking at Spencer.
“Well he’s the best thing that has ever happened to me!” Sopheap said.

Brendon kissed Sopheap again. Ryan and Jon were making vomiting noise in the back.
“Come on I’m tired Ry let’s go to sleep” Brianna said.
“Bye and good night guys!” Ryan said.
“Brendon wanna go to bed too?” Sopheap suggested.
“Yeah why not” Brendon said. They went to bed and fell asleep right away.

Sopheap’s phone rang in the morning.
“She picked it up.
“Hello?” She said tiredly.
“Hi it’s Pete sorry to wake you up but come downstairs”
“Ok” Sopheap got up and yawned.
“Where you going?” Brendon said.
“I’ll be right back go back to sleep” She went downstairs.
“HI!” Pete said and gave her a hug.
“Hi, I look so bad right now”
“Do you think I should get my own room?”
“Yeah probably so Brendon won’t get suspicious” She walked with Pete into his room.
“Hey where’s Patrick and stuff?”
“Oh they said they’d come by later on, they were too sleepy” Sopheap laughed.
“Yesterday me and Bri went to get decorations”
“Cool, do you wanna go to the cake store and order his cake?”

Brianna woke up. And saw Brendon outside in the kitchen alone.
“Sopheap’s still sleeping?”
“No she went somewhere”
“I dunno her phone rang and then she left”
“Oh” Brianna called Sopheap.
“Sopheap! Where are you?”
“Oh Peter called me this morning and he told me to go downstairs then we decided to order Brendon’s cake”
“Oh poor Brendon he’s alone right now sitting on the kitchen table”
“really? Tell him I love him! Just tell him I went to get breakfast”
“Ok” Brianna hung up.
“I just talked to Sopheap she’s getting breakfast and she told me to tell you she loves you!” Brendon smiled.

“Ok so what kinda cake would Brendon like?” Sopheap asked Pete.
“I don’t know you’re dating the guy!”
“Well you guys have been friends longer so pick something!”
“Fine” Pete picked out an ice cream, half chocolate, half vanilla, cake that said ‘happy birthday Brendon’. It was huge.
“Can we have that one for Friday?” Pete said.
“Sure” She didn’t realize who she was talking to.
“Oh my god you’re Pete wentz from fall out boy!” The girl said.
“Yep that’s my name”
“You are like so so so hot!”
“Yeah people tell me that all the time” Pete said jokingly.
“Come on Peter, lets go!” Sopheap grabbed his arm and went to the car.

“We needa go get coffee or something cause I called Brianna and she told Brendon I was just getting breakfast.” Sopheap said.
“Ok” Pete drove to the nearest Dunkin Donuts.
“So who did you invite?” Sopheap said sipping her white chocolate.
“I invited all these different kind of bands”
“oh cool so it’s gonna be like all these famous people?”

Peter went in his room downstairs and Sopheap went upstairs. She opened the door and found Brendon sitting on the couch.

“Hey love” Sopheap said.
“Hi” Brendon smiled.
“What time is it?” Brendon looked at the clock.
“About 9:30 am”
“Jon and Spencer still asleep?”
“wow that’s a surprise!”
“They stayed up all night playing video games”
“Figures” Sopheap said not surprised at all. She sat down next to Brendon on the couch.
“So how’s my birthday boy?”
“I’m good”
“You’re turning 20 you’re not gonna be a teenager anymore”
“I know it feels so weird” He just looked at her.
“So who called you in the morning?”
“Oh that was just my mom”
“Oh cause you left your phone here and it said call from Peter Wentz”
“Yeah he called later and told me to tell you happy early birthday” Brendon wasn’t believing any of this. “Sopheap are you hiding anything from me?”
“No hun, I would never do that?”
“Tell me the truth”
“That was the truth” Brendon walked into his room; he was mad.

Brianna came outside.
“Hey” Brianna said.
“Ugh Brendon is mad”
“Because he thinks something’s going on between me and Peter”
“You know how I left in the morning, well I left my phone here and then it said call from peter wentz and he asked me who called and I told him it was my mom then he’s like your phone says peter wentz then he thinks I’m hiding something from him.”
“And I wasn’t supposed to tell him I was getting his cake!”
“I know but it’s better cause you won’t need to make any excuses when we decorate it today!”
“Yeah but still I can’t stand him being mad at me” She put a frown on her face.
“You’ll get over it!” Brianna said.
“Now let’s start decorating!” Sopheap grabbed the decoration and headed to Pete’s room.